blob: b6255a68d424d8648f0912db1c7ed679d4e0d244 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- sh -*- */
* Linker script for EFI images
EXTERN ( efi_entry )
/* The file starts at a virtual address of zero, and sections are
* contiguous. Each section is aligned to at least _max_align,
* which defaults to 32. Load addresses are equal to virtual
* addresses.
. = 0;
PROVIDE ( _max_align = 32 );
* The prefix
.prefix : {
_prefix = .;
_mprefix = .;
} .bss.prefix (NOLOAD) : {
_eprefix = .;
_prefix_filesz = ABSOLUTE ( _mprefix - _prefix );
_prefix_memsz = ABSOLUTE ( _eprefix - _prefix );
* The text section
. = ALIGN ( _max_align );
.text : {
_text = .;
_mtext = .;
} .bss.text (NOLOAD) : {
_etext = .;
_text_filesz = ABSOLUTE ( _mtext - _text );
_text_memsz = ABSOLUTE ( _etext - _text );
* The rodata section
. = ALIGN ( _max_align );
.rodata : {
_rodata = .;
_mrodata = .;
} .bss.rodata (NOLOAD) : {
_erodata = .;
_rodata_filesz = ABSOLUTE ( _mrodata - _rodata );
_rodata_memsz = ABSOLUTE ( _erodata - _rodata );
* The data section
. = ALIGN ( _max_align );
.data : {
_data = .;
*(SORT(.tbl.*)) /* Various tables. See include/tables.h */
/* EFI seems to not support proper bss sections */
_mdata = .;
} (NOLOAD) : {
_edata = .;
_data_filesz = ABSOLUTE ( _mdata - _data );
_data_memsz = ABSOLUTE ( _edata - _data );
* The bss section
. = ALIGN ( _max_align );
.bss : {
_bss = .;
/* EFI seems to not support proper bss sections */
_mbss = .;
} .bss.bss (NOLOAD) : {
_ebss = .;
_bss_filesz = ABSOLUTE ( _mbss - _bss );
_bss_memsz = ABSOLUTE ( _ebss - _bss );
* The reloc section
. = ALIGN ( _max_align );
.reloc : {
_reloc = .;
/* Provide some dummy contents to force ld to include this
* section. It will be created by the efilink utility.
. += 1;
_mreloc = .;
} .bss.reloc (NOLOAD) : {
_ereloc = .;
_reloc_filesz = ABSOLUTE ( _mreloc - _reloc );
_reloc_memsz = ABSOLUTE ( _ereloc - _reloc );
_filesz = ABSOLUTE ( . );
* Weak symbols that need zero values if not otherwise defined
.weak 0x0 : {
_weak = .;
_eweak = .;
_assert = ASSERT ( ( _weak == _eweak ), ".weak is non-zero length" );
* Dispose of the comment and note sections to make the link map
* easier to read
* Load address calculations.
_prefix_lma = ABSOLUTE ( _prefix );
_text_lma = ABSOLUTE ( _text );
_rodata_lma = ABSOLUTE ( _rodata );
_data_lma = ABSOLUTE ( _data );
_bss_lma = ABSOLUTE ( _bss );
_reloc_lma = ABSOLUTE ( _reloc );
* Load addresses required by the prefix
efi_entry_lma = ABSOLUTE ( efi_entry );
debugdir_lma = ABSOLUTE ( debugdir );
codeview_rsds_lma = ABSOLUTE ( codeview_rsds );