blob: b7b10c34a991482a814e0cd6953e34d82de7f908 [file] [log] [blame]
* Blue Gene/P interrupt controller
* Linux wants IRQs mapped to a small integer space.
* The bic defines 15 groups and 32 group interrupts in each group.
* We encode an IRQ number like this (which requires NR_IRQS=512):
* where GGGG is the 4-bit group number+1 (i.e. GGGG=0000 is not used),
* and IIIII is the 5-bit interrupt index within the 32-bit word.
* The interrupt indexes are numbered from the left bit (powerpc-style).
* We avoid encoding GGGG=0000 so we never end up with an IRO=0 which is a
* flag for "no interrupt" in arch/powerpc.
* The IPIs subdivide the group 0 interrupt word as follows:
* CRSD CRSD CRSD CRSD .... .... .... ....
* 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
* cpu0 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3
* where C=call, R=resched, S=call-single, D=debug, and .=unused
* We encode IPI IRQ numbers specially. By the above encoding they would be
* 32..47 for these 16 bits.
* The other 16 bits in group 0 are treated normally. These will translate to
* IRQ = 48..63 and can be used by software to simulate hardware interrupts for
* other purposes.
* Todd Inglett <>
* Copyright 2003-2009 International Business Machines, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/irq.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <asm/bluegene.h>
/* #define TJCW_USE_BYTEWISE */
/* #define BIC_DIAGNOSE 1 */
#if defined(BIC_DIAGNOSE)
extern int bgp_dma_tcp_tracemask ;
static int bic_diagnose_count ;
enum {
k_bic_diagnose_limit = 100
static unsigned int bic_diagnosing(void)
if( 0 == (bgp_dma_tcp_tracemask & 0x80000000) )
if( bic_diagnose_count < k_bic_diagnose_limit)
bic_diagnose_count += 1 ;
return 1 ;
bic_diagnose_count = 0 ;
return 0 ;
#define BIC_DIAG(X) if(bic_diagnosing()) { X ; }
#define BIC_DIAG(X)
void bic_unmask_irq(unsigned int irq);
EXPORT_SYMBOL(bic_unmask_irq) ;
static void bic_mask_irq(unsigned int irq);
static void bic_eoi_irq(unsigned int irq);
static void bic_unmask_irq_bytewise(unsigned int irq) __attribute__((unused)) ;
static void bic_mask_irq_bytewise(unsigned int irq) __attribute__((unused)) ;
#if defined(TJCW_USE_BYTEWISE)
static struct irq_chip bgp_irq_chip = {
.name = "BIC",
.unmask = bic_unmask_irq_bytewise,
.mask = bic_mask_irq_bytewise,
.eoi = bic_eoi_irq,
static struct irq_chip bgp_irq_chip = {
.name = "BIC",
.unmask = bic_unmask_irq,
.mask = bic_mask_irq,
.eoi = bic_eoi_irq,
/* Note that the BIC (and other devices) are at phys addresses > 4GB */
#define BIC_PHYS 0x730000000LL
/* These are defined by the hardware. */
#define NR_BIC_GROUPS 15
#define NR_BIC_GINTS 32
#define NR_BIC_CPUS 4
/* 4-bit target value for target register */
#define BIC_TARGET_MASK (0xf)
#define BIC_IPI_GROUP 0
/* Define the layout of each group's registers.
* This layout should be 0x80 bytes long (including pad).
