blob: 59de34be4530954bfc09ca14959611deb5dc27cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Commit a filesystem delta atomically to media.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Daniel Phillips
* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 OGAWA Hirofumi
#include "tux3.h"
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <linux/freezer.h>
#ifndef trace
#define trace trace_off
static void __delta_transition(struct sb *sb, struct delta_ref *delta_ref);
static void schedule_flush_delta(struct sb *sb);
* Need frontend modification of backend buffers. (modification
* after latest delta commit and before unify).
* E.g. frontend modified backend buffers, stage_delta() of when
* unify is called.
/* Initialize the lock and list */
static int init_sb(struct sb *sb)
int i;
/* Initialize sb */
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sb->delta_refs); i++)
atomic_set(&sb->delta_refs[0].refcount, 0);
/* Initialize sb_delta_dirty */
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sb->s_ddc); i++)
sb->idefer_map = tux3_alloc_idefer_map();
if (!sb->idefer_map)
return -ENOMEM;
return 0;
static void setup_roots(struct sb *sb, struct disksuper *super)
u64 iroot_val = be64_to_cpu(super->iroot);
u64 oroot_val = be64_to_cpu(sb->super.oroot);
init_btree(itree_btree(sb), sb, unpack_root(iroot_val), &itree_ops);
init_btree(otree_btree(sb), sb, unpack_root(oroot_val), &otree_ops);
static loff_t calc_maxbytes(loff_t blocksize)
return min_t(loff_t, blocksize << MAX_BLOCKS_BITS, MAX_LFS_FILESIZE);
/* FIXME: Should goes into core */
static inline u64 roundup_pow_of_two64(u64 n)
return 1ULL << fls64(n - 1);
/* Setup sb by on-disk super block */
static void __setup_sb(struct sb *sb, struct disksuper *super)
sb->next_delta = TUX3_INIT_DELTA;
sb->unify = TUX3_INIT_DELTA;
sb->staging_delta = TUX3_INIT_DELTA - 1;
sb->committed_delta = TUX3_INIT_DELTA - 1;
/* Setup initial delta_ref */
__delta_transition(sb, &sb->delta_refs[0]);
sb->blockbits = be16_to_cpu(super->blockbits);
sb->volblocks = be64_to_cpu(super->volblocks);
sb->version = 0; /* FIXME: not yet implemented */
sb->blocksize = 1 << sb->blockbits;
sb->blockmask = (1 << sb->blockbits) - 1;
sb->groupbits = 13; // FIXME: put in disk super?
sb->volmask = roundup_pow_of_two64(sb->volblocks) - 1;
sb->entries_per_node = calc_entries_per_node(sb->blocksize);
/* Initialize base indexes for atable */
/* vfs fields */
vfs_sb(sb)->s_maxbytes = calc_maxbytes(sb->blocksize);
/* Probably does not belong here (maybe metablock) */
sb->freeinodes = MAX_INODES - be64_to_cpu(super->usedinodes);
sb->freeblocks = sb->volblocks;
sb->nextblock = be64_to_cpu(super->nextblock);
sb->nextinum = TUX_NORMAL_INO;
sb->atomdictsize = be64_to_cpu(super->atomdictsize);
sb->atomgen = be32_to_cpu(super->atomgen);
sb->freeatom = be32_to_cpu(super->freeatom);
/* logchain and logcount are read from super directly */
trace("blocksize %u, blockbits %u, blockmask %08x, groupbits %u",
sb->blocksize, sb->blockbits, sb->blockmask, sb->groupbits);
trace("volblocks %Lu, volmask %Lx",
sb->volblocks, sb->volmask);
trace("freeblocks %Lu, freeinodes %Lu, nextblock %Lu",
sb->freeblocks, sb->freeinodes, sb->nextblock);
trace("atom_dictsize %Lu, freeatom %u, atomgen %u",
(s64)sb->atomdictsize, sb->freeatom, sb->atomgen);
trace("logchain %Lu, logcount %u",
be64_to_cpu(super->logchain), be32_to_cpu(super->logcount));
setup_roots(sb, super);
/* Initialize and setup sb by on-disk super block */
int setup_sb(struct sb *sb, struct disksuper *super)
int err;
