blob: 3c37c8ea49121d595985143a9014b099daa1daa7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Embedded Linux library
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "private.h"
* SECTION:string
* @short_description: Growable string buffer
* Growable string buffer support
unsigned char l_ascii_table[256] = {
[0x00 ... 0x08] = L_ASCII_CNTRL,
[0x09 ... 0x0D] = L_ASCII_CNTRL | L_ASCII_SPACE,
[0x0E ... 0x1F] = L_ASCII_CNTRL,
[0x21 ... 0x2F] = L_ASCII_PRINT | L_ASCII_PUNCT,
[0x3A ... 0x40] = L_ASCII_PRINT | L_ASCII_PUNCT,
[0x47 ... 0x5A] = L_ASCII_PRINT | L_ASCII_UPPER,
[0x5B ... 0x60] = L_ASCII_PRINT | L_ASCII_PUNCT,
[0x67 ... 0x7A] = L_ASCII_PRINT | L_ASCII_LOWER,
[0x7B ... 0x7E] = L_ASCII_PRINT | L_ASCII_PUNCT,
[0x80 ... 0xFF] = 0,
* l_string:
* Opague object representing the string buffer.
struct l_string {
size_t max;
size_t len;
char *str;
static inline size_t next_power(size_t len)
size_t n = 1;
if (len > SIZE_MAX / 2)
return SIZE_MAX;
while (n < len)
n = n << 1;
return n;
static void grow_string(struct l_string *str, size_t extra)
if (str->len + extra < str->max)
str->max = next_power(str->len + extra + 1);
str->str = l_realloc(str->str, str->max);
* l_string_new:
* @initial_length: Initial length of the groable string
* Create new growable string. If the @initial_length is 0, then a safe
* default is chosen.
* Returns: a newly allocated #l_string object.
LIB_EXPORT struct l_string *l_string_new(size_t initial_length)
static const size_t DEFAULT_INITIAL_LENGTH = 127;
struct l_string *ret;
ret = l_new(struct l_string, 1);
if (initial_length == 0)
initial_length = DEFAULT_INITIAL_LENGTH;
grow_string(ret, initial_length);
ret->str[0] = '\0';
return ret;
* l_string_free:
* @string: growable string object
* Free the growable string object and all associated data
LIB_EXPORT void l_string_free(struct l_string *string)
if (unlikely(!string))
* l_string_unwrap:
* @string: growable string object
* Free the growable string object and return the internal string data.
* The caller is responsible for freeing the string data using l_free(),
* and the string object is no longer usable.
* Returns: @string's internal buffer
LIB_EXPORT char *l_string_unwrap(struct l_string *string)
char *result;
if (unlikely(!string))
return NULL;
result = string->str;
return result;
* l_string_append:
* @dest: growable string object
* @src: C-style string to copy
* Appends the contents of @src to @dest. The internal buffer of @dest is
* grown if necessary.
* Returns: @dest
LIB_EXPORT struct l_string *l_string_append(struct l_string *dest,
const char *src)
size_t size;
if (unlikely(!dest || !src))
return NULL;
size = strlen(src);
grow_string(dest, size);
memcpy(dest->str + dest->len, src, size);
dest->len += size;
dest->str[dest->len] = '\0';
return dest;
* l_string_append_c:
* @dest: growable string object
* @c: Character
* Appends character given by @c to @dest. The internal buffer of @dest is
* grown if necessary.
* Returns: @dest
LIB_EXPORT struct l_string *l_string_append_c(struct l_string *dest,
const char c)
if (unlikely(!dest))
return NULL;
grow_string(dest, 1);
dest->str[dest->len++] = c;
dest->str[dest->len] = '\0';
return dest;
* l_string_append_fixed:
* @dest: growable string object
* @src: Character array to copy from
* @max: Maximum number of characters to copy
* Appends the contents of a fixed size string array @src to @dest.
* The internal buffer of @dest is grown if necessary. Up to a maximum of
* @max characters are copied. If a null is encountered in the first @max
* characters, the string is copied only up to the NULL character.
