Adding the rpmsg and remoteproc frameworks, together with
several bug fixes that were collected along the way.

Only basic functionality is available at this point (boot a remote
processor, possibly after configuring its iommu, and then be able to talk
with it).

And there's a small rpmsg driver sample that shows how easy it is
now to talk with a service running on a remote processor.

At this point only OMAP4 is supported, but support for other platforms
is coming soon too.

Note: the plat-omap device creation patch isn't merged yet because it depends
on CMA. As soon as CMA will make it to mainline, we'll merge that patch too.
rpmsg: depends on EXPERIMENTAL

There isn't any binary change in sight or evidence of any stability
issue, but as we just begin to get traction we can't rule them out

To be on the safe side, let's mark rpmsg as EXPERIMENTAL, and remove
it later on after we have several happy users.

Signed-off-by: Ohad Ben-Cohen <>
Cc: Stephen Boyd <>
Cc: Rob Clark <>
Cc: Mark Grosen <>
Cc: Ludovic BARRE <>
1 file changed