err = init_sb(sb);
if (err)
return err;
__setup_sb(sb, super);
return 0;
/* Load on-disk super block, and call setup_sb() with it */
int load_sb(struct sb *sb)
struct disksuper *super = &sb->super;
int err;
/* At least initialize sb, even if load is failed */
err = init_sb(sb);
if (err)
return err;
err = devio(READ, sb_dev(sb), SB_LOC, super, SB_LEN);
if (err)
return err;
if (memcmp(super->magic, TUX3_MAGIC_STR, sizeof(super->magic)))
return -EINVAL;
__setup_sb(sb, super);
return 0;
int save_sb(struct sb *sb)
struct disksuper *super = &sb->super;
super->blockbits = cpu_to_be16(sb->blockbits);
super->volblocks = cpu_to_be64(sb->volblocks);
/* Probably does not belong here (maybe metablock) */
super->iroot = cpu_to_be64(pack_root(&itree_btree(sb)->root));
super->oroot = cpu_to_be64(pack_root(&otree_btree(sb)->root));
super->nextblock = cpu_to_be64(sb->nextblock);
super->atomdictsize = cpu_to_be64(sb->atomdictsize);
super->freeatom = cpu_to_be32(sb->freeatom);
super->atomgen = cpu_to_be32(sb->atomgen);
/* logchain and logcount are written to super directly */
return devio(WRITE_SYNC | REQ_META, sb_dev(sb), SB_LOC, super, SB_LEN);
/* Delta transition */
static int relog_frontend_defer_as_bfree(struct sb *sb, u64 val)
log_bfree_relog(sb, val & ~(-1ULL << 48), val >> 48);
return 0;
static int relog_as_bfree(struct sb *sb, u64 val)
log_bfree_relog(sb, val & ~(-1ULL << 48), val >> 48);
return stash_value(&sb->defree, val);
/* Obsolete the old unify, then start the log of new unify */
static void new_cycle_log(struct sb *sb)
* FIXME: we don't need to write the logs generated by
* frontend at all. However, for now, we are writing those
* logs for debugging.
/* Discard the logs generated by frontend. */
log_finish_cycle(sb, 1);
/* Initialize logcount to count log blocks on new unify cycle. */
sb->super.logcount = 0;
* Flush a snapshot of the allocation map to disk. Physical blocks for
* the bitmaps and new or redirected bitmap btree nodes may be allocated
* during the unify. Any bitmap blocks that are (re)dirtied by these
* allocations will be written out in the next unify cycle.
static int unify_log(struct sb *sb)
/* further block allocations belong to the next cycle */
unsigned unify = sb->unify++;
trace(">>>>>>>>> commit unify %u", unify);
* Orphan inodes are still living, or orphan inodes in
* sb->otree are dead. And logs will be obsoleted, so, we
* apply those to sb->otree.
/* FIXME: orphan_add/del has no race with frontend for now */
list_splice_init(&sb->orphan_add, &orphan_add);
list_splice_init(&sb->orphan_del, &orphan_del);
/* This is starting the new unify cycle of the log */
/* Add unify log as mark of new unify cycle. */
/* Log to store freeblocks for flushing bitmap data */
log_freeblocks(sb, sb->freeblocks);
* If frontend made defered bfree (i.e. it is not applied to
* bitmap yet), we have to re-log it on this cycle. Because we
* obsolete all logs in past.
stash_walk(sb, &sb->defree, relog_frontend_defer_as_bfree);
* Re-logging defered bfree blocks after unify as defered
* bfree (LOG_BFREE_RELOG) after delta. With this, we can
* obsolete log records on previous unify.
unstash(sb, &sb->deunify, relog_as_bfree);
* Merge the dirty bnode buffers to volmap dirty list, and
* clean ->unify_buffers up before dirtying bnode buffers on
* this unify. Later, bnode blocks will be flushed via
* volmap with leaves.
tux3_dirty_buffers(sb->volmap, TUX3_INIT_DELTA));
* tux3_mark_buffer_unify() doesn't dirty inode, so we make
* sure volmap is dirty for unify buffers, now.
