blob: 94a1c1778a44f49817d80fdf0ddd87bfe7fce66a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* fill2:
* Derived from fill.c, adds command line options, block boundary marking
* and allows me to tweak to suit fill2fs without breaking other qa tests.
* This version marks block boundaries (512, 1k, 4k and 16k) within the file
* using characters guaranteed not to appear anywhere else, this may allow
* simple checks in future which can inspect these offsets and ensure one of
* of the four characters is present. Also fixes off-by-one error in fill.c
* and is more careful about checking when write operations fail - this is
* needed by fill2fs to ensure that the number of bytes written is accurately
* determined.
#include "global.h"
#define constpp char * const *
#define N(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
/* function prototypes */
static void illegal(char *, char *);
static void reqval(char, char * [], int);
static void respec(char, char * [], int);
static void unknown(char, char *);
static void usage(void);
char *progname;
char *dopts[] = { "nbytes", "linelength", "seed", "file", NULL };
int dflags[D_NUM] = { 0 };
char *bopts[] = { "512", "1k", "4k", "16k" };
enum { B_512, B_1K, B_4K, B_16K, B_ISSET, B_NUM };
int bflags[B_NUM] = { 0 };
* block boundaries
/* block boundaries which should be flagged in the output file */
/* flag is the character that should be used to indicate each type */
/* of block boundary */
struct s_block_type {
int mark;
int size;
char flag;
static struct s_block_type btypes[] = {
{ 0, 512, '!' }, /* 512 */
{ 0, 1024, '"' }, /* 1k */
{ 0, 4096, '#' }, /* 4k */
{ 0, 16384, '$' }, /* 16k */
* main
main(int argc, char **argv)
int status = 0; /* return status */
int c; /* current option character */
char *p; /* for getsubopt calls */
long nbytes; /* total number of bytes to write */
int dlen; /* length of normal output data line */
const char *dseed = NULL; /* input string for seeding rand */
unsigned int seed; /* seed for output data */
char *dfile = NULL; /* where to write output */
FILE *f; /* output file */
char *dbuf; /* output line buffer */
char bbuf[50]; /* block boundary string */
char *active = NULL; /* active buffer to copy out of */
size_t hlen; /* header length (bytes+key) in output */
/* lines */
char *hptr; /* pointer to end of header */
char *ptr; /* current position to copy from */
int blktype = 0; /* current block boundary type */
int boundary; /* set if current output char lies on */
/* block boundary */
long i;
int j;
int l = 0;
/* defaults */
progname = basename(argv[0]);
for (p = progname; *p; p++) {
if (*p == '/') {
progname = p + 1;
nbytes = 1024 * 1024;
dlen = 73; /* includes the trailing newline */
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:b:")) != EOF) {
switch (c) {
case 'd':
if (dflags[D_ISSET])
respec('d', NULL, 0);
dflags[D_ISSET] = 1;
p = optarg;
while (*p != '\0') {
char *value;
switch (getsubopt(&p, (constpp)dopts, &value)) {
case D_NBYTES:
if (! value) reqval('d', dopts, D_NBYTES);
if (dflags[D_NBYTES]) respec('d', dopts, D_NBYTES);
dflags[D_NBYTES] = 1;
nbytes = strtol(value, &ptr, 10);
if (ptr == value) illegal(value, "d nbytes");
if (! value) reqval('d', dopts, D_LINELENGTH);
if (dflags[D_LINELENGTH]) respec('d', dopts, D_LINELENGTH);
dflags[D_LINELENGTH] = 1;
dlen = (int) strtol(value, &ptr, 10) + 1;
if (ptr == value) illegal(value, "d linelength");
case D_SEED:
if (! value) reqval('d', dopts, D_SEED);
if (dflags[D_SEED]) respec('D', dopts, D_SEED);
dflags[D_SEED] = 1;
dseed = value;
case D_FILE:
if (! value) reqval('d', dopts, D_FILE);
if (dflags[D_FILE]) respec('d', dopts, D_FILE);
dflags[D_FILE] = 1;
dfile = value;
unknown('d', value);
case 'b':
if (bflags[B_ISSET])
respec('b', NULL, 0);
bflags[B_ISSET] = 1;
p = optarg;
while (*p != '\0') {
char *value;
switch (getsubopt(&p, (constpp)bopts, &value)) {
