blob: 048244063177582e02f2d3cbcac102afd9539c6f [file] [log] [blame]
# Perl script to convert the Unicode Character Database source files
# into data for libucd.
# Internally this file uses a hash with the UCS value as key, and
# as data another hash from property name to value.
%ucs_props = ();
sub parse_unicode_string($) {
my ($str) = @_;
my @str = split(/\s+/, $str, 0);
my @xv = ();
my $x;
foreach $x ( @str ) {
push(@xv, hex $x);
return pack("U*", @xv);
# File to read a UCD file with a list of properties (no names)
sub read_separated_file($$$) {
my ($filename, $proplist, $default) = @_;
my $fh;
my $line, @fields, $c0, $c1, $c;
my $was_first = 0;
print STDERR "Reading $filename\n";
open($fh, '<', $filename) or return 0;
while ( defined($line = <$fh>) ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s*(|\#.*)$//;
@fields = split(/\s*\;\s*/, $line);
if ( $fields[0] =~ /^([0-9a-f]+)(|..([0-9a-f]+))$/i ) {
if ( $was_first ) {
$c1 = hex $1;
$was_first = 0;
} else {
$c0 = hex $1;
$c1 = ($2 eq '') ? $c0 : hex $3;
for ( $c = $c0 ; $c <= $c1 ; $c++ ) {
my $p, $f;
$ucs_props{$c} = {} unless ( exists($ucs_props{$c}) );
for ( $f = 1 ; $f < scalar(@fields) ; $f++ ) {
my $prop = ${$proplist}[$f-1];
if ( defined($prop) ) {
my $type = substr($prop, 0, 1);
my $prop = substr($prop, 1);
my $def = ${$default}[$f-1];
$def = sprintf("%04X", $c) if ( $def eq '=' );
my $val = $fields[$f];
$val = $def if ( $val eq '' );
if ( $type eq 'b' ) {
# Boolean (Y/N)
$val = ($val eq 'N') ? 0 : 1;
} elsif ( $type eq 'p' ) {
# Code point
$val = hex $val;
} elsif ( $type eq 's' ) {
# String of code points
$val = parse_unicode_string($val);
} elsif ( $type eq '!' ) {
# Special case
if ( $prop eq 'Name' ) {
# In UnicodeData.txt, ranges aren't encoded the same way
# as elsewhere, instead the first and last code point are
# entered, with <..., first> or <..., last> as the name
if ( $val =~ /^\<.*, First\>$/ ) {
$was_first = 1;
$val = undef if ( $val =~ /^\<.*\>$/ );
} elsif ( $prop eq 'Decomposition' ) {
$prop = 'Decomposition_Mapping';
if ( $val =~ /^(\<([a-z0-9]+)\>\s*|)([0-9a-f\s]+)$/i ) {
my $dct = $2 || 'canonical';
$val = parse_unicode_string($3);
${$ucs_props{$c}}{'Decomposition_Type'} = $dct;
} else {
die "$0: Unknown special: $prop\n";
${$ucs_props{$c}}{$prop} = $val;
return 1;
# File to read a UCD file with boolean properties
sub read_boolean_file($) {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $fh;
my $line, @fields, $c0, $c1, $c;
print STDERR "Reading $filename\n";
open($fh, '<', $filename) or return 0;
while ( defined($line = <$fh>) ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s*(|\#.*)$//;
@fields = split(/\s*\;\s*/, $line);
if ( $fields[0] =~ /^([0-9A-F]+)(|..([0-9A-F]+))$/ &&
$fields[1] ne '' ) {
$c0 = hex $1;
$c1 = ($2 eq '') ? $c0 : hex $3;
for ( $c = $c0 ; $c <= $c1 ; $c++ ) {
my $p, $f;
$ucs_props{$c} = {} unless ( exists($ucs_props{$c}) );
${$ucs_props{$c}}{$fields[1]} = 1;
return 1;
sub make_jamo_string($) {
my ($s) = @_;
my $i, $c;
my $o = '';
$o .= "{";
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 4 ; $i++ ) {
$c = substr($s,$i,1);
$o .= length($c) ? "\'$c\'" : '0';
$o .= ($i == 3) ? '}' : ',';
return $o;
# This produces tables used to generate the systematic Hangul syllables
sub make_jamo_tables() {
my $LBase = 0x1100;
my $VBase = 0x1161;
my $TBase = 0x11A7;
my $LCount = 19;
my $VCount = 21;
my $TCount = 28;
my $i;
my $fh;
