blob: da3f92ec224353eff00e956ec58fa929ae2af95a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Timer/counter utilities
Copyright (C) 1996 David S. Miller
1996,1997,1998 Jakub Jelinek
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
USA. */
#include <silo.h>
#include <asm/mostek.h>
struct sun4m_timer_regs {
volatile unsigned int limit;
volatile unsigned int count;
volatile unsigned int noclear;
volatile unsigned int foobar;
volatile unsigned int cfg;
struct sun4c_timer_info {
volatile unsigned int count10;
volatile unsigned int limit10;
volatile unsigned int count14;
volatile unsigned int limit14;
static volatile struct sun4m_timer_regs *sun4m_timer;
static volatile struct sun4c_timer_info *sun4c_timer;
static unsigned char *addr_to_free = 0;
static int len_to_free;
static unsigned long long sun4u_tickcmpr;
static int sun4u_notimer = 0;
static struct mostek48t02 *mregs;
static unsigned long clock_frequency;
#define TICKER_VIRTUAL 0xfc000000
#define SUN4C_TIMER_PHYSADDR 0xf3000000
#define PCIC_PHYSADDR 0x300c0000 /* c0000 Registers */
#define PCIC_SYS_LIMIT 0xb8
#define PCIC_SYS_COUNT 0xbc
#ifndef ASI_M_BYPASS
#define ASI_M_BYPASS 0x20
static unsigned int swab4(unsigned int n)
return ((n>>24)&0xFF) | ((n>>8)&0xFF00) | ((n&0xFF)<<24) | ((n&0xFF00)<<8);
static inline int sun4d_init_timer ()
int node = prom_getchild(prom_searchsiblings(prom_getchild(prom_searchsiblings(prom_getchild(prom_root_node), "cpu-unit")), "bootbus"));
unsigned int addr[2];
if (!node)
return -1;
node = prom_searchsiblings(node,"eeprom");
if (!node)
return -1;
if(prom_getproperty(node, "address", (char *)addr, 2*sizeof(int)) == -1)
return -1;
mregs = (struct mostek48t02 *)(addr[0] + 0x1800);
return 0;
static inline int sun4m_init_timer ()
int reg_count;
struct linux_prom_registers cnt_regs[PROMREG_MAX];
int obio_node, cnt_node;
cnt_node = 0;
if ((obio_node = prom_searchsiblings (prom_getchild (prom_root_node), "obio")) == 0 ||
(obio_node = prom_getchild (obio_node)) == 0 ||
(cnt_node = prom_searchsiblings (obio_node, "counter")) == 0) {
return -1;
reg_count = prom_getproperty (cnt_node, "reg",
(void *) cnt_regs, sizeof (cnt_regs));
reg_count = (reg_count / sizeof (struct linux_prom_registers));
prom_apply_obio_ranges (cnt_regs, reg_count);
sun4m_timer = (struct sun4m_timer_regs *)(*romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_dumb_mmap)((char *)TICKER_VIRTUAL, cnt_regs[reg_count-1].which_io, (unsigned)cnt_regs[reg_count-1].phys_addr, cnt_regs[reg_count-1].reg_size);
if (!sun4m_timer) return -1;
sun4m_timer->limit = 0x7FFFFFFF;
addr_to_free = (unsigned char *)sun4m_timer;
len_to_free = cnt_regs[reg_count-1].reg_size;
return 0;
static inline int sun4c_init_timer ()
#if 0
if (romvec->pv_romvers >= 2) {
sun4c_timer = (struct sun4c_timer_info *)(*romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_dumb_mmap)((char *)TICKER_VIRTUAL, 0, SUN4C_TIMER_PHYSADDR, sizeof (struct sun4c_timer_info));
if (!sun4c_timer) return -1;
addr_to_free = (unsigned char *)sun4c_timer;
len_to_free = sizeof (struct sun4c_timer_info);
} else
sun4c_timer = (struct sun4c_timer_info *)TICKER_VIRTUAL;
if (sun4c_mapio (SUN4C_TIMER_PHYSADDR, TICKER_VIRTUAL, 0) < 0)
return -1;
addr_to_free = (unsigned char *)0xffffffff;
sun4c_timer->limit10 = 0x7FFFFFFF;
return 0;
static int sun4p_init_timer ()
__asm__ __volatile__("sta %2, [%0] %1\n\t": :
"i" (ASI_M_BYPASS), "r" (0xFFFFFF7F) : "memory");
/* Could allocate something here... */
addr_to_free = 0;
return 0;
static inline int sun4u_init_timer ()
char node_str[128];
int node, foundcpu, notimer;
addr_to_free = 0;
foundcpu = 0;
notimer = 1;
node = prom_getchild(prom_root_node);
while ((node = prom_getsibling(node)) != 0) {