* Returns: @dest
LIB_EXPORT struct l_string *l_string_append_fixed(struct l_string *dest,
const char *src,
size_t max)
const char *nul;
if (unlikely(!dest || !src || !max))
return NULL;
nul = memchr(src, 0, max);
if (nul)
max = nul - src;
grow_string(dest, max);
memcpy(dest->str + dest->len, src, max);
dest->len += max;
dest->str[dest->len] = '\0';
return dest;
* l_string_append_vprintf:
* @dest: growable string object
* @format: the string format. See the sprintf() documentation
* @args: the parameters to insert
* Appends a formatted string to the growable string buffer. This function
* is equivalent to l_string_append_printf except that the arguments are
* passed as a va_list.
LIB_EXPORT void l_string_append_vprintf(struct l_string *dest,
const char *format, va_list args)
size_t len;
size_t have_space;
va_list args_copy;
if (unlikely(!dest))
va_copy(args_copy, args);
have_space = dest->max - dest->len;
len = vsnprintf(dest->str + dest->len, have_space, format, args);
if (len >= have_space) {
grow_string(dest, len);
len = vsprintf(dest->str + dest->len, format, args_copy);
dest->len += len;
* l_string_append_printf:
* @dest: growable string object
* @format: the string format. See the sprintf() documentation
* @...: the parameters to insert
* Appends a formatted string to the growable string buffer, growing it as
* necessary.
LIB_EXPORT void l_string_append_printf(struct l_string *dest,
const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
if (unlikely(!dest))
va_start(args, format);
l_string_append_vprintf(dest, format, args);
* l_string_length:
* @string: growable string object
* Returns: bytes used in the string.
LIB_EXPORT unsigned int l_string_length(struct l_string *string)
if (unlikely(!string))
return 0;
return string->len;
LIB_EXPORT struct l_string *l_string_truncate(struct l_string *string,
size_t new_size)
if (unlikely(!string))
return NULL;
if (new_size >= string->len)
return string;
string->len = new_size;
string->str[new_size] = '\0';
return string;
static inline bool __attribute__ ((always_inline))
valid_unicode(wchar_t c)
if (c <= 0xd7ff)
return true;
if (c < 0xe000 || c > 0x10ffff)
return false;
if (c >= 0xfdd0 && c <= 0xfdef)
return false;
if ((c & 0xfffe) == 0xfffe)
return false;
return true;
* l_utf8_get_codepoint
* @str: a pointer to codepoint data
* @len: maximum bytes to read
* @cp: destination for codepoint
* Returns: number of bytes read, or -1 for invalid coddepoint
LIB_EXPORT int l_utf8_get_codepoint(const char *str, size_t len, wchar_t *cp)
static const wchar_t mins[3] = { 1 << 7, 1 << 11, 1 << 16 };
unsigned int expect_bytes;
wchar_t val;
size_t i;
if (str[0] > 0) {
*cp = str[0];
return 1;
expect_bytes = __builtin_clz(~(str[0] << 24));
if (expect_bytes < 2 || expect_bytes > 4)
goto error;
if (expect_bytes > len)
goto error;
val = str[0] & (0xff >> (expect_bytes + 1));
for (i = 1; i < expect_bytes; i++) {
if ((str[i] & 0xc0) == 0)
goto error;
val <<= 6;
val |= str[i] & 0x3f;
if (val < mins[expect_bytes - 2])
goto error;
if (valid_unicode(val) == false)
goto error;
*cp = val;
return expect_bytes;
return -1;
* l_utf8_validate:
* @str: a pointer to character data
* @len: max bytes to validate
* @end: return location for end of valid data
* Validates UTF-8 encoded text. If @end is non-NULL, then the end of
* the valid range will be stored there (i.e. the start of the first
* invalid character if some bytes were invalid, or the end of the text
* being validated otherwise).
* Returns: Whether the text was valid UTF-8
LIB_EXPORT bool l_utf8_validate(const char *str, size_t len, const char **end)
size_t pos = 0;
int ret;
wchar_t val;
while (pos < len && str[pos]) {
ret = l_utf8_get_codepoint(str + pos, len - pos, &val);
if (ret < 0)
goto error;
pos += ret;
if (end)
*end = str + pos;
if (pos != len)
return false;
return true;
* l_utf8_strlen:
* @str: a pointer to character data
* Computes the number of UTF-8 characters (not bytes) in the string given
* by @str.