case B_512:
if (value) illegal(value, "b 512");
if (bflags[B_512]) respec('b', bopts, B_512);
bflags[B_512] = 1;
btypes[0].mark = 1;
case B_1K:
if (value) illegal(value, "b 1k");
if (bflags[B_1K]) respec('b', bopts, B_1K);
bflags[B_1K] = 1;
btypes[1].mark = 1;
case B_4K:
if (value) illegal(value, "b 4k");
if (bflags[B_4K]) respec('b', bopts, B_4K);
bflags[B_4K] = 1;
btypes[2].mark = 1;
case B_16K:
if (value) illegal(value, "b 16k");
if (bflags[B_16K]) respec('b', bopts, B_16K);
bflags[B_16K] = 1;
btypes[3].mark = 1;
unknown('b', value);
case '?':
if (dflags[D_FILE] && optind != argc)
if (! dflags[D_FILE] && argc - optind != 1)
if (! dflags[D_FILE])
dfile = argv[optind];
if ((f = fopen(dfile, "w")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "fill2: cannot create \"%s\": %s\n",
dfile, strerror(errno));
status = 1;
goto cleanup;
if (! dflags[D_SEED])
dseed = dfile;
/* seed is an ascii string */
seed = 0;
i = 0;
while (dseed[i]) {
seed <<= 8;
seed |= dseed[i];
/* normal data line format: XXXXXXXXXXXX CCCC...CCC CCCCCCCCCCCC...CCC */
/* block boundary format: CXXXXXXX */
dbuf = (char *) malloc(dlen + 1);
hlen = 12+1+strlen(dseed)+1;
assert(hlen < dlen);
hptr = dbuf + hlen;
for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) {
/* is this a block boundary? check largest to smallest */
boundary = 0;
for (j = N(btypes) - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (btypes[j].mark) {
/* first time through or just before a block boundary? */
if (i == 0 || i % btypes[j].size == btypes[j].size - 1) {
boundary = 1;
blktype = j;
/* are there block boundaries to check? */
/* is this the first time through? */
/* block boundaries take priority over other output */
if (bflags[B_ISSET] && (i == 0 || boundary)) {
sprintf(bbuf, "%s%c%07ld\n",
i ? "\n" : "",
/* remember i is one less than block boundary */
i ? (i+1) / btypes[blktype].size : 0);
active = bbuf;
ptr = bbuf;
/* are we at the start of a new line? */
else if (i == 0
|| (active == bbuf && *ptr == '\0')
|| (active == dbuf && l == dlen))
sprintf(dbuf, "%012ld %s ", i, dseed);
assert(*hptr == '\0');
for (ptr = hptr; ptr != dbuf + dlen - 1; ptr++) {
/* characters upto 126 '~' are used */
/* do not use !"#$ - leave free for use as block markers */
*ptr = 37 + (rand() % (127 - 37));
*ptr++ = '\n';
*ptr = '\0';
assert(ptr == dbuf + dlen);
active = dbuf;
ptr = dbuf;
l = 0;
else {
/* continue copying from the active buffer */
/* output one new character from current buffer */
if (fputc(*ptr++, f) == EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "fill2: could not write character to \"%s\": %s\n",
dfile, strerror(errno));
status = 1;
goto cleanup;
if (active == dbuf) l++;
/* close file and flush buffers - check if this fails */
if (fclose(f) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "fill2: fclose() on \"%s\" failed: %s\n",
dfile, strerror(errno));
status = 1;
return status;
* suboption checking functions
static void
illegal(char *value, char *opt)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Illegal value \"%s\" for -%s option\n",
progname, value, opt);
static void
reqval(char opt, char *tab[], int idx)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: -%c %s option requires a value\n",
progname, opt, tab[idx]);
static void
respec(char opt, char *tab[], int idx)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: ", progname);
fprintf(stderr, "-%c ", opt);
if (tab) fprintf(stderr, "%s ", tab[idx]);
fprintf(stderr, "option respecified\n");
static void
unknown(char opt, char *s)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Unknown option -%c %s\n", progname, opt, s);
static void
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] filename\n"
" -d [nbytes=num,linelength=num, output data properties\n"
" seed=string,file=name]\n"
" -b [512,1k,4k,16k] where to mark block boundaries\n", progname);