blob: 9739aba20a2b792a06ca269896b1a26e5fa720eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Pekka Enberg
* This file is released under the GPL version 2 with the following
* clarification and special exception:
* Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
* making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
* conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
* combination.
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
* permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
* executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
* modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms
* of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent
* module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An
* independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on
* this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception
* to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If
* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version.
* Please refer to the file LICENSE for details.
#include "arch/instruction.h"
#include "jit/compilation-unit.h"
#include "jit/compiler.h"
#include "vm/class.h"
#include "vm/method.h"
#include "vm/vm.h"
#include <libharness.h>
struct cafebabe_method_info method_info;
struct vm_method method = { .method = &method_info, };
static void assert_st_insn(enum insn_type type, struct stack_slot *slot, enum machine_reg reg, struct insn *insn)
assert_int_equals(type, insn->type);
assert_int_equals(reg, mach_reg(&insn->x.reg));
assert_ptr_equals(slot, insn->y.slot);
static void assert_ld_insn(enum insn_type type, enum machine_reg reg, struct stack_slot *slot, struct insn *insn)
assert_int_equals(type, insn->type);
assert_int_equals(reg, mach_reg(&insn->x.reg));
assert_ptr_equals(slot, insn->y.slot);
void test_spill_insn_is_inserted_before_last_read_if_necessary(void)
struct compilation_unit *cu;
struct insn *insn_array[2];
struct var_info *r1, *r2;
struct basic_block *bb;
struct insn *insn;
cu = compilation_unit_alloc(&method);
r1 = get_var(cu, J_INT);
r2 = get_var(cu, J_INT);
insn_array[0] = arithmetic_insn(INSN_ADD, r1, r1, r1);
insn_array[1] = arithmetic_insn(INSN_ADD, r1, r2, r2);
bb = get_basic_block(cu, 0, 2);
bb_add_insn(bb, insn_array[0]);
bb_add_insn(bb, insn_array[1]);
* First instruction stays the same.
insn = list_first_entry(&bb->insn_list, struct insn, insn_list_node);
assert_ptr_equals(insn_array[0], insn);
* A spill instruction is inserted before last read-use position
insn = list_next_entry(&insn->insn_list_node, struct insn, insn_list_node);
assert_st_insn(INSN_ST_LOCAL, r1->interval->spill_slot, r1->interval->reg, insn);
* Last instruction stays the same.
insn = list_next_entry(&insn->insn_list_node, struct insn, insn_list_node);
assert_ptr_equals(insn_array[1], insn);
void test_reload_insn_is_inserted_at_the_beginning_of_the_interval_if_necessary(void)
struct compilation_unit *cu;
struct insn *insn_array[2];
struct var_info *r1, *r2;
struct basic_block *bb;
struct insn *insn;
cu = compilation_unit_alloc(&method);
r1 = get_var(cu, J_INT);
r2 = get_var(cu, J_INT);
insn_array[0] = arithmetic_insn(INSN_ADD, r1, r1, r1);
insn_array[1] = arithmetic_insn(INSN_ADD, r2, r2, r2);
bb = get_basic_block(cu, 0, 2);
bb_add_insn(bb, insn_array[0]);
bb_add_insn(bb, insn_array[1]);
r1->interval->spill_reload_reg.interval = r1->interval;
r2->interval->spill_reload_reg.interval = r2->interval;
r2->interval->flags |= INTERVAL_FLAG_NEED_RELOAD;
r2->interval->spill_parent = r1->interval;
* A reload instruction is inserted at the beginning.
insn = list_first_entry(&bb->insn_list, struct insn, insn_list_node);
assert_ld_insn(INSN_LD_LOCAL, r2->interval->reg, r1->interval->spill_slot, insn);
* Second instruction stays the same.
insn = list_next_entry(&insn->insn_list_node, struct insn, insn_list_node);
assert_ptr_equals(insn_array[0], insn);
* Last instruction stays the same.
insn = list_next_entry(&insn->insn_list_node, struct insn, insn_list_node);
assert_ptr_equals(insn_array[1], insn);
void test_empty_interval_is_never_spilled(void)
struct compilation_unit *cu;
struct var_info *r1;
cu = compilation_unit_alloc(&method);
get_basic_block(cu, 0, 2);
r1 = get_var(cu, J_INT);