blob: cb0ded8447c4a071e9d0bdd66b19bd7da904f95a [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2010
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, see <>.
* Author: Chris Ward <>
* Description: Blue Gene low-level driver for sockets over torus
* Intent: Send a 'request block' to the partner's memory FIFO
* Partner initiates a 'remote read' from me
* Partner sends a 'response block' to my FIFO to say the data is transferred
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/fcntl.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/poll.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/ioport.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/highmem.h>
#include <linux/mman.h>
#include <linux/syscalls.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
#include <linux/cpu.h>
#include <linux/cpuset.h>
#include <linux/bootmem.h>
#include <asm/pgtable.h>
#include <asm/system.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/page.h>
#include <asm/time.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
#include <net/inet_connection_sock.h>
#include <net/inet_sock.h>
#include <net/inet_hashtables.h>
#include <net/tcp.h>
#include <net/tcp_hiatus.h>
#include <spi/linux_kernel_spi.h>
#include <asm/bgcns.h>
#include "bgp_dma_tcp.h"
#include "bgp_bic_diagnosis.h"
#include "../bgp_network/bgdiagnose.h"
/* #define TRUST_TORUS_CRC */
/* Select operation with linux 'dev->poll' */
/* #if defined(CONFIG_SMP) && !defined(CONFIG_BLUEGENE_UNIPROCESSOR) && !defined(CONFIG_BGP_VRNIC) */
/* #endif */
/* #define REQUIRES_DUMPMEM */
/* int bgp_dma_tcp_tracemask=k_t_general|k_t_lowvol|k_t_irqflow|k_t_irqflow_rcv|k_t_protocol ; */
int bgp_dma_tcp_tracemask = k_t_init | k_t_request | k_t_error | k_t_congestion ; // | k_t_scattergather ;
/* int bgp_dma_tcp_tracemask = k_t_init | k_t_request | k_t_error | k_t_congestion |k_t_irqflow|k_t_irqflow_rcv; */
/* int bgp_dma_tcp_tracemask = 0xffffffff ; */
/* int bgp_dma_tcp_tracemask = k_t_request | k_t_error ; */
/* #endif */
/* extern int sysctl_somaxconn ; // listening socket backlog, will want to increase this to allow at least 'n' SYNs per node in the block */
/* #define DEBUG_CLEAR_SKB */
//extern int bgp_dma_irq ; /* Interrupt number that the torus is using */
enum {
k_fifo_irq = 124 , /* Linux interrupt number for 'fifo threshold crossing' interrupt */
k_rec_counter_irq = 132 /* Linux interrupt number for 'reception counter hit zero' interrupt */
enum {
k_find_source_of_rst_flags = 1 /* Whether to enable making a fuss about the source of a 'rst' frame */
enum {
k_TorusAffinityCPU =
extern cpumask_t cpu_nouser_map; /* Added to support 'steal' of core prior to long-running softirq */
int __init
dma_tcp_module_init (void);
/* void __exit dma_tcp_module_cleanup (void); */
/* module_init(dma_tcp_module_init); */
/* module_exit(dma_tcp_module_cleanup); */
int rtt_histogram[33] ;
int transit_histogram[33] ;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("BG/P sockets over torus DMA driver");
#define TCP_DMA_NAME "tcp_bgp_dma"
/* Routines related to interrupt management from bgp_bic.c */
void bic_disable_irq(unsigned int irq) ; /* Intended to be called from a FLIH to indicate that this interrupt will not fire again */
void bic_set_cpu_for_irq(unsigned int irq, unsigned int cpu) ; /* Intended to indicate which core will take the next interrupt of this type. Doesn't explocitly enable but other async things may enable */
void bic_unmask_irq(unsigned int irq) ; /* Explicitly enable this interrupt */
enum {
k_FLIH_Entry ,
k_FLIH_Exit ,
k_SLIH_Entry ,
k_SLIH_Exit ,
k_Poll_Entry ,
k_Poll_Exit ,
k_Enable ,
k_CouldEnable ,
static char *timestamp_names[] = {
"k_FLIH_Entry" ,
"k_FLIH_Exit" ,
"k_SLIH_Entry" ,
"k_SLIH_Exit" ,
"k_Poll_Entry" ,
"k_Poll_Exit" ,
"k_Enable" ,
typedef struct {
unsigned int hi ;
unsigned int lo ;
} timestamp_t ;
enum {
k_TimestampRingSize = 8
typedef struct {
unsigned int current_index ;
timestamp_t timestamp[k_TimestampRingSize] ;
} timestamp_ring_t;
static timestamp_ring_t timestamp_ring[k_Quantity] ;
static void record_timestamp(unsigned int x)
unsigned int tbhi = get_tbu();
unsigned int tblo = get_tbl();
unsigned int tbhi2 = get_tbu();
unsigned int tblo2 = ( tbhi == tbhi2 ) ? tblo : 0 ;
timestamp_ring_t *tr = timestamp_ring+x ;
unsigned int cx=tr->current_index ;
unsigned int cxm=cx&(k_TimestampRingSize-1) ;
tr->timestamp[cxm].hi = tbhi2 ;
tr->timestamp[cxm].lo = tblo2 ;
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"Timestamp %s[%d] = 0x%08x%08x",timestamp_names[x],cx,tbhi2,tblo2) ;
tr->current_index=cx+1 ;
static void show_timestamps(void)
int x ;
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"(>)") ;
timestamp_ring_t *tr = timestamp_ring+x ;
unsigned int cx=tr->current_index ;
int q ;
for(q=-k_TimestampRingSize;q<0 ; q+=1)
