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Reporting man-pages bugs
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<h1>Reporting <em>man-pages</em> bugs</h1>
<font size="+1" color="#800000">
If, rather than a documentation bug,
you think you've found a bug in a system call
(i.e., in the Linux kernel),
or in a library function (i.e., in glibc), look
<a href="reporting_code_bugs.html">here</a>.
<font size="+1" color="#800000">
If you want to report a bug for a man
page that belongs to a package
other than <em>man-pages</em>, look
<a href="man_pages_other.html">here</a>.
<strong>When making a bug report please:
Check that the bug is present in the latest version of the man pages.
To do this, you can either
<a href="">download</a>
the latest version of the <em>man-pages</em> tarball,
or look in the
<a href="">online manual
Alternatively, you can
<a href="download.html">clone</a>
the current version of the Git repository
and check if the bug is present.
Note the name and release of the distribution that you are using.
This information is useful because some distributions apply
patches to the <em>man-pages</em> package, and it may be
that your bug report relates to text that is part of
a downstream change.
Report <em>logically</em> separate bugs (even for the same page) as
separate reports.
This makes it possible to respond to the bugs in
separate pieces.
<strong>The way to report a <em>man-pages</em> bug</strong>
depends on the type of bug:
Simple one-line or two-line errors (typos, spelling, grammar, etc.),
or HTML rendering problems in the
<a href="">online pages</a>
can be reported by sending an email message to
<span class="email"></span>
(Please do <strong>not</strong> CC my
<span class="email"></span> email address.)
and CC
<span class="email"></span>
(<a href="linux-man-ml.html"><em>no HTML mail please</em></a>),
<strong>Please do not report such bugs
via the bugzilla.</strong>
Doing so creates unnecessary bugzilla administrative overhead.
For a more complex problem or error,
if you know how to fix it, then, ideally,
<a href="patches.html">send a patch</a>.
If you believe there is a problem with a page,
but don't know how to fix it,
then there are two ways to report the bug:
Raise a bug report under the <em>man-pages</em> component of the
<span class="pathname"></span>
<a href="">bugzilla</a>.
Doing <strong>this is the preferred mechanism</strong>,
especially for difficult problems.
You will need to create an account on this bugzilla if you
don't already have one.
This bugzilla is oriented toward Linux kernel bugs,
so includes template text that is not relevant for most
<em>man-pages</em> bug reports.
Don't worry about reporting the
<em>Alias</em>, or
<em>Kernel Version</em> (just specify "n/a"),
and you can ignore the template text under <em>Description</em>.
The list of unresolved bugs in in the bugzilla can be seen
<a href="">here</a>.
Send a message to
<span class="email"></span>
and CC
<span class="email"></span>.
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