parisc architecture fixes for kernel v6.7-rc1 (part 2):

- Include upper 5 address bits of physical address in iitlbp
- Prevent booting 64-bit kernels on PA1.x machines
- parport-gsc: mark init function static
parisc: Prevent booting 64-bit kernels on PA1.x machines

Bail out early with error message when trying to boot a 64-bit kernel on
32-bit machines. This fixes the previous commit to include the check for
true 64-bit kernels as well.

Signed-off-by: Helge Deller <>
Fixes: 591d2108f3abc ("parisc: Add runtime check to prevent PA2.0 kernels on PA1.x machines")
Cc:  <> # v6.0+
1 file changed