# None of the syllables exceed 4 bytes, so let's not waste
# pointer space that might have to be relocated...
print STDERR "Writing gen/jamo.c\n";
open($fh, '>', 'gen/jamo.c') or die "$0 cannot create gen/jamo.c";
print $fh "#include \"libucd_int.h\"\n\n";
print $fh "const char _libucd_hangul_jamo_l[$LCount][4] = {\n";
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $LCount ; $i++ ) {
printf $fh "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$LBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
print $fh "};\n";
print $fh "const char _libucd_hangul_jamo_v[$VCount][4] = {\n";
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $VCount ; $i++ ) {
printf $fh "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$VBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
print $fh "};\n";
print $fh "const char _libucd_hangul_jamo_t[$TCount][4] = {\n";
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $TCount ; $i++ ) {
printf $fh "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$TBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
print $fh "};\n";
# This produces a names list sorted by UCS, and produces a reverse map.
%name_to_ucs = ();
sub make_names_list() {
my $k;
my $pos = 0;
my $fh;
my $col;
print STDERR "Writing gen/\n";
open($fh, '>', 'gen/') or die;
foreach $k ( sort {$a <=> $b} (keys(%ucs_props)) ) {
print STDERR "Not a number: \"$k\"\n" if ( $k ne ($k+0) );
my $n = ${$ucs_props{$k}}{'Name'};
if ( defined($n) ) {
if ( defined($name_to_ucs{$n}) ) {
printf STDERR "WARNING: Name \"%s\" duplicated from U+%04X to U+%04X\n",
$n, $k, $name_to_ucs{$n};
} else {
$name_to_ucs{$n} = $k;
printf $fh "%05x %s\n", $k, $n;
# Produce a list of names for automatic hash table generation.
# This includes the Hangul syllables, but not systematically
# named CJK.
sub write_hangul_names($$)
my ($fh, $fht) = @_;
my $SBase = 0xAC00;
my $LBase = 0x1100;
my $VBase = 0x1161;
my $TBase = 0x11A7;
my $LCount = 19;
my $VCount = 21;
my $TCount = 28;
my $SCount = $LCount*$VCount*$TCount;
my $l, $v, $t, $c;
$c = $SBase;
for ( $l = 0 ; $l < $LCount ; $l++ ) {
for ( $v = 0 ; $v < $VCount ; $v++ ) {
for ( $t = 0 ; $t < $TCount ; $t++) {
my $name = sprintf("HANGUL SYLLABLE %s%s%s",
printf $fh "%s\n", $name;
printf $fht "%05x %s\n", $c, $name;
sub make_name_keyfile()
my $fh, $fht;
my $k;
print STDERR "Writing gen/nametoucs.keys and gen/\n";
open($fh, '>', 'gen/nametoucs.keys') or die;
open($fht, '>', 'gen/') or die;
foreach $k ( keys(%name_to_ucs) ) {
printf $fh "%s\n", $k;
printf $fht "%05x %s\n", $name_to_ucs{$k}, $k;
write_hangul_names($fh, $fht);
# Make a keyfile for all non-systematically named codepoints
sub make_named_ucs_keyfile()
my $fh;
my $k;
print STDERR "Writing gen/ucstoname.keys\n";
open($fh, '>', 'gen/ucstoname.keys')
or die "$0: cannot write gen/ucstoname.keys\n";
foreach $k ( values(%name_to_ucs) ) {
printf $fh "%08x\n", $k;
# Produce a list of character properties, sans names; this is
# a test in order to figure out how much we could save from a
# range-oriented table for everything except names.
sub dump_prop_list()
my $fh, $c;
print STDERR "Writing gen/propdump.txt\n";
open($fh, '>', 'gen/propdump.txt')
or die "$0: cannot write gen/propdump.txt\n";
binmode $fh, ':utf8';
for ( $c = 0 ; $c <= 0x10ffff ; $c++ ) {
my %h = %{$ucs_props{$c}};
# Handle these separately
delete $h{'Name'};
delete $h{'Unicode_1_Name'};
delete $h{'ISO_Comment'};
delete $h{'Decomposition_Mapping'};
# delete $h{'Uppercase_Mapping'};
# delete $h{'Lowercase_Mapping'};
# delete $h{'Titlecase_Mapping'};
# delete $h{'Special_Case_Condition'};
delete $h{'Jamo_Short_Name'};
