blob: 0a14a96149dca27603410db5f0619da5e482440e [file] [log] [blame]
Jan Vondrak (C) 1998
Jakub Jelinek (C) 1998
A simple program which appends the kernel and root images
to the boot loader and patches the addresses in its image_table[]
... compressed kernel images (in a.out format)
... original sizes of kernel images (uncompressed)
... virtual address of root image for each kernel (in hex)
... compressed root image
... the output file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "b.h"
#include "b2.h"
#define MAX_BOOT_LEN 0x400000
char output_buffer[MAX_BOOT_LEN];
struct ImageInfo {
unsigned packed_start;
unsigned packed_len;
unsigned unpacked_len;
unsigned root_start;
int root_tweak (char *s)
unsigned p;
p = strtoul (s, NULL, 16); /* read virtual address in hex */
return p ? (p + 32 + 0x1fff) & ~0x1fff : 0; /* add 32 bytes and round to 8 KB */
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int i,len,rootlen;
FILE *f, *g;
struct ImageInfo *ii;
char *sun4_kernel_start;
char *sun4c_kernel_start;
char *sun4u_kernel_start;
char *root_image_start;
char *output_end;
int sun4_size = 0, sun4_root = 0;
int sun4c_size = 0, sun4c_root = 0;
int sun4u_size = 0, sun4u_root = 0;
char *sun4_kernel = 0;
char *sun4c_kernel = 0;
char *sun4u_kernel = 0;
char *root_image = 0;
char *output_file = 0;
if (argc < 4) {
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: maketilo\n"
"\tsun4=<sun4 gzipped kernel> size4=<sun4 orig size> root4=<sun4 root address>\n"
"\tsun4c=<sun4c gzipped size> size4c=<sun4c orig size> root4c=<sun4c root address>\n"
"\tsun4u=<sun4u gzipped kernel> size4u=<sun4u orig size> root4u=<sun4u root address>\n"
"\troot=<root image>\n"
"\tout=<output file>\n");
return -1;
for (i=1;i<argc;i++) {
if (!strncmp (argv[i], "sun4=", 5))
sun4_kernel = argv[i] + 5;
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "sun4c=", 6))
sun4c_kernel = argv[i] + 6;
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "sun4u=", 6))
sun4u_kernel = argv[i] + 6;
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "size4=", 6))
sun4_size = atoi (argv[i]+6);
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "size4c=", 7))
sun4c_size = atoi (argv[i]+7);
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "size4u=", 7))
sun4u_size = atoi (argv[i]+7);
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "root4=", 6))
sun4_root = root_tweak (argv[i]+6);
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "root4c=", 7))
sun4c_root = root_tweak (argv[i]+7);
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "root4u=", 7))
sun4u_root = root_tweak (argv[i]+7);
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "root=", 5))
root_image = argv[i] + 5;
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "out=", 4))
output_file = argv[i] + 4;
if (!sun4_kernel) {
/*fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: Kernel for Sun4 not specified\n");*/
} else if (!sun4_size || !sun4_root) {
fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: Original size and root address must be specified for Sun4\n");
return -1;
if (!sun4c_kernel) {
fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: Kernel for Sun4c/m/d not specified\n");
} else if (!sun4c_size || !sun4c_root) {
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Original size and root address must be specified for Sun4c\n");
return -1;
if (!sun4u_kernel) {
fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: Kernel for Sun4u not specified\n");
} else if (!sun4u_size || !sun4u_root) {
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Original size and root address must be specified for Sun4u\n");
return -1;
if (!root_image) {
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Root image not specified\n");
return -1;
