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What version of man-pages do I have?
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<h1>What version of <em>man-pages</em> do I have?</h1>
When making bug reports,
please specify what version of <em>man-pages</em> you are using.
(To make my life easier still, you could
<a href="">download</a>
the latest version of the <em>man-pages</em> tarball,
or look in the
<a href="">online pages</a>
and check if the bug is still present.)
Since <em>man-pages-2.69</em>, you can see what version of
<em>man-pages</em> a page comes from by looking in the COLOPHON
section at the end of the page.
If your system has an older version of
<em>man-pages</em> then you can determine the version as
described below.
By way of example, here's how to find the version of
<em>man-pages</em> containing the
<span class="man-page">chown(2)</span>
man page.
<h3>RPM-based distributions</h3>
On an RPM-based distribution (e.g., SUSE, Red Hat, Mandriva),
use the following:
<pre class="shell">
$ <strong>rpm -qf $(man -w </strong><em>&lt;section&gt; &lt;page-name&gt;</em><strong>)</strong>
For example:
<pre class="shell">
$ <strong>rpm -qf $(man -w 2 chown)</strong>
If you do not see the string "man-pages" in the output,
then the page you are looking at is not part of <em>man-pages</em>,
and you need to look
<a href="man_pages_other.html">here</a>.
<h3>Debian-based distributions</h3>
On a Debian-based distribution (e.g., Debian, Knoppix, Ubuntu), we can use
<span class="cmd">dpkg</span> command:
<pre class="shell">
$ <strong>dpkg -S $(man -w </strong><em>&lt;section&gt; &lt;page-name&gt;</em><strong>)</strong>
This should print a line that contains the string "manpages" or "manpages-dev".
If it does not, then you need to look
<a href="man_pages_other.html">here</a>.
The <span class="cmd">dpkg -p</span> command can then be used
to find out the upstream version of <em>man-pages</em> from which the
Debian "manpages" or "manpages-dev" package has been taken.
For example:
<pre class="shell">
$ <strong>dpkg -S $(man -w 2 chown)</strong>
manpages-dev: /usr/share/man/man2/chown.2.gz
$ <strong>dpkg -p manpages-dev | grep Version</strong>
Version: 2.39-1
On Gentoo, we can use the
<span class="cmd">equery belongs</span>
command to do similar:
<pre class="shell">
$ <strong>equery belongs $(man -w </strong><em>&lt;section&gt; &lt;page-name&gt;</em><strong>)</strong>
For example:
<pre class="shell">
$ <strong>equery belongs $(man -w 2 chown)</strong>
If you do not see the string "man-pages" in the output,
then the page you are looking at is not part of <em>man-pages</em>,
and you need to look
<a href="man_pages_other.html">here</a>.
<h3>Other distributions</h3>
(FIXME: add instructions for doing the equivalent of the above on
distributions that use other schemes.)
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