struct bic_group_regs {
uint32_t status; /* 0x00 RW */
uint32_t rd_clr_status; /* 0x04 RO */
uint32_t status_clr; /* 0x08 WO */
uint32_t status_set; /* 0x0c WO */
uint32_t target[4]; /* 0x10 RW */
uint32_t normal[NR_BIC_CPUS]; /* 0x20 RW */
uint32_t critical[NR_BIC_CPUS]; /* 0x30 RW */
uint32_t mcheck[NR_BIC_CPUS]; /* 0x40 RW */
uint32_t _pad[12]; /* 0x50 */
/* Define the layout of the interrupt controller mem mapped regs. */
struct bic_regs {
struct bic_group_regs group[NR_BIC_GROUPS]; /* 0x000 */
uint32_t hier_normal[NR_BIC_CPUS]; /* 0x780 */
uint32_t hier_critical[NR_BIC_CPUS]; /* 0x790 */
uint32_t hier_mcheck[NR_BIC_CPUS]; /* 0x7a0 */
/* This table is indexed by 'real' IRQ, i.e. BIC values. Linux 'virtual' IRQs are +32 */
static volatile unsigned char intended_cpu_for_irq[NR_BIC_GROUPS*NR_BIC_GINTS] =
/* 0 */
/* 32 */
/* 64 */
/* 128 */
/* 256 */
/* 480 */
static inline void out_be8(unsigned char * target, unsigned int val)
*target = val ;
static inline unsigned int in_be8(unsigned char * target)
return *target ;
/* Group is encoded in the upper 4 bits. We account for group+1. */
static inline unsigned bic_irq_to_hwgroup(unsigned irq)
return ((irq >> 5) & 0xf) - 1;
/* Gint is encoded in the bottom 5 bits. */
static inline unsigned bic_irq_to_hwgint(unsigned irq)
return irq & 0x1f;
static inline unsigned bic_irq_to_hwirq(unsigned irq)
return irq - (1 << 5);
/* bic_hw_to_irq(unsigned group, unsigned gint) is in bluegene.h */
/* Need to keep a track in memory of where each interrupt is pointed at
* so we can reassemble the right hardware register contents even with SMP behaviour
static volatile unsigned char cpu_for_irq[NR_BIC_GROUPS*NR_BIC_GINTS] ;
static void set_cpu_for_hwirq(unsigned int hwirq, unsigned int tcpu)
cpu_for_irq[hwirq] = tcpu ;
void bic_set_cpu_for_irq(unsigned int irq, unsigned int cpu)
unsigned int hwirq=bic_irq_to_hwirq(irq) ;
intended_cpu_for_irq[hwirq] = BIC_TARGET_NORMAL(cpu) ;
BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bic_set_cpu_for_irq irq=0x%02x cpu=%d hwirq=0x%02x\n",
irq,cpu,hwirq)) ;
/* Stop the BIC from passing an interrupt to the CPU. The idea is to */
/* call this in a FLIH if you don't want a 'reinterrupt', and call */
/* 'bic_set_cpu_for_irq' later on (e.g. from a NAPI 'poll') */
void bic_disable_irq(unsigned int irq)
intended_cpu_for_irq[bic_irq_to_hwirq(irq)] = 0 ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL(bic_disable_irq) ;
int bic_get_cpu_for_irq(unsigned int irq)
return intended_cpu_for_irq[bic_irq_to_hwirq(irq)] ;
struct bic {
spinlock_t mask_lock; /* could be finer grained if necessary */
struct bic_regs *regs;
uint32_t enabled_mask[NR_BIC_GROUPS] ; /* Hardware can report status even if a bit doesn't cause interrupt. This to mask off ... */
} bic;
/* ipi_to_irq(cpu, msg)
* Produce a Linux IRQ number given a cpu+func.
* The caller ensures cpu in 0..3 and func in 0..3.
static inline unsigned ipi_to_irq(unsigned cpu, unsigned func)
return bic_hw_to_irq(BIC_IPI_GROUP, (cpu<<2)+func);
/* Generate a 4-bit IPI range mask for this cpu retaining the unused bits. */
static inline unsigned ipi_mask(unsigned cpu)
return 0xf0000000U >> (cpu << 2) | 0x0000ffffU;
/* Given an gint we know is an IPI (0..15), return the cpu that
* should be targeted. Remember these bits are numbered from the left.
static inline unsigned ipi_gint_cpu(unsigned gint)
return (gint >> 2) & 0x3;
static inline int is_ipi(unsigned group, unsigned gint)
return (group == 0) && (gint < 16);
#define GINT_TO_IRQ(group, gint) (((group) << 5) | (gint))
static unsigned int get_tcpu_for_tnum(unsigned int group, unsigned int tnum)
unsigned int rbase = GINT_TO_IRQ(group,(tnum<<3)) ;
unsigned int t0 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+0] ;
unsigned int t1 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+1] ;
unsigned int t2 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+2] ;
unsigned int t3 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+3] ;
unsigned int t4 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+4] ;
unsigned int t5 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+5] ;
unsigned int t6 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+6] ;
unsigned int t7 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+7] ;
return ((t0 & 0x0f) << 28) |
((t1 & 0x0f) << 24) |
((t2 & 0x0f) << 20) |
((t3 & 0x0f) << 16) |
((t4 & 0x0f) << 12) |
((t5 & 0x0f) << 8) |
((t6 & 0x0f) << 4) |
((t7 & 0x0f)) ;
static unsigned int get_tcpu_for_tnum_byte(unsigned int group, unsigned int tnum)
unsigned int rbase = GINT_TO_IRQ(group,(tnum<<1)) ;
unsigned int t0 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+0] ;
unsigned int t1 = cpu_for_irq[rbase+1] ;
return ((t0 & 0x0f) << 4) |
((t1 & 0x0f)) ;
* Unmasking an IRQ will enable it.
