blob: e21f4a901dfa06aa66af5988f844c6caf43d471d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <bfd.h>
struct bfd_file {
bfd *bfd;
asymbol **symtab;
long symcount;
struct pe_relocs {
struct pe_relocs *next;
unsigned long start_rva;
unsigned int used_relocs;
unsigned int total_relocs;
uint16_t *relocs;
* Allocate memory
* @v len Length of memory to allocate
* @ret ptr Pointer to allocated memory
static void * xmalloc ( size_t len ) {
void *ptr;
ptr = malloc ( len );
if ( ! ptr ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Could not allocate %zd bytes\n", len );
exit ( 1 );
return ptr;
* Generate entry in PE relocation table
* @v pe_reltab PE relocation table
* @v rva RVA
* @v size Size of relocation entry
static void generate_pe_reloc ( struct pe_relocs **pe_reltab,
unsigned long rva, size_t size ) {
unsigned long start_rva;
uint16_t reloc;
struct pe_relocs *pe_rel;
uint16_t *relocs;
/* Construct */
start_rva = ( rva & ~0xfff );
reloc = ( rva & 0xfff );
switch ( size ) {
case 4:
reloc |= 0x3000;
case 2:
reloc |= 0x2000;
fprintf ( stderr, "Unsupported relocation size %zd\n", size );
exit ( 1 );
/* Locate or create PE relocation table */
for ( pe_rel = *pe_reltab ; pe_rel ; pe_rel = pe_rel->next ) {
if ( pe_rel->start_rva == start_rva )
if ( ! pe_rel ) {
pe_rel = xmalloc ( sizeof ( *pe_rel ) );
memset ( pe_rel, 0, sizeof ( *pe_rel ) );
pe_rel->next = *pe_reltab;
*pe_reltab = pe_rel;
pe_rel->start_rva = start_rva;
/* Expand relocation list if necessary */
if ( pe_rel->used_relocs < pe_rel->total_relocs ) {
relocs = pe_rel->relocs;
} else {
pe_rel->total_relocs = ( pe_rel->total_relocs ?
( pe_rel->total_relocs * 2 ) : 256 );
relocs = xmalloc ( pe_rel->total_relocs *
sizeof ( pe_rel->relocs[0] ) );
memset ( relocs, 0,
pe_rel->total_relocs * sizeof ( pe_rel->relocs[0] ) );
memcpy ( relocs, pe_rel->relocs,
pe_rel->used_relocs * sizeof ( pe_rel->relocs[0] ) );
free ( pe_rel->relocs );
pe_rel->relocs = relocs;
/* Store relocation */
pe_rel->relocs[ pe_rel->used_relocs++ ] = reloc;
* Calculate size of binary PE relocation table
* @v pe_reltab PE relocation table
* @v buffer Buffer to contain binary table, or NULL
* @ret size Size of binary table
static size_t output_pe_reltab ( struct pe_relocs *pe_reltab,
void *buffer ) {
struct pe_relocs *pe_rel;
unsigned int num_relocs;
size_t size;
size_t total_size = 0;
for ( pe_rel = pe_reltab ; pe_rel ; pe_rel = pe_rel->next ) {
num_relocs = ( ( pe_rel->used_relocs + 1 ) & ~1 );
size = ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) /* VirtualAddress */ +
sizeof ( uint32_t ) /* SizeOfBlock */ +
( num_relocs * sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) );
if ( buffer ) {
*( (uint32_t *) ( buffer + total_size + 0 ) )
= pe_rel->start_rva;
*( (uint32_t *) ( buffer + total_size + 4 ) ) = size;
memcpy ( ( buffer + total_size + 8 ), pe_rel->relocs,
( num_relocs * sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) );
total_size += size;
return total_size;
* Read symbol table
* @v bfd BFD file
static void read_symtab ( struct bfd_file *bfd ) {
long symtab_size;
/* Get symbol table size */
symtab_size = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound ( bfd->bfd );
if ( symtab_size < 0 ) {
bfd_perror ( "Could not get symbol table upper bound" );
exit ( 1 );
/* Allocate and read symbol table */
bfd->symtab = xmalloc ( symtab_size );
bfd->symcount = bfd_canonicalize_symtab ( bfd->bfd, bfd->symtab );
if ( bfd->symcount < 0 ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot read symbol table" );
exit ( 1 );
* Read relocation table
* @v bfd BFD file
* @v section Section
* @v symtab Symbol table
* @ret reltab Relocation table
static arelent ** read_reltab ( struct bfd_file *bfd, asection *section ) {
long reltab_size;
arelent **reltab;
long numrels;
/* Get relocation table size */
reltab_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound ( bfd->bfd, section );
if ( reltab_size < 0 ) {
bfd_perror ( "Could not get relocation table upper bound" );
exit ( 1 );
/* Allocate and read relocation table */
reltab = xmalloc ( reltab_size );
numrels = bfd_canonicalize_reloc ( bfd->bfd, section, reltab,
bfd->symtab );
if ( numrels < 0 ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot read relocation table" );
exit ( 1 );
return reltab;
* Open input BFD file
* @v filename File name
* @ret ibfd BFD file
static struct bfd_file * open_input_bfd ( const char *filename ) {
struct bfd_file *ibfd;
/* Create BFD file */
ibfd = xmalloc ( sizeof ( *ibfd ) );
memset ( ibfd, 0, sizeof ( *ibfd ) );
/* Open the file */
ibfd->bfd = bfd_openr ( filename, NULL );
if ( ! ibfd->bfd ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Cannot open %s: ", filename );
bfd_perror ( NULL );
exit ( 1 );
/* The call to bfd_check_format() must be present, otherwise
* we get a segfault from later BFD calls.