* Returns: The number of UTF-8 characters in the string
LIB_EXPORT size_t l_utf8_strlen(const char *str)
size_t l = 0;
size_t i;
unsigned char b;
for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
b = str[i];
if ((b >> 6) == 2)
l += 1;
return i - l;
static inline int __attribute__ ((always_inline))
utf8_length(wchar_t c)
if (c <= 0x7f)
return 1;
if (c <= 0x7ff)
return 2;
if (c <= 0xffff)
return 3;
return 4;
static inline uint16_t __attribute__ ((always_inline))
surrogate_value(uint16_t h, uint16_t l)
return 0x10000 + (h - 0xd800) * 0x400 + l - 0xdc00;
* Assumes c is valid unicode and out_buf contains enough space
* Returns: number of characters written
static int wchar_to_utf8(wchar_t c, char *out_buf)
int len = utf8_length(c);
int i;
if (len == 1) {
out_buf[0] = c;
return 1;
for (i = len - 1; i; i--) {
out_buf[i] = (c & 0x3f) | 0x80;
c >>= 6;
out_buf[0] = (0xff << (8 - len)) | c;
return len;
* l_utf8_from_utf16:
* @utf16: Array of UTF16 characters
* @utf16_size: The size of the @utf16 array in bytes. Must be a multiple of 2.
* Returns: A newly-allocated buffer containing UTF16 encoded string converted
* to UTF8. The UTF8 string will always be null terminated, even if the
* original UTF16 string was not.
LIB_EXPORT char *l_utf8_from_utf16(const void *utf16, ssize_t utf16_size)
char *utf8;
size_t utf8_len = 0;
wchar_t high_surrogate = 0;
ssize_t i = 0;
uint16_t in;
wchar_t c;
if (unlikely(utf16_size % 2))
return NULL;
while (utf16_size < 0 || i < utf16_size) {
in = L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint16_t *) (utf16 + i));
if (!in)
if (in >= 0xdc00 && in < 0xe000) {
if (high_surrogate)
c = surrogate_value(high_surrogate, in);
return NULL;
high_surrogate = 0;
} else {
if (high_surrogate)
return NULL;
if (in >= 0xd800 && in < 0xdc00) {
high_surrogate = in;
goto next;
c = in;
if (!valid_unicode(c))
return NULL;
utf8_len += utf8_length(c);
i += 2;
if (high_surrogate)
return NULL;
utf8 = l_malloc(utf8_len + 1);
utf8_len = 0;
i = 0;
while (utf16_size < 0 || i < utf16_size) {
in = L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint16_t *) (utf16 + i));
if (!in)
if (in >= 0xd800 && in < 0xdc00) {
high_surrogate = in;
i += 2;
in = L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint16_t *) (utf16 + i));
c = surrogate_value(high_surrogate, in);
} else
c = in;
utf8_len += wchar_to_utf8(c, utf8 + utf8_len);
i += 2;
utf8[utf8_len] = '\0';
return utf8;
* l_utf8_to_utf16:
* @utf8: UTF8 formatted string
* @out_size: The size in bytes of the converted utf16 string
* Converts a UTF8 formatted string to UTF16. It is assumed that the string
* is valid UTF8 and no sanity checking is performed.
* Returns: A newly-allocated buffer containing UTF8 encoded string converted
* to UTF16. The UTF16 string will always be null terminated.