* We reach into the bic to set the target core of the interrupt appropriately.
* For now, interrupts are wired to a default core, although IPIs (of course)
* must be directed appropriately.
void bic_unmask_irq(unsigned int irq)
unsigned group = bic_irq_to_hwgroup(irq);
unsigned gint = bic_irq_to_hwgint(irq);
unsigned tnum = gint >> 3;
unsigned tidx = gint & 7;
/* unsigned orig, tmask, tcpu; */
unsigned tmask, tcpu;
uint32_t *targetp = &bic.regs->group[group].target[tnum];
unsigned cpu;
unsigned int request_tcpu ;
unsigned int verify_tcpu ;
bic.enabled_mask[group] |= 0x80000000 >> gint ; /* Note that this interrupt is enabled */
tmask= ~(0xf << (7-tidx)*4);
if (group == 0 /*is_ipi(group, gint)*/) {
/* These bits are magic. We know they are for IPIs
* and must direct them to the correct core.
cpu = ipi_gint_cpu(gint);
tcpu = BIC_TARGET_NORMAL(cpu) << (7-tidx)*4;
} else {
tcpu = BIC_TARGET_NORMAL(cpu) << (7-tidx)*4;
unsigned int hwirq = bic_irq_to_hwirq(irq) ;
unsigned int tgtcpu=intended_cpu_for_irq[hwirq] ; /* Note .. 'cpu' has the b'0100' bit set already if appropriate */
set_cpu_for_hwirq(hwirq,tgtcpu) ;
request_tcpu=get_tcpu_for_tnum(group,tnum) ;
/* BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bic_unmask_irq irq=0x%02x hwirq=0x%02x group=0x%02x tnum=0x%02x gint=0x%02x tmask=0x%08x targetp=%p cpu=%d tgtcpu=%d targtval=0x%08x request_tcpy=0x%08x\n", */
/* irq,hwirq,group,tnum,gint,tmask,targetp,cpu,tgtcpu,(orig & tmask)|tcpu, request_tcpu)) ; */
BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bic_unmask_irq irq=0x%02x hwirq=0x%02x group=0x%02x tnum=0x%02x gint=0x%02x tmask=0x%08x targetp=%p cpu=%d tgtcpu=%d request_tcpy=0x%08x\n",
irq,hwirq,group,tnum,gint,tmask,targetp,cpu,tgtcpu, request_tcpu)) ;
out_be32(targetp, request_tcpu) ;
verify_tcpu=get_tcpu_for_tnum(group,tnum) ;
while(request_tcpu != verify_tcpu)
/* If another CPU changed the target for an interrupt while we were writing, pick up the change */
/* and set the hw register appropriately. Eventually the last writer should reflect what */
/* everyone wants. */
request_tcpu = verify_tcpu ;
printk(KERN_NOTICE "irq=0x%02x set=%x redo request_tcpu=%08x\n", irq,BIC_TARGET_NORMAL(cpu),request_tcpu) ;
out_be32(targetp, request_tcpu) ;
verify_tcpu=get_tcpu_for_tnum(group,tnum) ;
static void bic_unmask_irq_bytewise(unsigned int irq)
unsigned group = bic_irq_to_hwgroup(irq);
unsigned gint = bic_irq_to_hwgint(irq);
unsigned tnum = gint >> 1;
unsigned tidx = gint & 1;
/* unsigned orig, tmask, tcpu; */
unsigned tmask;
unsigned char *basep = (unsigned char *)(bic.regs->group[group].target) ;
unsigned char *targetp = basep+tnum ;
unsigned cpu;
unsigned int request_tcpu ;
unsigned int verify_tcpu ;
bic.enabled_mask[group] |= 0x80000000 >> gint ; /* Note that this interrupt is enabled */
tmask= ~(0xf << (1-tidx)*4);
if (group == 0 /*is_ipi(group, gint)*/) {
/* These bits are magic. We know they are for IPIs
* and must direct them to the correct core.