if ( bfd_check_format ( ibfd->bfd, bfd_object ) < 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s is not an object file\n", filename );
exit ( 1 );
/* Read symbols and relocation entries */
read_symtab ( ibfd );
return ibfd;
* Open output BFD file
* @v filename File name
* @v ibfd Input BFD file
* @ret obfd BFD file
static struct bfd_file * open_output_bfd ( const char *filename,
struct bfd_file *ibfd ) {
struct bfd_file *obfd;
asection *isection;
asection *osection;
* Most of this code is based on what objcopy.c does.
/* Create BFD file */
obfd = xmalloc ( sizeof ( *obfd ) );
memset ( obfd, 0, sizeof ( *obfd ) );
/* Open the file */
obfd->bfd = bfd_openw ( filename, ibfd->bfd->xvec->name );
if ( ! obfd->bfd ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Cannot open %s: ", filename );
bfd_perror ( NULL );
exit ( 1 );
/* Copy per-file data */
if ( ! bfd_set_arch_mach ( obfd->bfd, bfd_get_arch ( ibfd->bfd ),
bfd_get_mach ( ibfd->bfd ) ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot copy architecture" );
exit ( 1 );
if ( ! bfd_set_format ( obfd->bfd, bfd_get_format ( ibfd->bfd ) ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot copy format" );
exit ( 1 );
if ( ! bfd_copy_private_header_data ( ibfd->bfd, obfd->bfd ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot copy private header data" );
exit ( 1 );
/* Create sections */
for ( isection = ibfd->bfd->sections ; isection ;
isection = isection->next ) {
osection = bfd_make_section_anyway ( obfd->bfd,
isection->name );
if ( ! osection ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot create section" );
exit ( 1 );
if ( ! bfd_set_section_flags ( obfd->bfd, osection,
isection->flags ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot copy section flags" );
exit ( 1 );
if ( ! bfd_set_section_size ( obfd->bfd, osection,
bfd_section_size ( ibfd->bfd, isection ) ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot copy section size" );
exit ( 1 );
if ( ! bfd_set_section_vma ( obfd->bfd, osection,
bfd_section_vma ( ibfd->bfd, isection ) ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot copy section VMA" );
exit ( 1 );
osection->lma = bfd_section_lma ( ibfd->bfd, isection );
if ( ! bfd_set_section_alignment ( obfd->bfd, osection,
bfd_section_alignment ( ibfd->bfd, isection ) ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot copy section alignment" );
exit ( 1 );
osection->entsize = isection->entsize;
isection->output_section = osection;
isection->output_offset = 0;
if ( ! bfd_copy_private_section_data ( ibfd->bfd, isection,
obfd->bfd, osection ) ){
bfd_perror ( "Cannot copy section private data" );
exit ( 1 );
/* Copy symbol table */
bfd_set_symtab ( obfd->bfd, ibfd->symtab, ibfd->symcount );
obfd->symtab = ibfd->symtab;
return obfd;
* Copy section from input BFD file to output BFD file
* @v obfd Output BFD file
* @v ibfd Input BFD file
* @v section Section
static void copy_bfd_section ( struct bfd_file *obfd, struct bfd_file *ibfd,
asection *isection ) {
size_t size;
void *buf;
arelent **reltab;
arelent **rel;
char *errmsg;
/* Read in original section */
size = bfd_section_size ( ibfd->bfd, isection );
if ( ! size )
buf = xmalloc ( size );
if ( ( ! bfd_get_section_contents ( ibfd->bfd, isection,
buf, 0, size ) ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Cannot read section %s: ", isection->name );
bfd_perror ( NULL );
exit ( 1 );
/* Perform relocations. We do this here, rather than letting
* ld do it for us when creating the input ELF file, so that
* we can change symbol values as a result of having created
* the .reloc section.
