blob: 7078011ee5c6af214c5f2ced3630cdd4d3e686c7 [file] [log] [blame]
; Modules common to all derivatives. Do not include modules in this list
; which have special section requirements (i.e. need to be in .init for
; some derivatives.)
%include "" ; getc et al
%include "" ; Console I/O
%include "" ; Initialize configuration
%include "" ; High-level config file handling
%include "" ; Low-level config file handling
%include "" ; Protected mode
%include "" ; 32-bit bcopy
%include "" ; Load a file into high memory
%include "" ; VGA font stuff
%include "" ; VGA graphics
%include "" ; High memory sizing
%include "" ; strcpy()
%include "" ; Idle handling
%include "" ; Auxillary Data Vector
%include "" ; Timer handling
; Note: the prefix section is included late, to avoid problems with some
; versions of NASM that had issues with forward references to EQU symbols.
%include "" ; Prefix section for prepcore