blob: 23e8096c2cd03b2e41b45835f3511676b0e0ba04 [file] [log] [blame]
sparse - extra options for developers
``tools`` [`options`]... `file.c``
This file is a complement of sparse's man page meant to
document options only useful for development on sparse itself.
.. option:: -fdump-ir=pass,[pass]
Dump the IR at each of the given passes.
The passes currently understood are:
* ``linearize``
* ``mem2reg``
* ``final``
The default pass is ``linearize``.
.. option:: -f<name-of-the-pass>[-disable|-enable|=last]
If ``=last`` is used, all passes after the specified one are disabled.
By default all passes are enabled.
The passes currently understood are:
* ``linearize`` (can't be disabled)
* ``mem2reg``
* ``optim``
.. option:: -vcompound
Print all compound global data symbols with their sizes and alignment.
.. option:: -vdead
Add ``OP_DEATHNOTE`` annotations to dead pseudos.
.. option:: -vdomtree
Dump the dominance tree after its calculation.
.. option:: -ventry
Dump the IR after all optimization passes.
.. option:: -vpostorder
Dump the reverse postorder traversal of the CFG.