rt-tests: NUMA optional for make rpm

version 2:
  - Add new placeholders in rt-tests.spec-in to make the replacements by
    "make rpm" more visible to future maintainers of rt-tests.spec-in
  - fix typo of my name in rt-tests.spec-in

rt-tests can be built without NUMA:

   make NUMA=0

But "make rpm" does not have a way to be successful without NUMA:

   build_rt-tests_0.85> make rpm
   for F in cyclictest signaltest pi_stress rt-migrate-test ptsematest sigwaittest svsematest pmqtest sendme pip_stress hackbench *.o .depend *.*~ *.orig *.rej rt-tests.spec *.d *.a  ChangeLog; do find -type f -name $F | xargs rm -f; done
   rm -f hwlatdetect
   rm -f tags
   rm -rf BUILD BUILDROOT RPMS SRPMS SPECS releases *.tar.gz rt-tests.spec tmp
   git log >ChangeLog
   mkdir -p releases
   mkdir -p tmp/rt-tests
   cp -r Makefile COPYING ChangeLog src tmp/rt-tests
   tar -C tmp -czf rt-tests-0.85.tar.gz rt-tests
   rm -f ChangeLog
   cp rt-tests-0.85.tar.gz releases
   sed s/__VERSION__/0.85/ <rt-tests.spec-in >rt-tests.spec
   rpmbuild -ba --define "_topdir /a/home/frowand/me/src/rt-tests/build_rt-tests_0.85" --define "_sourcedir /a/home/frowand/me/src/rt-tests/build_rt-tests_0.85/releases" --define "_builddir /a/home/frowand/me/src/rt-tests/build_rt-tests_0.85/BUILD"  rt-tests.spec
   error: Failed build dependencies:
           numactl-devel is needed by rt-tests-0.85-1.fc12.src
   make: *** [rpm] Error 1

The following patch allows the rpm to be built without NUMA, with the command:

   make NUMA=0 rpm

Signed-off-by: Frank Rowand <frank.rowand@am.sony.com>
Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
2 files changed