if (!foundcpu) {
prom_getstring(node, "device_type", node_str, sizeof(node_str));
if (!strcmp(node_str, "cpu")) {
foundcpu = 1;
clock_frequency = prom_getintdefault(node, "clock-frequency", 0);
clock_frequency /= 100;
if (notimer) {
prom_getstring(node, "name", node_str, sizeof(node_str));
if (!strcmp(node_str, "counter-timer"))
notimer = 0;
if (!foundcpu || !clock_frequency) {
clock_frequency = prom_getint(prom_root_node, "clock-frequency");
clock_frequency /= 100;
if (notimer && !sun4v_cpu) {
sun4u_notimer = 1;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("\t"
"rd %%tick_cmpr, %%g1\n\t"
"stx %%g1, [%0]\n\t"
"mov 1, %%g1\n\t"
"sllx %%g1, 63, %%g1\n\t"
"wr %%g1, 0, %%tick_cmpr"
: : "r" (&sun4u_tickcmpr) : "g1");
return 0;
static inline unsigned long mktime(unsigned int year, unsigned int mon,
unsigned int day, unsigned int hour,
unsigned int min, unsigned int sec)
if (0 >= (int) (mon -= 2)) { /* 1..12 -> 11,12,1..10 */
mon += 12; /* Puts Feb last since it has leap day */
year -= 1;
return (((
(unsigned long)(year/4 - year/100 + year/400 + 367*mon/12 + day) +
year*365 - 719499
)*24 + hour /* now have hours */
)*60 + min /* now have minutes */
)*60 + sec; /* finally seconds */
int init_timer ()
int retval;
switch (architecture) {
case sun4c: retval = sun4c_init_timer (); break;
case sun4m: retval = sun4m_init_timer (); break;
case sun4d: retval = sun4d_init_timer (); break;
case sun4p: retval = sun4p_init_timer (); break;
case sun4u: retval = sun4u_init_timer (); break;
default: retval = -1; break;
if (retval < 0) {
addr_to_free = 0;
return -1;
return 0;
void close_timer ()
if (sun4u_notimer) {
__asm__ __volatile__("\t"
"ldx [%0], %%g1\n\t"
"wr %%g1, 0, %%tick_cmpr"
: : "r" (&sun4u_tickcmpr) : "g1");
if (addr_to_free) {
if (addr_to_free == (unsigned char *)0xffffffff)
sun4c_unmapio (TICKER_VIRTUAL);
(*romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_dumb_munmap)((char *)addr_to_free, len_to_free);
addr_to_free = 0;
static long long ticks = 0;
void reset_ticks (void)
ticks = 0;
if (architecture == sun4u) {
__asm__ __volatile__ ("\t"
"rd %%tick, %%g1\n\t"
"stx %%g1, [%0]\n\t"
: : "r" (&ticks) : "g1");
static inline unsigned int sun4d_read(void)
unsigned int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec;
for (;;) {
sec = MSTK_REG_SEC(mregs);
min = MSTK_REG_MIN(mregs);
hour = MSTK_REG_HOUR(mregs);
day = MSTK_REG_DOM(mregs);
mon = MSTK_REG_MONTH(mregs);
year = MSTK_CVT_YEAR( MSTK_REG_YEAR(mregs) );
if (MSTK_REG_SEC(mregs) == sec)
return mktime(year, mon, day, hour, min, sec);
static unsigned int sun4p_lda(unsigned int addr)
register unsigned int w;
__asm__ __volatile__("\n\tlda [%1] %2, %0\n\t" : "=r" (w) :
"r" (addr), "i" (ASI_M_BYPASS));
return swab4(w);
/* 10ms ticks */
int get_ticks (void)
unsigned int i;
static unsigned int lasti = 0;
switch (architecture) {
case sun4c: i = sun4c_timer->count10; break;
case sun4m: i = sun4m_timer->count; break;
case sun4p:
if (i >= lasti)
ticks += i - lasti;
ticks += (0x7FFFFFFF - lasti) + i;
lasti = i;
/* 1 increment every 4 CPU clocks (@ 100MHz) */
return (int) (ticks / 250000);
case sun4d: /* I cannot get the normal sun4d timer working
during bootstrapping, so unfortunately I can give
just a 1000ms precision. */
if (!lasti) {
lasti = (sun4d_read() * 100) + 100;
return 0;
i = sun4d_read() * 100;
if (i <= lasti) return 0;
return i - lasti;
case sun4u:
__asm__ __volatile__ ("\t"
"ldx [%2], %%g2\n\t"
"rd %%tick, %%g1\n\t"
"sub %%g1, %%g2, %%g1\n\t"
"udivx %%g1, %1, %0\n\t"
: "=r" (i) : "r" (clock_frequency), "r" (&ticks) : "g1", "g2");
return i;
default: return 0;
i >>= 9;
if (i >= lasti)
ticks += i - lasti;
ticks += (1 << 22) + i - lasti - 1;
lasti = i;
return (int)(ticks / 20000);