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<h1>Unicode NamesList File Format</h1>
<table class="wide">
<td valign="top" width="144">Revision</td>
<td valign="top">4.1.0</td>
<td valign="top" width="144">Authors</td>
<td valign="top">Asmus Freytag</td>
<td valign="top" width="144">Date</td>
<td valign="top">2005-3-10</td>
<td valign="top" width="144">This Version</td>
<td valign="top">
<a href=""></a></td>
<td valign="top" width="144">Previous Version</td>
<td valign="top"><a href=""></a></td>
<td valign="top" width="144">Latest Version</td>
<td valign="top"><a href=""></a></td>
<p>This file describes the format and contents of NamesList.txt</p>
<p><i>The file and the files described herein are part of the <a href="">Unicode
Character Database</a> (UCD) and are governed by the <a href="#Terms of Use">UCD
Terms of Use</a> stated at the end.</i></p>
<hr width="50%">
<h2>1.0 Introduction</h2>
<p>The Unicode name list file NamesList.txt (also NamesList.lst) is a plain
text file used to drive the layout of the character code charts in the Unicode
Standard. The information in this file is a combination of several fields from
the UnicodeData.txt and Blocks.txt files, together with additional annotations
for many characters.&nbsp;</p>
<p> This document describes the syntax rules for the file
format, but also gives brief information on how each construct is rendered
when laid out for the book. Some of the syntax elements were used in
preparation of the drafts of the book and may not be present in the final,
released form of the NamesList.txt file.</p>
<p>The same input file can be used to do the draft preparation for ISO/IEC
10646 (referred below as ISO-style). This necessitates the presence of some
information in the name list file that is not needed (and in fact removed
during parsing) for the Unicode code charts.</p>
<p>With access to the layout program (<a href="">unibook.exe</a>) it is a simple matter of
creating name lists for the purpose of formatting working drafts containing
proposed characters.</p>
<p>The content of the NamesList.txt file is optimized for code chart creation.
Some information that can be inferred by the reader from context has been
suppressed to make the code charts more readable.&nbsp;</p>
<h3>1.1 NamesList File Overview</h3>
<p>The *.lst files are plain text files which in their most simple form look
like this</p>
<p>@@&lt;tab&gt;0020&lt;tab&gt;BASIC LATIN&lt;tab&gt;007F<br>
; this is a file comment (ignored)<br>
0021&lt;tab&gt;EXCLAMATION MARK<br>
0022&lt;tab&gt;QUOTATION MARK<br>
. . .<br>
<p>The semicolon (as first character), @ and &lt;tab&gt; characters are used
by the file syntax and must be provided as shown. Hexadecimal digits must be
in UPPER CASE. A double @@ introduces a block header, with the title, and
start and ending code of the block provided as shown.</p>
<p>For an ISO-style, minimal name list, only the NAME_LINE and BLOCKHEADER and
their constituent syntax elements are needed.</p>
<p>The full syntax with all the options is provided in the following sections.</p>
<h3>1.2 NamesList File Structure</h3>
<p>This section gives defines the overall file structure</p>
<p>In other words:<br>
Neither TITLE nor&nbsp; SUBTITLE may occur after the first BLOCKHEADER.</p>
IGNORED_LINE may occur before the first BLOCKHEADER.</p>
<p>Directly following either a NAME_LINE or a RESERVED_LINE an uninterrupted
sequence of the following lines may occur (in any order and repeated as often
<p>Except for EMPTY_LINE, NOTICE_LINE and IGNORED_LINE, none of these lines may
occur in any other place.</p>
<p><b>Note</b>: A NOTICE_LINE displays differently depending on whether it follows a
header or title or is part of a CHAR_ENTRY.</p>
<h3>1.3 NamesList File Elements</h3>
<p>This section provides the details of the syntax for the individual
<pre style="font-size:8pt"><strong>ELEMENT SYNTAX</strong> // How rendered
<strong>NAME_LINE: CHAR &lt;tab&gt; NAME LF
</strong> // the CHAR and the corresponding image are echoed,
// followed by the name as given in LINE
<strong> CHAR TAB &quot;&lt;&quot; LCNAME &quot;&gt;&quot; LF
</strong> // control and non-characters use this form of
