blob: d4a8c5f1eccaea1937b4faecb59adf5132910065 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
* This file is part of libgpiod.
* Copyright (C) 2019 Bartosz Golaszewski <>
* Testing framework for the core library.
* This file contains functions and definitions extending the GLib unit testing
* framework with functionalities necessary to test the libgpiod core C API as
* well as the kernel-to-user-space interface.
#ifndef __GPIOD_TEST_H__
#define __GPIOD_TEST_H__
#include <glib.h>
#include <gpiod.h>
* These typedefs are needed to make g_autoptr work - it doesn't accept
* regular 'struct typename' syntax.
typedef struct gpiod_chip gpiod_chip_struct;
typedef struct gpiod_chip_iter gpiod_chip_iter_struct;
typedef struct gpiod_line_iter gpiod_line_iter_struct;
G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(gpiod_chip_struct, gpiod_chip_close);
G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(gpiod_chip_iter_struct, gpiod_chip_iter_free);
G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(gpiod_line_iter_struct, gpiod_line_iter_free);
/* These are private definitions and should not be used directly. */
typedef void (*_gpiod_test_func)(void);
typedef struct _gpiod_test_case _GpiodTestCase;
struct _gpiod_test_case {
const gchar *path;
_gpiod_test_func func;
guint num_chips;
guint *chip_sizes;
gint flags;
void _gpiod_test_register(_GpiodTestCase *test);
#define _GPIOD_TEST_PATH(_name) \
"/gpiod/" GPIOD_TEST_GROUP "/" G_STRINGIFY(_name)
enum {
/* Dummy lines for this test case should have names assigned. */
* Register a test case function. The last argument is the array of numbers
* of lines per mockup chip.
#define GPIOD_TEST_CASE(_name, _flags, ...) \
static void _name(void); \
static guint _##_name##_chip_sizes[] = __VA_ARGS__; \
static _GpiodTestCase _##_name##_test_case = { \
.path = _GPIOD_TEST_PATH(_name), \
.func = _name, \
.num_chips = G_N_ELEMENTS(_##_name##_chip_sizes), \
.chip_sizes = _##_name##_chip_sizes, \
.flags = _flags, \
}; \
static __attribute__((constructor)) void \
_##_name##_test_register(void) \
{ \
_gpiod_test_register(&_##_name##_test_case); \
} \
static void _name(void)
#define GPIOD_TEST_CONSUMER "gpiod-test"
#define gpiod_test_return_if_failed() \
do { \
if (g_test_failed()) \
return; \
} while (0)
/* Wrappers around libgpiomockup helpers. */
const gchar *gpiod_test_chip_path(guint idx);
const gchar *gpiod_test_chip_name(guint idx);
gint gpiod_test_chip_num(guint idx);
gint gpiod_test_chip_get_value(guint chip_index, guint line_offset);
void gpiod_test_chip_set_pull(guint chip_index, guint line_offset, gint pull);
/* Helpers for triggering line events in a separate thread. */
struct gpiod_test_event_thread;
typedef struct gpiod_test_event_thread GpiodTestEventThread;
GpiodTestEventThread *
gpiod_test_start_event_thread(guint chip_index,
guint line_offset, guint freq);
void gpiod_test_stop_event_thread(GpiodTestEventThread *thread);
#endif /* __GPIOD_TEST_H__ */