blob: 39a88038a38815e00310cfb909567a158231c425 [file] [log] [blame]
QA output created by 303
Format and mount
Create the original files
Reflink large single byte file
Reflink large empty file
Reflink past maximum file size in dest file (should fail)
XFS_IOC_CLONE_RANGE: Invalid argument
Reflink high offset to low offset
Reflink past source file EOF (should fail)
XFS_IOC_CLONE_RANGE: Invalid argument
Reflink max size at nonzero offset (should fail)
XFS_IOC_CLONE_RANGE: Invalid argument
Reflink with huge off/len (should fail)
XFS_IOC_CLONE_RANGE: Invalid argument
Check file creation
7ffffffffffffffe: 61 a
7ffffffffffffffe: 00 .
0010fffe: 61 a