# Store these as offsets.
my $k;
foreach $k ( 'Simple_Uppercase_Mapping',
'Simple_Titlecase_Mapping' ) {
if ( defined($h{$k}) ) {
$h{$k} -= $c; # Convert to offset
} else {
$h{$k} = 0; # Default is zero offset
my @l = sort(keys(%h));
my $p;
printf $fh "%05X ", $c;
foreach $p ( @l ) {
print $fh $p,':',$h{$p},';';
print $fh "\n";
# Produce the properties array
%prop_array_position = ();
sub emit_int24($) {
my($v) = @_;
return sprintf("{0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x}",
$v & 0xff,
($v >> 8) & 0xff,
($v >> 16) & 0xff);
sub make_properties_array()
my $fh, $fhi, $c, $prev, $mine, $cnt, $cp;
# List of boolean properties that translate 1:1 into flags
my @boolean_props = ('Composition_Exclusion', 'Alphabetic', 'Default_Ignorable_Code_Point',
'Lowercase', 'Grapheme_Base', 'Grapheme_Extend', 'ID_Start', 'ID_Continue',
'Math', 'Uppercase', 'XID_Start', 'XID_Continue', 'Hex_Digit',
'Bidi_Control', 'Dash', 'Deprecated', 'Diacritic', 'Extender',
'Grapheme_Link', 'Ideographic', 'IDS_Binary_Operator',
'IDS_Trinary_Operator', 'Join_Control', 'Logical_Order_Exception',
'Noncharacter_Code_Point', 'Pattern_Syntax', 'Pattern_White_Space',
'Quotation_Mark', 'Radical', 'Soft_Dotted', 'STerm',
'Terminal_Punctuation', 'Unified_Ideograph', 'Variation_Selector',
'White_Space', 'Bidi_Mirrored');
print STDERR "Writing gen/proparray.c and gen/proparrayindex\n";
open($fh, '>', 'gen/proparray.c') or die;
open($fhi, '>', 'gen/proparrayindex') or die;
binmode $fh, ':utf8';
undef $prev;
$cnt = 0;
for ( $c = 0 ; $c <= 0x10ffff ; $c++ ) {
$cp = $ucs_props{$c};
# Careful with the formatting: we rely on the fact that
# the first 14 characters contain the UCS value and the rest
# the properties.
# Code point UCS value
$mine = sprintf("\t{\n\t\t0x%05x,\n", $c);
# General category
my $gc = $$cp{'General_Category'} || 'Cn';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_GC_$gc,\n";
# Script
my $sc = $$cp{'Script'} || 'Common';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_SC_$sc,\n";
# Numeric value
my $nv = $$cp{'Numeric_Value'};
if ( $nv > 255 ) {
my $exp = int(log($nv)/log(10))-1;
my $num = int($nv/(10**$exp));
$mine .= "\t\t$num, 128+$exp,\n";
} else {
my $num = $nv + 0;
my $den = 1;
if ( $nv != 0 ) {
while ( ($nv-($num/$den))/$nv > 1e-7 ) {
$num = int($nv*$den+0.5);
$mine .= "\t\t$num, $den,\n";
# Boolean properties and block index
my $bp;
foreach $bp ( @boolean_props ) {
if ( $$cp{$bp} ) {
$mine .= "\t\tUC_FL_\U$bp\E |\n";
my $block = $$cp{'Block'} || 'No_Block';
$block =~ tr/ .-/___/;
$mine .= "\t\t((uint64_t)UC_BLK_$block << 48),\n";
# Simple case mappings
my $sum = ($$cp{'Simple_Uppercase_Mapping'} || $c) - $c;
$mine .= "\t\t".emit_int24($sum).",\n";
my $slm = ($$cp{'Simple_Lowercase_Mapping'} || $c) - $c;
$mine .= "\t\t".emit_int24($slm).",\n";
my $stm = ($$cp{'Simple_Titlecase_Mapping'} || $c) - $c;
$mine .= "\t\t".emit_int24($stm).",\n";