cpu = ipi_gint_cpu(gint);
} else {
unsigned int hwirq = bic_irq_to_hwirq(irq) ;
unsigned int tgtcpu=intended_cpu_for_irq[hwirq] ; /* Note .. 'cpu' has the b'0100' bit set already if appropriate */
set_cpu_for_hwirq(hwirq,tgtcpu) ;
request_tcpu=get_tcpu_for_tnum_byte(group,tnum) ;
/* BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bic_unmask_irq irq=0x%02x hwirq=0x%02x group=0x%02x tnum=0x%02x gint=0x%02x tmask=0x%08x targetp=%p cpu=%d tgtcpu=%d targtval=0x%08x request_tcpy=0x%08x\n", */
/* irq,hwirq,group,tnum,gint,tmask,targetp,cpu,tgtcpu,(orig & tmask)|tcpu, request_tcpu)) ; */
BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bic_unmask_irq irq=0x%02x hwirq=0x%02x group=0x%02x tnum=0x%02x gint=0x%02x tmask=0x%08x targetp=%p cpu=%d tgtcpu=%d request_tcpy=0x%08x\n",
irq,hwirq,group,tnum,gint,tmask,targetp,cpu,tgtcpu, request_tcpu)) ;
out_be8(targetp, request_tcpu) ;
verify_tcpu=get_tcpu_for_tnum_byte(group,tnum) ;
while(request_tcpu != verify_tcpu)
/* If another CPU changed the target for an interrupt while we were writing, pick up the change */
/* and set the hw register appropriately. Eventually the last writer should reflect what */
/* everyone wants. */
request_tcpu = verify_tcpu ;
printk(KERN_NOTICE "irq=0x%02x set=%x redo request_tcpu=%08x\n", irq,BIC_TARGET_NORMAL(cpu),request_tcpu) ;
out_be8(targetp, request_tcpu) ;
verify_tcpu=get_tcpu_for_tnum_byte(group,tnum) ;
* Masking an IRQ will disable it.
* We do this by changing the target to disable. This works for IPI bits,
static void bic_mask_irq(unsigned int irq)
unsigned group = bic_irq_to_hwgroup(irq);
unsigned gint = bic_irq_to_hwgint(irq);
unsigned tnum = gint >> 3;
unsigned tidx = gint & 7;
unsigned orig, tmask;
uint32_t *targetp = &bic.regs->group[group].target[tnum];
tmask = BIC_TARGET_MASK << (7-tidx)*4;
BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bic_mask_irq irq=0x%02x group=0x%02x gint=0x%02x tmask=0x%02x\n",
irq,group,gint,tmask)) ;
bic.enabled_mask[group] &= 0xffffffff ^ (0x80000000 >> gint) ; /* Note that this interrupt is disabled */
orig = in_be32(targetp);
out_be32(targetp, orig & ~tmask);
static void bic_mask_irq_bytewise(unsigned int irq)
unsigned int hwirq = bic_irq_to_hwirq(irq) ;
unsigned group = bic_irq_to_hwgroup(irq);
unsigned gint = bic_irq_to_hwgint(irq);
unsigned tnum = gint >> 1;
unsigned tidx = gint & 1;
unsigned orig, tmask;
unsigned char *basep = (unsigned char *)(bic.regs->group[group].target) ;
unsigned char *targetp = basep+tnum ;
set_cpu_for_hwirq(hwirq,0) ;
tmask = BIC_TARGET_MASK << ((1-tidx)*4);
BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bic_mask_irq irq=0x%02x group=0x%02x gint=0x%02x tmask=0x%02x\n",
irq,group,gint,tmask)) ;
bic.enabled_mask[group] &= 0xffffffff ^ (0x80000000 >> gint) ; /* Note that this interrupt is disabled */
orig = in_be8(targetp);
out_be8(targetp, orig & ~tmask);
* End an interrupt. We just need to write the bit to be cleared
* and the hardware handles it. No locking needed.
static void bic_eoi_irq(unsigned int irq)
unsigned group = bic_irq_to_hwgroup(irq);
unsigned gint = bic_irq_to_hwgint(irq);
uint32_t gintbits = 1 << (31 - gint);
/* BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bic_eoi_irq irq=0x%02x group=0x%02x gint=0x%02x \n",irq,group,gint)) ; */
out_be32(&bic.regs->group[group].status_clr, gintbits);
/* Return the hardware cpu index as needed by the bic.
* Currently this matches smp_processor_id(), but we do this explicitly
* in case we ever want to virtualize the processor id.
static inline unsigned this_cpu(void)
unsigned cpu;
asm volatile("mfspr %0, 0x11e" : "=r" (cpu));
return cpu;
/* Return 0..32 counting from the left (same as bic). 32=> no bit set.