reltab = read_reltab ( ibfd, isection );
for ( rel = reltab ; *rel ; rel++ ) {
bfd_perform_relocation ( ibfd->bfd, *rel, buf, isection,
NULL, &errmsg );
free ( reltab );
/* Write out modified section */
if ( ( ! bfd_set_section_contents ( obfd->bfd,
buf, 0, size ) ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Cannot write section %s: ",
isection->output_section->name );
bfd_perror ( NULL );
exit ( 1 );
free ( buf );
* Process relocation record
* @v section Section
* @v rel Relocation entry
* @v pe_reltab PE relocation table to fill in
static void process_reloc ( asection *section, arelent *rel,
struct pe_relocs **pe_reltab ) {
reloc_howto_type *howto = rel->howto;
asymbol *sym = *(rel->sym_ptr_ptr);
unsigned long offset = ( section->lma + rel->address );
if ( bfd_is_abs_section ( sym->section ) ) {
/* Skip absolute symbols; the symbol value won't
* change when the object is loaded.
} else if ( strcmp ( howto->name, "R_386_32" ) == 0 ) {
/* Generate a 4-byte PE relocation */
generate_pe_reloc ( pe_reltab, offset, 4 );
} else if ( strcmp ( howto->name, "R_386_16" ) == 0 ) {
/* Generate a 2-byte PE relocation */
generate_pe_reloc ( pe_reltab, offset, 2 );
} else if ( strcmp ( howto->name, "R_386_PC32" ) == 0 ) {
/* Skip PC-relative relocations; all relative offsets
* remain unaltered when the object is loaded.
} else {
fprintf ( stderr, "Unrecognised relocation type %s\n",
howto->name );
exit ( 1 );
* Create .reloc section
* obfd Output BFD file
* section .reloc section in output file
* pe_reltab PE relocation table
static void create_reloc_section ( struct bfd_file *obfd, asection *section,
struct pe_relocs *pe_reltab ) {
size_t raw_size;
size_t size;
size_t old_size;
void *buf;
asymbol **sym;
/* Build binary PE relocation table */
raw_size = output_pe_reltab ( pe_reltab, NULL );
size = ( ( raw_size + 31 ) & ~31 );
buf = xmalloc ( size );
memset ( buf, 0, size );
output_pe_reltab ( pe_reltab, buf );
/* Write .reloc section */
old_size = bfd_section_size ( obfd->bfd, section );
if ( ! bfd_set_section_size ( obfd->bfd, section, size ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot resize .reloc section" );
exit ( 1 );
if ( ! bfd_set_section_contents ( obfd->bfd, section,
buf, 0, size ) ) {
bfd_perror ( "Cannot set .reloc section contents" );
exit ( 1 );
/* Update symbols pertaining to the relocation directory */
for ( sym = obfd->symtab ; *sym ; sym++ ) {
if ( strcmp ( (*sym)->name, "_reloc_memsz" ) == 0 ) {
(*sym)->value = size;
} else if ( strcmp ( (*sym)->name, "_reloc_filesz" ) == 0 ){
(*sym)->value = raw_size;
} else if ( strcmp ( (*sym)->name, "_filesz" ) == 0 ) {
(*sym)->value += ( size - old_size );
int main ( int argc, const char *argv[] ) {
const char *iname;
const char *oname;
struct bfd_file *ibfd;
struct bfd_file *obfd;
asection *section;
arelent **reltab;
arelent **rel;
struct pe_relocs *pe_reltab = NULL;
asection *reloc_section;
/* Initialise libbfd */
/* Identify intput and output files */
if ( argc != 3 ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Syntax: %s infile outfile\n", argv[0] );
exit ( 1 );
iname = argv[1];
oname = argv[2];
/* Open BFD files */
ibfd = open_input_bfd ( iname );
obfd = open_output_bfd ( oname, ibfd );
/* Process relocations in all sections */
for ( section = ibfd->bfd->sections ; section ;
section = section->next ) {
reltab = read_reltab ( ibfd, section );
for ( rel = reltab ; *rel ; rel++ ) {
process_reloc ( section, *rel, &pe_reltab );
free ( reltab );
/* Create modified .reloc section */
reloc_section = bfd_get_section_by_name ( obfd->bfd, ".reloc" );
if ( ! reloc_section ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Cannot find .reloc section\n" );
exit ( 1 );
create_reloc_section ( obfd, reloc_section, pe_reltab );
/* Copy other section contents */
for ( section = ibfd->bfd->sections ; section ;
section = section->next ) {
if ( section->output_section != reloc_section )
copy_bfd_section ( obfd, ibfd, section );
/* Write out files and clean up */
bfd_close ( obfd->bfd );
bfd_close ( ibfd->bfd );
return 0;