blob: f3b3eba3a8f6457efe1372e761e5053ac7a3801a [file] [log] [blame]
# rpmrc.template
# Template to fudge rpm directory structure inside IRIX-like build
# environment
# topdir == $(WORKAREA)
topdir: %topdir%
# Following directories are specific to the topdir
# This is where build is done. In out case it's the same as $WORKAREA
# Be careful not to run full rpm build as it will override the sources
builddir: %topdir%
# This is where foo.1.99.tar.gz is living in the real world.
sourcedir: %topdir%/build
# This is where binary RPM and source RPM would end up
rpmdir: %topdir%/build/rpm
srcrpmdir: %topdir%/build/rpm
specdir: %topdir%/build/rpm
# Leave RPM files in the same directory - we're not building for
# multiple architectures
rpmfilename: %{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}.rpm