blob: 508a9ddf4dd9ee1afbd8037fd9af79433f3f9c80 [file] [log] [blame]
== Reference Count B+tree
This data structure is under construction! Details may change.
To support the sharing of file data blocks (reflink), each allocation group has
its own reference count B+tree, which grows in the allocated space like the
inode B+trees. This data could be gleaned by performing an interval query of
the reverse-mapping B+tree, but doing so would come at a huge performance
penalty. Therefore, this data structure is a cache of computable information.
This B+tree is only present if the +XFS_SB_FEAT_RO_COMPAT_REFLINK+
feature is enabled. The feature requires a version 5 filesystem.
Each record in the reference count B+tree has the following structure:
[source, c]
struct xfs_refcount_rec {
__be32 rc_startblock;
__be32 rc_blockcount;
__be32 rc_refcount;
AG block number of this record. The high bit is set for all records
referring to an extent that is being used to stage a copy on write
operation. This reduces recovery time during mount operations. The
reference count of these staging events must only be 1.
The length of this extent.
Number of mappings of this filesystem extent.
Node pointers are an AG relative block pointer:
[source, c]
struct xfs_refcount_key {
__be32 rc_startblock;
* As the reference counting is AG relative, all the block numbers are only
* The +bb_magic+ value is "R3FC" (0x52334643).
* The +xfs_btree_sblock_t+ header is used for intermediate B+tree node as well
as the leaves.
=== xfs_db refcntbt Example
For this example, an XFS filesystem was populated with a root filesystem and
a deduplication program was run to create shared blocks:
xfs_db> agf 0
xfs_db> addr refcntroot
xfs_db> p
magic = 0x52334643
level = 1
numrecs = 6
leftsib = null
rightsib = null
bno = 36892
lsn = 0x200004ec2
uuid = f1f89746-e00b-49c9-96b3-ecef0f2f14ae
owner = 0
crc = 0x75f35128 (correct)
keys[1-6] = [startblock] 1:[14] 2:[65633] 3:[65780] 4:[94571] 5:[117201] 6:[152442]
ptrs[1-6] = 1:7 2:25836 3:25835 4:18447 5:18445 6:18449
xfs_db> addr ptrs[3]
xfs_db> p
magic = 0x52334643
level = 0
numrecs = 80
leftsib = 25836
rightsib = 18447
bno = 51670
lsn = 0x200004ec2
uuid = f1f89746-e00b-49c9-96b3-ecef0f2f14ae
owner = 0
crc = 0xc3962813 (correct)
recs[1-80] = [startblock,blockcount,refcount,cowflag]
1:[65780,1,2,0] 2:[65781,1,3,0] 3:[65785,2,2,0] 4:[66640,1,2,0]
5:[69602,4,2,0] 6:[72256,16,2,0] 7:[72871,4,2,0] 8:[72879,20,2,0]
9:[73395,4,2,0] 10:[75063,4,2,0] 11:[79093,4,2,0] 12:[86344,16,2,0]
Notice record 80. The copy on write flag is set and the reference count is
1, which indicates that the extent 35,235 - 35,244 are being used to stage a
copy on write activity. The "cowflag" field is the high bit of rc_startblock.
Record 6 in the reference count B+tree for AG 0 indicates that the AG extent
starting at block 72,256 and running for 16 blocks has a reference count of 2.
This means that there are two files sharing the block:
xfs_db> blockget -n
xfs_db> fsblock 72256
xfs_db> blockuse
block 72256 (0/72256) type rldata inode 25169197
The blockuse type changes to ``rldata'' to indicate that the block is shared
data. Unfortunately, blockuse only tells us about one block owner. If we
happen to have enabled the reverse-mapping B+tree, we can use it to find all
inodes that own this block:
xfs_db> agf 0
xfs_db> addr rmaproot
xfs_db> addr ptrs[3]
xfs_db> addr ptrs[7]
xfs_db> p
magic = 0x524d4233
level = 0
numrecs = 22
leftsib = 65057
rightsib = 65058
bno = 291478
lsn = 0x200004ec2
uuid = f1f89746-e00b-49c9-96b3-ecef0f2f14ae
owner = 0
crc = 0xed7da3f7 (correct)
recs[1-22] = [startblock,blockcount,owner,offset,extentflag,attrfork,bmbtblock]
1:[68957,8,3201,0,0,0,0] 2:[68965,4,25260953,0,0,0,0]
18:[72232,58,3227,0,0,0,0] 19:[72256,16,25169197,24,0,0,0]
20:[72290,75,3228,0,0,0,0] 21:[72365,46,3229,0,0,0,0]
Records 18 and 19 intersect the block 72,256; they tell us that inodes 3,227
and 25,169,197 both claim ownership. Let us confirm this:
xfs_db> inode 25169197
xfs_db> bmap
data offset 0 startblock 12632259 (3/49347) count 24 flag 0
data offset 24 startblock 72256 (0/72256) count 16 flag 0
data offset 40 startblock 12632299 (3/49387) count 18 flag 0
xfs_db> inode 3227
xfs_db> bmap
data offset 0 startblock 72232 (0/72232) count 58 flag 0
Inodes 25,169,197 and 3,227 both contain mappings to block 0/72,256.