# Age (assume 31.7 as maximum; Unicode has traditionally not had
# many minor versions per major version.)
my $age = $$cp{'Age'} || '0.0';
my (@sage) = split(/\./, $age);
$mine .= sprintf("\t\t(%d << 3) + %d, /* $age */\n", $sage[0], $sage[1]);
# Canonical Combining Class
my $ccc = $$cp{'Canonical_Combining_Class'} || 'NR';
if ( $ccc =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
$mine .= "\t\t$ccc,\n"; # Numeric CCC
} else {
$mine .= "\t\tUC_CCC_$ccc,\n";
# Sentence Break
my $sb = $$cp{'Sentence_Break'} || 'Other';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_SB_$sb,\n";
# Grapheme Cluster Break
my $gcb = $$cp{'Grapheme_Cluster_Break'} || 'Other';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_GCB_$gcb,\n";
# Word Break
my $wb = $$cp{'Word_Break'} || 'Other';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_WB_$wb,\n";
# Arabic Joining Type
my $ajt = $$cp{'Joining_Type'} ||
($gc eq 'Mn' || $gc eq 'Me' || $gc eq 'Cf') ? 'T' : 'U';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_JT_$ajt,\n";
# Arabic Joining Group
my $ajg = $$cp{'Joining_Group'} || 'No_Joining_Group';
$ajg =~ tr/ /_/;
$ajg =~ s/([A-Z])([A-Z]+)/$1\L$2\E/g;
$mine .= "\t\tUC_JG_$ajg,\n";
# East Asian Width
my $ea = $$cp{'East_Asian_Width'} || 'N';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_EA_$ea,\n";
# Hangul Syllable Type
my $hst = $$cp{'Hangul_Syllable_Type'} || 'NA';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_HST_$hst,\n";
# Line Break
my $lb = $$cp{'Line_Break'} || 'XX';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_LB_$lb,\n";
# Numeric Type
my $nt = $$cp{'Numeric_Type'} || 'None';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_NT_$nt,\n";
# Bidi Class
my $bc = $$cp{'Bidi_Class'} || 'L';
$mine .= "\t\tUC_BC_$bc,\n";
# Additional properties...
$mine .= "\t},\n";
if ( substr($prev,14) ne substr($mine,14) ) {
print $fh $mine;
$prev = $mine;
printf $fhi "0x%05x $cnt\n", $c, $cnt;
$prop_array_position{$c} = $cnt;
print $fh "\t/* Total: $cnt ranges */\n";
# Import files
['!Name', 'eGeneral_Category', 'nCanonical_Combining_Class',
'eBidi_Class', '!Decomposition', undef, undef,
'eNumeric_Value', 'bBidi_Mirrored',
'mUnicode_1_Name', 'mISO_Comment', 'pSimple_Uppercase_Mapping',
'pSimple_Lowercase_Mapping', 'pSimple_Titlecase_Mapping'],
['<reserved>', 'Cn', 0, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'N', undef, undef, '=', '=', '=']);
read_separated_file('ucd/extracted/DerivedNumericType.txt', ['eNumeric_Type'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/extracted/DerivedNumericValues.txt', ['eNumeric_Value'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/extracted/DerivedBidiClass.txt', ['eBidi_Class'], ['L']);
read_separated_file('ucd/ArabicShaping.txt', [undef, 'eJoining_Type', 'eJoining_Group'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/BidiMirroring.txt', ['pBidi_Mirroring_Glyph'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/Blocks.txt', ['cBlock'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/CompositionExclusions.txt', 'bComposition_Exclusion', []);
# read_separated_file('ucd/CaseFolding.txt', ['eCase_Folding_Type', 'sCase_Folding'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/DerivedAge.txt', ['cAge'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/EastAsianWidth.txt', ['eEast_Asian_Width'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/HangulSyllableType.txt', ['eHangul_Syllable_Type'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/LineBreak.txt', ['eLine_Break'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/Scripts.txt', ['cScript'], ['Common']);
read_separated_file('ucd/SpecialCasing.txt', ['sUppercase_Mapping', 'sLowercase_Mapping',
'sTitlecase_Mapping', 'mSpecial_Case_Condition'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/Jamo.txt', ['mJamo_Short_Name'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt', ['eGrapheme_Cluster_Break'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/auxiliary/SentenceBreakProperty.txt', ['eSentence_Break'], []);
read_separated_file('ucd/auxiliary/WordBreakProperty.txt', ['eWord_Break'], []);
# Produce output
# dump_prop_list();