blob: f9caf8d9a4feba1bc7135041867359d1612a6b12 [file] [log] [blame]
* Etherboot routines for PCBIOS firmware.
* Body of routines taken from old pcbios.S
#include <gpxe/init.h>
#include <gpxe/timer.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <realmode.h>
#include <bios.h>
#include <bits/timer2.h>
/* A bit faster actually, but we don't care. */
* Use direct memory access to BIOS variables, longword 0040:006C (ticks
* today) and byte 0040:0070 (midnight crossover flag) instead of calling
* timeofday BIOS interrupt.
static tick_t bios_currticks ( void ) {
static int days = 0;
uint32_t ticks;
uint8_t midnight;
/* Re-enable interrupts so that the timer interrupt can occur */
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "sti\n\t"
"cli\n\t" ) : : );
get_real ( ticks, BDA_SEG, 0x006c );
get_real ( midnight, BDA_SEG, 0x0070 );
if ( midnight ) {
midnight = 0;
put_real ( midnight, BDA_SEG, 0x0070 );
days += 0x1800b0;
return ( (days + ticks) * (USECS_IN_SEC / TIMER2_TICKS_PER_SEC) );
static int bios_ts_init(void)
DBG("BIOS timer installed\n");
return 0;
struct timer bios_ts __timer ( 02 ) = {
.init = bios_ts_init,
.udelay = i386_timer2_udelay,
.currticks = bios_currticks,