* See comment in tux3_mark_buffer_unify().
__tux3_mark_inode_dirty(sb->volmap, I_DIRTY_PAGES);
/* Flush bitmap */
trace("> flush bitmap %u", unify);
tux3_flush_inode_internal(sb->bitmap, unify, REQ_META);
trace("< done bitmap %u", unify);
/* Flush bitmap */
trace("> flush countmap %u", unify);
tux3_flush_inode_internal(sb->countmap, unify, REQ_META);
trace("< done countmap %u", unify);
trace("> apply orphan inodes %u", unify);
int err;
* This defered deletion of orphan from sb->otree.
* It should be done before adding new orphan, because
* orphan_add may have same inum in orphan_del.
err = tux3_unify_orphan_del(sb, &orphan_del);
if (err)
return err;
* This apply orphan inodes to sb->otree after flushed bitmap.
err = tux3_unify_orphan_add(sb, &orphan_add);
if (err)
return err;
trace("< apply orphan inodes %u", unify);
trace("<<<<<<<<< commit unify done %u", unify);
return 0;
/* Apply frontend modifications to backend buffers, and flush data buffers. */
static int stage_delta(struct sb *sb, unsigned delta)
int err;
/* Flush inodes */
err = tux3_flush_inodes(sb, delta);
if (err)
return err;
/* Flush atable after inodes. Because inode deletion may dirty atable */
err = tux3_flush_inode_internal(sb->atable, delta, 0);
if (err)
return err;
#if 0
/* FIXME: we have to flush vtable somewhere */
err = tux3_flush_inode_internal(sb->vtable, delta, 0);
if (err)
return err;
return err;
static int write_btree(struct sb *sb, unsigned delta)
* If page is still dirtied by unify buffer,
* tux3_mark_buffer_atomic() doesn't dirty inode for delta, so
* we make sure volmap is dirty for delta buffers here.
* FIXME: better way to do?
__tux3_mark_inode_dirty(sb->volmap, I_DIRTY_PAGES);
* Flush leaves (and if there is unify, bnodes too) blocks.
* FIXME: Now we are using TUX3_INIT_DELTA for leaves. Do
* we need to per delta dirty buffers?
return tux3_flush_inode_internal(sb->volmap, TUX3_INIT_DELTA, REQ_META);
/* allocate and write log blocks */
static int write_log(struct sb *sb)
/* Finish to logging in this delta */
log_finish_cycle(sb, 0);
return tux3_flush_inode_internal(sb->logmap, TUX3_INIT_DELTA, REQ_META);
static int apply_defered_bfree(struct sb *sb, u64 val)
return bfree(sb, val & ~(-1ULL << 48), val >> 48);
static int commit_delta(struct sb *sb)
trace("commit %i logblocks", be32_to_cpu(sb->super.logcount));
int err = save_sb(sb);
if (err)
return err;
/* Commit was finished, apply defered bfree. */
return unstash(sb, &sb->defree, apply_defered_bfree);
static void post_commit(struct sb *sb, unsigned delta)
* Check referencer of forked buffer was gone, and can free.
* FIXME: is this right timing and place to do this?
free_forked_buffers(sb, NULL, 0);
tux3_clear_dirty_inodes(sb, delta);
static int need_unify(struct sb *sb)
static unsigned crudehack;
return !(++crudehack % 3);
enum unify_flags { NO_UNIFY, ALLOW_UNIFY, FORCE_UNIFY, };
/* For debugging */
void tux3_start_backend(struct sb *sb)
assert(current->journal_info == NULL);
current->journal_info = sb;
void tux3_end_backend(void)
current->journal_info = NULL;
/* If true, it is under backend */
int tux3_under_backend(struct sb *sb)
return current->journal_info == sb;
static int do_commit(struct sb *sb, enum unify_flags unify_flag)
unsigned delta = sb->staging_delta;
struct iowait iowait;
int err = 0;
trace(">>>>>>>>> commit delta %u", delta);
/* further changes of frontend belong to the next delta */
* While umount, do_commit can race with umount. So, this
* checks if need to commit or not. Otherwise, e.g. sb->logmap
* can be freed already by ->put_super().
