blob: bb2ba6e105919ca87bdca9b727c38c2d1090d6e8 [file] [log] [blame]
Encrypted email using ReMail
Remail was written to sidestep the hard-to-solve problem of sending
encrypted mail to multiple people, some of whom may prefer to use GnuPG,
some PGP from Symantec, while others use S/MIME from corporate-issued
CAs that are not in universal CA trust stores.
Remail accepts both S/MIME and PGP-encrypted email sent to a single
address, decrypts it on the back-end, and then re-encrypts it to
individual list subscribers using whichever is their preferred scheme
for exchanging encrypted email.
For more information on this project, please see the `official Remail
git repository`_.
.. _`official Remail git repository`:
Remail at
-------------------- uses remail for discussions that need to happen around
coordinated response to embargoed security vulnerabilities. The service
itself runs on a dedicated VM inside a private cloud cluster that has no
direct access from the Internet -- it can only be accessed via the VPN
used by IT operations personnel. Any administrative access to that
internal remail system requires 2-factor authentication. Any off-site
backups performed on that system are PGP-encrypted with a unique
symmetric key before they are uploaded to external storage.
For transparency purposes, conversations exchanged between parties using
encrypted email are logged on the internal remail system in order to
provide a sanitized public discussion archive once embargoes are lifted.
Requesting a remail list
If you would like to request your own remail list, please contact