// lower case, bracketed pseudo character name</pre>
<pre style="font-size:8pt"><strong> CHAR TAB NAME COMMENT LF
</strong> // Names may have a comment, which is stripped off
// unless the file is parsed for an ISO style list
<strong>RESERVED_LINE: CHAR TAB &lt;reserved&gt;
</strong> // the CHAR is echoed followed by an icon for the
// reserved character and a fixed string e.g. &lt;reserved&gt;
<strong>COMMMENT_LINE: &lt;tab&gt; &quot;*&quot; SP EXPAND_LINE
</strong> // * is replaced by BULLET, output line as comment
<strong>&lt;tab&gt; EXPAND_LINE</strong>
// output line as comment
<strong>ALIAS_LINE: &lt;tab&gt; &quot;=&quot; SP LINE
</strong> // replace = by itself, output line as alias
<strong>CROSS_REF: &lt;tab&gt; &quot;X&quot; SP EXPAND_LINE
</strong> // X is replaced by a right arrow
<strong>&lt;tab&gt; &quot;X&quot; SP &quot;(&quot; LCNAME SP &quot;-&quot; SP CHAR &quot;)&quot;
</strong> // X is replaced by a right arrow
// the &quot;(&quot;, &quot;-&quot;, &quot;)&quot; are removed, the
// order of CHAR and STRING is reversed
// i.e. both inputs result in the same output
<b>FILE_COMMENT:</b> <b>&quot;;&quot;</b> <b>LINE</b><strong>
IGNORED_LINE: &lt;tab&gt; &quot;;&quot; EXPAND_LINE
</strong> // empty and ignored lines as well as
// file comments are ignored
<strong>DECOMPOSITION: &lt;tab&gt; &quot;:&quot; EXPAND_LINE
</strong> // replace ':' by EQUIV, expand line into
// decomposition
<strong>COMPAT_MAPPING: &lt;tab&gt; &quot;#&quot; SP EXPAND_LINE
</strong> // replace '#' by APPROX, output line as mapping
<strong>NOTICE_LINE: &quot;@+&quot; &lt;tab&gt; LINE
</strong> // skip '@+', output text as notice
<strong> &quot;@+&quot; &lt;tab&gt; * SP LINE
</strong> // skip '@+', output text as notice
// &quot;*&quot; expands to a bullet character
// Notices following a character code apply to the
// character and are indented. Notices not following
// a character code apply to the page/block/column
// and are italicized, but not indented
<strong>SUBTITLE: &quot;@@@+&quot; &lt;tab&gt; LINE
</strong> // skip &quot;@@@+&quot;, output text as subtitle
<strong>SUBHEADER: &quot;@&quot; &lt;tab&gt; LINE
</strong> // skip '@', output line as text as column header
<strong>BLOCKHEADER: &quot;@@&quot; &lt;tab&gt; BLOCKSTART &lt;tab&gt; BLOCKNAME &lt;tab&gt; BLOCKEND
</strong> // skip &quot;@@&quot;, cause a page break and optional
// blank page, then output one or more charts
// followed by the list of character names.
// use BLOCKSTART and BLOCKEND to define the
// characters belonging to a block
// use blockname in page and table headers</pre>
<pre style="font-size:8pt"><b>BLOCKNAME: LABEL
LABEL SP &quot;(&quot; LABEL &quot;)&quot;</b>
// if an alternate label is present it replaces
// the blockname when an ISO-style namelist is
// laid out; it is ignored in the Unicode charts
<strong>BLOCKSTART: CHAR</strong> // first character position in block
<strong>BLOCKEND: CHAR</strong> // last character position in block
<strong>PAGE_BREAK: &quot;@@&quot;</strong> // insert a column break
<strong>TITLE: &quot;@@@&quot; &lt;tab&gt; LINE</strong>
// skip &quot;@@@&quot;, output line as text
// Title is used in page headers
<strong>EXPAND_LINE: {CHAR | STRING}+ LF </strong>
// all instances of CHAR *) are replaced by
// CHAR NBSP x NBSP where x is the single Unicode
// character corresponding to char
// If character is combining, it is replaced with
// CHAR NBSP &lt;circ&gt; x NBSP where &lt;circ&gt; is the
// dotted circle</pre>
<li>Blocks must be aligned on 16-code point boundary and contain an integer
multiple of 16 code point columns. The exception to that rule is for blocks of
ideographs etc. for which no names are listed in the file. Such blocks
must end on the actual last character.</li>
<li>Blocks must be non-overlapping and in ascending order.&nbsp; Namelines
must be in ascending order and follow the block header for the block to
which they belong.</li>
<li>Reserved entries are optional, and will normally be supplied automatically. They
are required whenever followed by ALIAS_LINE, COMMENT_LINE, NOTICE_LINE or CROSS_REF</li>
<li>The French version of the nameslist uses French rules, which allow
apostrophe and accented letters in character names.</li>