if (!output_file) {
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Output file not specified\n");
return -1;
g = fopen (root_image, "rb");
if (!g) {
fprintf (stderr, "Can't load %s\n", root_image);
return -1;
fseek (g, 0, SEEK_END);
rootlen = ftell (g);
fseek (g, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (rootlen + sun4_size + 0x4000 + 0x10000 >= 0x330000 ||
rootlen + sun4c_size + 0x4000 + 0x10000 >= 0x330000 ||
rootlen + sun4u_size + 0x4000 + 0x10000 >= 0x330000) {
printf("Images are large. Will load on machines with at least 5M mapped by PROM only\n");
for (i=0; i<LARGE_BOOT_LEN; i++)
output_buffer[i] = large_boot_loader[i];
} else
for (i=0; i<BOOT_LEN; i++)
output_buffer[i] = boot_loader[i];
sun4_kernel_start = output_buffer + BOOT_LEN;
if (sun4_kernel) {
f = fopen (sun4_kernel, "rb");
if (!f) {
fprintf (stderr, "Can't load %s\n", sun4_kernel);
return -1;
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
len = ftell (f);
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread (sun4_kernel_start, 1, len, f);
fclose (f);
} else
len = 0;
sun4c_kernel_start = sun4_kernel_start + len;
if (sun4c_kernel) {
f = fopen (sun4c_kernel, "rb");
if (!f) {
fprintf (stderr, "Can't load %s\n", sun4c_kernel);
return -1;
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
len = ftell (f);
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread (sun4c_kernel_start, 1, len, f);
fclose (f);
} else
len = 0;
sun4u_kernel_start = sun4c_kernel_start + len;
if (sun4u_kernel) {
f = fopen (sun4u_kernel, "rb");
if (!f) {
fprintf (stderr, "Can't load %s\n", sun4u_kernel);
return -1;
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
len = ftell (f);
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread (sun4u_kernel_start, 1, len, f);
fclose (f);
} else
len = 0;
root_image_start = sun4u_kernel_start + len;
fread (root_image_start, 1, rootlen, g);
fclose (g);
output_end = root_image_start + rootlen;
/* patch code, data and BSS size in the .out header */
*(unsigned*)(output_buffer+4) = htonl(output_end - output_buffer);
*(unsigned*)(output_buffer+8) = 0;
*(unsigned*)(output_buffer+12) = 0;
/* fill image_table[] in the boot loader */
ii = (struct ImageInfo*)(output_buffer + 40);
if (sun4_kernel) {
ii[0].packed_start = sun4_kernel_start - output_buffer - 32;
ii[0].packed_len = sun4c_kernel_start - sun4_kernel_start;
ii[0].unpacked_len = sun4_size;
ii[0].root_start = sun4_root;
} else {
ii[0].packed_start = 0;
ii[0].packed_len = 0;
ii[0].unpacked_len = 0;
ii[0].root_start = 0;
if (sun4c_kernel) {
ii[1].packed_start = sun4c_kernel_start - output_buffer - 32;
ii[1].packed_len = sun4u_kernel_start - sun4c_kernel_start;
ii[1].unpacked_len = sun4c_size;
ii[1].root_start = sun4c_root;
} else {
ii[1].packed_start = 0;
ii[1].packed_len = 0;
ii[1].unpacked_len = 0;
ii[1].root_start = 0;
if (sun4u_kernel) {
ii[2].packed_start = sun4u_kernel_start - output_buffer - 32;
ii[2].packed_len = root_image_start - sun4u_kernel_start;
ii[2].unpacked_len = sun4u_size;
ii[2].root_start = sun4u_root;
} else {
ii[2].packed_start = 0;
ii[2].packed_len = 0;
ii[2].unpacked_len = 0;
ii[2].root_start = 0;
ii[3].packed_start = root_image_start - output_buffer - 32;
ii[3].packed_len = output_end - root_image_start;
ii[3].unpacked_len = 0;
ii[3].root_start = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ii[i].packed_start = htonl(ii[i].packed_start);
ii[i].packed_len = htonl(ii[i].packed_len);
ii[i].unpacked_len = htonl(ii[i].unpacked_len);
ii[i].root_start = htonl(ii[i].root_start);
f = fopen (output_file, "wb");
if (!f) {
fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s for writing\n", output_file);
return -1;
fwrite (output_buffer, 1, output_end - output_buffer, f);
fclose (f);
return 0;