blob: 8ca1167f845c79d671ae667b7cfe1bc1a397a714 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2008 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Print headers of given tests
# Accepted parameter types:
# - nothing - list all tests from all subdirectories in tests/*
# - tests/DIR - list all tests from DIR
# - tests/DIR/123 - show header from single test
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
sub help();
sub get_qa_header($);
sub get_qa_tests;
my %opt;
my @oa = (
['--help|?', "Show this help message.",
['--head|h', "Shows only the head of the QA test",
['--body|b', "Shows only the body of the QA test.",
['--one-line|1', "Output everything on a single line.",
# black magic
GetOptions(map { @{$_}[0] => @{$_}[2] } @oa);
if ($opt{'help'}) {
die help();
my @qatests;
if (!@ARGV) {
my $d="tests";
opendir(DIR, $d);
map { push @qatests,get_qa_tests("$d/$_") if -d "$d/$_" } readdir(DIR);
foreach (@ARGV) {
push @qatests,$_ if -f && /\d{3}$/;
push @qatests,get_qa_tests($_) if -d;
foreach (@qatests) {
my @h = get_qa_header($_);
if ($opt{'head'}) {
@h = shift @h;
} elsif ($opt{'body'}) {
shift @h;
shift @h
if ($opt{'oneline'}) {
print map {s/\n/ /; $_} @h;
print "\n";
} else {
print @h;
print "--------------------------------------------------\n" unless (@qatests < 2);
sub help() {
my $sa = '';
foreach (@oa) {
# local $_ = @{$_}[0];
@{$_}[0] =~ s/=(.*)$//;
@{$_}[0] =~ s/\|/ \| -/;
@{$_}[0] =~ s/^/\[ /;
@{$_}[0] =~ s/$/ \] /;
$sa .= @{$_}[0];
print "Usage: $0\t$sa\n";
foreach (@oa) {
$$_[0] =~ s/\|/\t\|/;
print "\t$$_[0]\t$$_[1]\n";
sub get_qa_header($) {
my $f = shift || die "need an argument";
my @l;
open(my $FH, $f) || die "couldn't open '$f': $!";
while (<$FH>) {
m/^#\!/ and next; # shebang
m/^# SPDX/i and next; # SPDX tags
m/^# Copyright/i and next; # Copyright tags
m/^#\s*\-{10}/ and last; # dashed lines
m/^seq/i and last; # test start
s/^# *//;
push @l, $_;
return @l;
sub get_qa_tests {
my $d = shift || $ENV{'PWD'};
opendir(my $DIR, $d) || die "can't opendir $d: $!";
my @qa = sort grep { m/^\d\d\d$/ && -f "$d/$_" } readdir($DIR);
return map { $_ = "$d/$_" } @qa;