* Could use bitops.h as long as it always matches the bic.
static inline unsigned bic_find_first_bit(unsigned x)
unsigned lz;
asm("cntlzw %0,%1" : "=r" (lz) : "r" (x));
return lz;
* Get an IRQ from the BIC.
* We analyze the normal hierarchy register to find which group has caused an
* interrupt. Similarily, we find the first bit within a group to find the first
* source of interrupt. This artificially prioritizes interrupts.
* We handle IPIs specially. This core can see IPI bits which did not actually
* interrupt this core. We mask off those bits and otherwise process normally.
unsigned int bgp_get_irq(void)
unsigned thiscpu = this_cpu();
unsigned nhier, group, gint;
uint32_t gintbits;
int irq = NO_IRQ;
nhier = in_be32(&(bic.regs->hier_normal[thiscpu]));
group = bic_find_first_bit(nhier);
if (group >= NR_BIC_GROUPS)
goto out;
gintbits = in_be32(&bic.regs->group[group].status) & bic.enabled_mask[group] ;
if (group == BIC_IPI_GROUP) {
/* This may be an IPI. Mask out other cpu IPI bits so we don't try
* to handle it on this core! We don't mask the other 16 bits.
unsigned mask = ipi_mask(thiscpu);
gintbits &= mask;
gint = bic_find_first_bit(gintbits);
if (gint >= NR_BIC_GINTS)
goto out;
irq = bic_hw_to_irq(group, gint);
/* BIC_DIAG(printk(KERN_INFO "bgp_get_irq nhier=0x%02x group=0x%02x gintbits=0x%08x gint=0x%02x irq=0x%02x\n", */
/* nhier,group,gintbits,gint,irq)) ; */
return irq;
* Send an IPI to another cpu.
* This could be coded to send to a cpu mask.
enum {
k_spinlimit = 1000000 ,
k_reportlimit = 100
static unsigned int reportcount ;
void bgp_send_ipi(int cpu, int msg)
unsigned group = BIC_IPI_GROUP;
unsigned gint = ipi_to_irq(cpu, msg) & 0x1f;
uint32_t gintbits = 1 << (31 - gint);
uint32_t ngintbits;
unsigned int spincount = 0 ;
/* If this interrupt is already raised we must wait for it to complete else
* we might race with the ack by the other waiting cpu.
* Once it is clear there is no guarantee another cpu won't take it in tandem
* with this cpu. Currently that is ok, because a reschedule race is harmless
* as the goal of rescheduling is met, and the others hold a lock while the
* operation is in progress. Why doesn't the lock protect us? There is a window
* between the lock release and the IPI interrupt ack where we will race.
* This plugs the race. It may be better to reallocate the IPI bits for unique
* core-to-core combinations.
do {
spincount += 1 ;
ngintbits = in_be32(&bic.regs->group[group].status);
} while ( (ngintbits & gintbits) && (spincount < k_spinlimit) ) ;
/* Pull the interrupt. */
if( spincount < k_spinlimit)
out_be32(&bic.regs->group[group].status_set, gintbits);
if(reportcount < k_reportlimit)
printk(KERN_WARNING "bgp_send_ipi cpu=%d msg=%d stuck\n", cpu, msg) ;
reportcount += 1;
/* Initialize an IPI handler. This is only here to use ipi_to_irq(), which
* could be exposed in bluegene.h.
void bgp_init_IPI(int cpu, int msg)
smp_request_message_ipi(ipi_to_irq(cpu, msg), msg);
/* Initialize the bic.
* We set the handlers as percpu because bic interrupts are wired
* to specific cores (we never broadcast to all cores).
static void __init
int group ;
struct bic_regs * regs = bic.regs ;
for(group=0; group<NR_BIC_GROUPS; group += 1)
struct bic_group_regs *group_regs = regs->group+group ;
group_regs->target[0] = 0 ;
group_regs->target[1] = 0 ;
group_regs->target[2] = 0 ;
group_regs->target[3] = 0 ;
bic.enabled_mask[group] = 0 ;
void __init
bic.regs = ioremap(BIC_PHYS, sizeof(*bic.regs));
disable_all_bic_interrupts() ;
void __init
int irq;
// bic.regs = ioremap(BIC_PHYS, sizeof(*bic.regs));
// disable_all_bic_interrupts() ;
bic.mask_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
for_each_irq(irq) {
/* Interrupts from the BIC are percpu (we don't use broadcast)
* so we may as well take the cycle advantage and declare it.
set_irq_chip_and_handler(irq, &bgp_irq_chip, handle_percpu_irq);
EXPORT_SYMBOL(bic_set_cpu_for_irq) ;