LIB_EXPORT void *l_utf8_to_utf16(const char *utf8, size_t *out_size)
const char *c;
wchar_t wc;
int len;
uint16_t *utf16;
size_t n_utf16;
if (unlikely(!utf8))
return NULL;
c = utf8;
n_utf16 = 0;
while (*c) {
len = l_utf8_get_codepoint(c, 4, &wc);
if (len < 0)
return NULL;
if (wc < 0x10000)
n_utf16 += 1;
n_utf16 += 2;
c += len;
utf16 = l_malloc((n_utf16 + 1) * 2);
c = utf8;
n_utf16 = 0;
while (*c) {
len = l_utf8_get_codepoint(c, 4, &wc);
if (wc >= 0x10000) {
utf16[n_utf16++] = (wc - 0x1000) / 0x400 + 0xd800;
utf16[n_utf16++] = (wc - 0x1000) % 0x400 + 0xdc00;
} else
utf16[n_utf16++] = wc;
c += len;
utf16[n_utf16] = 0;
if (out_size)
*out_size = (n_utf16 + 1) * 2;
return utf16;
struct arg {
size_t max_len;
size_t cur_len;
char *chars;
static inline void arg_init(struct arg *arg)
arg->max_len = 0;
arg->cur_len = 0;
arg->chars = NULL;
static void arg_putchar(struct arg *arg, char ch)
if (arg->cur_len == arg->max_len) {
arg->max_len += 32; /* Grow by at least 32 bytes */
arg->chars = l_realloc(arg->chars, 1 + arg->max_len);
arg->chars[arg->cur_len++] = ch;
arg->chars[arg->cur_len] = '\0';
static void arg_putmem(struct arg *arg, const void *mem, size_t len)
if (len == 0)
if (arg->cur_len + len > arg->max_len) {
size_t growby = len * 2;
if (growby < 32)
growby = 32;
arg->max_len += growby;
arg->chars = l_realloc(arg->chars, 1 + arg->max_len);
memcpy(arg->chars + arg->cur_len, mem, len);
arg->cur_len += len;
arg->chars[arg->cur_len] = '\0';
static bool parse_backslash(struct arg *arg, const char *args, size_t *pos)
/* We're at the backslash, not within double quotes */
char c = args[*pos + 1];
switch (c) {
case 0:
return false;
case '\n':
arg_putchar(arg, c);
*pos += 1;
return true;
static bool parse_quoted_backslash(struct arg *arg,
const char *args, size_t *pos)
/* We're at the backslash, within double quotes */
char c = args[*pos + 1];
switch (c) {
case 0:
return false;
case '\n':
case '"':
case '\\':
arg_putchar(arg, c);
arg_putchar(arg, '\\');
arg_putchar(arg, c);
*pos += 1;
return true;
static bool parse_single_quote(struct arg *arg, const char *args, size_t *pos)
/* We're just past the single quote */
size_t start = *pos;
for (; args[*pos]; *pos += 1) {
if (args[*pos] != '\'')
arg_putmem(arg, args + start, *pos - start);
return true;
/* Unterminated ' */
return false;
static bool parse_double_quote(struct arg *arg, const char *args, size_t *pos)
/* We're just past the double quote */
for (; args[*pos]; *pos += 1) {
char c = args[*pos];
switch (c) {
case '"':
return true;
case '\\':
if (!parse_quoted_backslash(arg, args, pos))
return false;
arg_putchar(arg, c);
/* Unterminated */
return false;
static void add_arg(char ***args, char *arg, int *n_args)
*args = l_realloc(*args, sizeof(char *) * (2 + *n_args));
(*args)[*n_args] = arg;
(*args)[*n_args + 1] = NULL;
*n_args += 1;
LIB_EXPORT char **l_parse_args(const char *args, int *out_n_args)
size_t i;
struct arg arg;
char **ret = l_realloc(NULL, sizeof(char *));
int n_args = 0;
ret[0] = NULL;
for (i = 0; args[i]; i++) {
switch (args[i]) {
case '\\':
if (!parse_backslash(&arg, args, &i))
goto error;
case '"':
i += 1;
if (!parse_double_quote(&arg, args, &i))
goto error;
/* Add an empty string */
if (!arg.cur_len)
add_arg(&ret, l_strdup(""), &n_args);
case '\'':
i += 1;
if (!parse_single_quote(&arg, args, &i))
goto error;
/* Add an empty string */
if (!arg.cur_len)
add_arg(&ret, l_strdup(""), &n_args);
if (!strchr(" \t", args[i])) {
if (args[i] == '\n')
goto error;
arg_putchar(&arg, args[i]);
if (arg.cur_len)
add_arg(&ret, arg.chars, &n_args);
if (arg.cur_len)
add_arg(&ret, arg.chars, &n_args);
if (out_n_args)
*out_n_args = n_args;
return ret;
return NULL;