<h3><strong>1.4 NamesList File Primitives</strong></h3>
<p>The following are the primitives and terminals for the NamesList syntax.</p>
<pre style="font-size:8pt"><strong>LINE: STRING LF
COMMENT: &quot;(&quot; LABEL &quot;)&quot;
&quot;(&quot; LABEl &quot;)&quot; SP &quot;*&quot;
</strong> &quot;*&quot;<strong> </strong>
<strong>BLOCKNAME:</strong> &lt;sequence of Latin-1 characters, except &quot;(&quot; and &quot;)&quot;&gt;
<strong>NAME</strong>: &lt;sequence of uppercase ASCII letters, digits and hyphen&gt;
<b>LCNAME: </b>&lt;sequence of lowercase ASCII letters, digits and hyphen&gt;
<strong>STRING</strong>: &lt;sequence of Latin-1 characters, except space and controls&gt;
<strong>LABEL</strong>: &lt;sequence of Latin-1 characters, except space, controls, &quot;(&quot; or &quot;)&quot;&gt;
<strong>CHAR</strong>: <strong>X X X X</strong>
<strong>| X X X X X</strong>
<strong>| X X X X X X</strong>
<strong>X: &quot;0&quot;|&quot;1&quot;|&quot;2&quot;|&quot;3&quot;|&quot;4&quot;|&quot;5&quot;|&quot;6&quot;|&quot;7&quot;|&quot;8&quot;|&quot;9&quot;|&quot;A&quot;|&quot;B&quot;|&quot;C&quot;|&quot;D&quot;|&quot;E&quot;|&quot;F&quot;
&lt;tab&gt;:</strong> &lt;sequence of one or more ASCII tab characters 0x09&gt;
<strong>SP</strong>: &lt;ASCII 0x20&gt;
<strong>LF</strong>: &lt;any sequence of ASCII 0x0A and 0x0D&gt;
<li>Special lookahead logic prevents a mention of a 4 digit number for a standard, such
as ISO 9999 from being misinterpreted as ISO CHAR. The hyphen in a character
range CHAR-CHAR is replaced by an EN DASH on output.</li>
<li>The final LF in the file must be present</li>
<li>A CHAR inside ' or &quot; is expanded, but only its glyph image is
printed,&nbsp; the code value is not echoed.</li>
<li>Single and double straight quotes in an EXPAND_LINE are replaced by curly quotes using
English rules. Smart apostrophes are supported, but nested quotes are not.</li>
<li>The NamesList.txt file is encoded in Latin-1. While the code chart
formatter can accept files in either Latin-1 and little-endian UTF-16,
prefixed with a BOM, the character repertoire for running text (anything
other than CHAR) is effectively restricted to Latin-1 characters.</li>
<p><b>Version 4.0.0<br>
</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fix syntax to better reflect restrictions on characters
in character and block names.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Better document treatment of comments in block names, plus
French name rules.</p>
<p><b>Version 3.2.0<br>
</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fixed several broken links, added a left margin,
changed version numbering.</p>
<p><b>Version 3.1.0 (2)<br>
</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Use of 4-6 digit hex notation is now supported.</p>
<hr width="50%">
<h2>UCD <a name="Terms of Use">Terms of Use</a></h2>
<p><i>The Unicode Character Database is provided as is by Unicode, Inc. No
claims are made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of
any kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine
applicability of information provided. If this file has been purchased on
magnetic or optical media from Unicode, Inc., the sole remedy for any claim
will be exchange of defective media within 90 days of receipt.</i></p>
<p><i>This disclaimer is applicable for all other data files accompanying
the Unicode Character Database, some of which have been compiled by the
Unicode Consortium, and some of which have been supplied by other sources.</i></p>
<h3><i>Limitations on Rights to Redistribute This Data</i></h3>
<p><i>Recipient is granted the right to make copies in any form for internal
distribution and to freely use the information supplied in the creation of
products supporting the Unicode<sup>TM</sup> Standard. The files in the
Unicode Character Database can be redistributed to third parties or other
organizations (whether for profit or not) as long as this notice and the
disclaimer notice are retained. Information can be extracted from these
files and used in documentation or programs, as long as there is an
accompanying notice indicating the source.</i></p>
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