* And when sync/fsync() is called, we may not have dirty inodes.
* FIXME: there is no need to commit if normal inodes are not
* dirty? better way?
if (!tux3_has_dirty_inodes(sb, delta))
goto out;
/* Prepare to wait I/O */
sb->iowait = &iowait;
/* Add delta log for debugging. */
* NOTE: This works like modification from frontend. (i.e. this
* may generate defree log which is not committed yet at unify.)
* - this is before unify to merge modifications to this
* unify, and flush at once for optimization.
* - this is required to prevent unexpected buffer state for
* cursor_redirect(). If we applied modification after
* unify_log, it made unexpected dirty state (i.e. leaf is
* still dirty, but parent was already cleaned.)
err = stage_delta(sb, delta);
if (err)
goto out; /* FIXME: error handling */
if ((unify_flag == ALLOW_UNIFY && need_unify(sb)) ||
unify_flag == FORCE_UNIFY) {
err = unify_log(sb);
if (err)
goto out; /* FIXME: error handling */
/* Add delta log for debugging. */
write_btree(sb, delta);
/* Wait I/O was submitted */
* Commit last block (for now, this is sync I/O).
* FIXME: If this is not data integrity write, we don't have
* to wait the commit block. The commit block just have to
* written before next block block. (But defree must be after
* commit block.)
/* FIXME: what to do if error? */
trace("<<<<<<<<< commit done %u: err %d", delta, err);
post_commit(sb, delta);
trace("<<<<<<<<< post commit done %u", delta);
return err;
* Flush delta work
static int flush_delta(struct sb *sb)
unsigned delta = sb->staging_delta;
int err;
enum unify_flags unify_flag = ALLOW_UNIFY;
struct delta_ref *delta_ref = sb->pending_delta;
enum unify_flags unify_flag = delta_ref->unify_flag;
sb->pending_delta = NULL;
err = do_commit(sb, unify_flag);
sb->committed_delta = delta;
clear_bit(TUX3_COMMIT_RUNNING_BIT, &sb->backend_state);
/* Wake up waiters for delta commit */
return err;
* Provide transaction boundary for delta, and delta transition request.
/* Grab the reference of current delta */
static struct delta_ref *delta_get(struct sb *sb)
struct delta_ref *delta_ref;
* Try to grab reference. If failed, retry.
* memory barrier pairs with __delta_transition(). But we never
* free ->current_delta, so we don't need rcu_read_lock().
do {
delta_ref = rcu_dereference_check(sb->current_delta, 1);
} while (!atomic_inc_not_zero(&delta_ref->refcount));
trace("delta %u, refcount %u",
delta_ref->delta, atomic_read(&delta_ref->refcount));
return delta_ref;
/* Release the reference of delta */
static void delta_put(struct sb *sb, struct delta_ref *delta_ref)
if (atomic_dec_and_test(&delta_ref->refcount)) {
set_bit(TUX3_COMMIT_PENDING_BIT, &sb->backend_state);
trace("delta %u, refcount %u",
delta_ref->delta, atomic_read(&delta_ref->refcount));
/* Update current delta */
static void __delta_transition(struct sb *sb, struct delta_ref *delta_ref)
/* Set the initial refcount is released by try_delta_transition(). */
assert(atomic_read(&delta_ref->refcount) == 0);
atomic_set(&delta_ref->refcount, 1);
/* Assign the delta number */
delta_ref->delta = sb->next_delta++;
delta_ref->unify_flag = ALLOW_UNIFY;
* Update current delta, then release reference.
* memory barrier pairs with delta_get().
rcu_assign_pointer(sb->current_delta, delta_ref);
* Delta transition.
* Find the next delta_ref, then update current delta to it, and
* release previous delta refcount.
static void delta_transition(struct sb *sb)
* This is exclusive by TUX3_COMMIT_RUNNING_BIT (no writer),
* so rcu_dereference may not be needed.
struct delta_ref *prev = rcu_dereference_check(sb->current_delta, 1);
struct delta_ref *delta_ref;
/* Find the next delta_ref */
delta_ref = prev + 1;
if (delta_ref == &sb->delta_refs[TUX3_MAX_DELTA])
delta_ref = &sb->delta_refs[0];
/* Update the current delta. */
__delta_transition(sb, delta_ref);
/* Set delta for staging */
sb->staging_delta = prev->delta;
sb->pending_delta = prev;
/* Release initial refcount after updated the current delta. */
delta_put(sb, prev);
trace("prev %u, next %u", prev->delta, delta_ref->delta);
/* Wake up waiters for delta transition */
test_bit(TUX3_COMMIT_PENDING_BIT, &sb->backend_state));
#define delta_after_eq(a, b) \
(typecheck(unsigned, a) && \
typecheck(unsigned, b) && \
((int)(a) - (int)(b) >= 0))
#include "commit_flusher.c"
#include "commit_flusher_hack.c"
int force_unify(struct sb *sb)
return sync_current_delta(sb, FORCE_UNIFY);
int force_delta(struct sb *sb)
return sync_current_delta(sb, NO_UNIFY);
unsigned tux3_get_current_delta(void)
struct delta_ref *delta_ref = current->journal_info;
assert(delta_ref != NULL);
return delta_ref->delta;
/* Choice sb->delta or sb->unify from inode */
unsigned tux3_inode_delta(struct inode *inode)
unsigned delta;
switch (tux_inode(inode)->inum) {
* Note: volmap are special, and has both of
* TUX3_INIT_DELTA and sb->unify. So TUX3_INIT_DELTA
* can be incorrect if delta was used for buffer.
* Note: logmap is similar to volmap, but it doesn't
* have sb->unify buffers.
delta = TUX3_INIT_DELTA;
delta = tux_sb(inode->i_sb)->unify;
delta = tux3_get_current_delta();
return delta;
* This is used to avoid to run backend (if disabled asynchronous
* backend), and never be blocked. This is used in atomic context, or
* from backend task to avoid to run backend recursively.
void change_begin_atomic(struct sb *sb)
assert(current->journal_info == NULL);
current->journal_info = delta_get(sb);
/* change_end() without starting do_commit(). Use this only if necessary. */
void change_end_atomic(struct sb *sb)
struct delta_ref *delta_ref = current->journal_info;
assert(delta_ref != NULL);
current->journal_info = NULL;
delta_put(sb, delta_ref);
* This is used for nested change_begin/end. We should not use this
* usually (nesting change_begin/end is wrong for normal operations).
* For now, this is only used for ->evict_inode() debugging, and page fault.
void change_begin_atomic_nested(struct sb *sb, void **ptr)
*ptr = current->journal_info;
current->journal_info = NULL;
void change_end_atomic_nested(struct sb *sb, void *ptr)
current->journal_info = ptr;
static int need_delta(struct sb *sb)
static unsigned crudehack;
return !(++crudehack % 10);
* Normal version of change_begin/end. If there is no special
* requirement, we should use this version.
* This checks backend job and run if disabled asynchronous backend,
* and blocked if disabled asynchronous backend and backend is
* running.
void change_begin(struct sb *sb)
int change_end(struct sb *sb)
int err = 0;
if (need_delta(sb))
err = flush_pending_delta(sb);
return err;
* This is used for simplify the error path, or separates big chunk to
* small chunk in loop.
* E.g. the following
* change_begin()
* while (stop) {
* change_begin_if_need()
* if (do_something() < 0)
* break;
* change_end_if_need()
* }
* change_end_if_need()
void change_begin_if_needed(struct sb *sb, int need_sep)
if (current->journal_info == NULL)
else if (need_sep) {
void change_end_if_needed(struct sb *sb)
if (current->journal_info)