unsigned int cxm=(cx+q)&(k_TimestampRingSize-1) ;
TRACEN(k_t_request,"Timestamp %s[%03d] = 0x%08x%08x",timestamp_names[x],q,tr->timestamp[cxm].hi,tr->timestamp[cxm].lo) ;
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"(<)") ;
static void init_tuning(dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp)
dma_tcp->bluegene_tcp_is_built = 1 ;
dma_tcp->bluegene_tcp_is_built = 0 ;
dma_tcp->tuning_num_packets = 0x7fffffff ; /* up from '1', used 16 at one time */
#if defined(KEEP_TCP_FLAG_STATS)
dma_tcp->tcp_received_flag_count[0] = 0 ;
dma_tcp->tcp_received_flag_count[1] = 0 ;
dma_tcp->tcp_received_flag_count[2] = 0 ;
dma_tcp->tcp_received_flag_count[3] = 0 ;
dma_tcp->tcp_received_flag_count[4] = 0 ;
dma_tcp->tcp_received_flag_count[5] = 0 ;
dma_tcp->tcp_received_flag_count[6] = 0 ;
dma_tcp->tcp_received_flag_count[7] = 0 ;
#if defined(TORNIC_DEV_POLL)
/* dma_tcp->tuning_num_empty_passes = 1000000 ; // Try 1 second 'spin' if no data coming */
dma_tcp->tuning_num_empty_passes = 5000 ; /* Try 5 millisecond 'spin' if no data coming if we have a whole core for it */
dma_tcp->tuning_non_empty_poll_delay = 850 ;
/* Sharing a core, but with 'poll' NAPI */
dma_tcp->tuning_num_empty_passes = 1 ; /* Try 10 microsecond 'spin' if no data coming if we are sharing core with app */
dma_tcp->tuning_non_empty_poll_delay = 1 ;
/* 'interrupts' NAPI */
dma_tcp->tuning_num_empty_passes = 1 ; /* Try 10 microsecond 'spin' if no data coming if we are sharing core with app */
dma_tcp->tuning_non_empty_poll_delay = 1 ;
dma_tcp->tuning_poll_after_enabling = 1 ; /* changed from 0 on 20080619 */
dma_tcp->tuning_run_handler_on_hwi = 0 ; /* was 1 */
dma_tcp->tuning_clearthresh_slih = 1 ; /* = 0 , whether to clear the 'threshold crossed' bit in the slih */
dma_tcp->tuning_clearthresh_flih = 0 ; /* = 0 , whether to clear the 'threshold crossed' bit in the flih */
dma_tcp->tuning_disable_in_dcr = 1 ; /* = 1, whether to toggle the DCR interrupt enable/disable */
dma_tcp->tuning_exploit_reversepropose = 1 ; /* which way to run the propose/accept protocol */
dma_tcp->tuning_counters_per_source = 0 ; /* Max reception counters to commit per source node (0 indicates to use 'shareout' algorithm */
dma_tcp->tuning_min_icsk_timeout = 200 ; /* Push TCP timeout on torus up to 200 jiffies, we think we have a reliable network ... */
dma_tcp->tuning_injection_hashmask = 3 ; /* = 3, whether to mask down the number of injection fifos per direction */
dma_tcp->tuning_virtual_channel = k_VC_anyway ; /* Select adaptive routing at boot time */
dma_tcp_t dma_tcp_state ;
/* void __exit */
/* dma_tcp_module_cleanup (void) */
/* { */
// /* nothing to do */
/* } */
/* #if defined(CONFIG_BLUEGENE_TCP) */
#if 1
static int bgp_dma_tcp_poll(dma_tcp_t *) ;
static int bgp_dma_tcp_poll(dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp)
/* Values when I inherited the code, now taken from 'tuning params' */
/* int num_packets = 1; // received packets one by one */
/* int num_empty_passes = 512; */
/* int non_empty_poll_delay = 850; */
/* Other values I have tried */
/* int num_packets = 100; */
/* int num_empty_passes = 0; */
/* int non_empty_poll_delay = 0; */
/* int num_packets = 100; // received packets 100 at a time */
/* int num_empty_passes = 5; */
/* int non_empty_poll_delay = 10; */
/* dumpmem(dma_tcp_state.receptionFIFO,128,"Reception memory FIFO") ; */
int ret ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow, "(>) tuning_num_packets=%d tuning_num_empty_passes=%d tuning_non_empty_poll_delay=%d",
dma_tcp->tuning_num_packets,dma_tcp->tuning_num_empty_passes,dma_tcp->tuning_non_empty_poll_delay );
dma_tcp->device_stats = bgtornet_stats() ;
ret = DMA_RecFifoPollNormalFifoById( dma_tcp->tuning_num_packets,
touch_softlockup_watchdog() ; /* If we get a continuous stream of packets, we do not really want the softlockup watchdog to bark */
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow, "(<) ret=%d",ret );
/* ASSERT( ret >= 0 ); */
return ret;
static void recfifo_disable(void)
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"(><)") ;
mtdcrx(0xd71+dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(&dma_tcp_state),0) ;
static void recfifo_enable(void)
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"(><)") ;
record_timestamp(k_Enable) ;
mtdcrx(0xd71+dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(&dma_tcp_state),0x80000000 >> (8*dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(&dma_tcp_state))) ;
static void reccounter_disable(void)
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"(><)") ;
mtdcrx(0xd7a+dma_tcp_ReceptionCounterGroup(&dma_tcp_state),0) ;
static void reccounter_enable(void)
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"(><)") ;
record_timestamp(k_Enable) ;
mtdcrx(0xd7a+dma_tcp_ReceptionCounterGroup(&dma_tcp_state),0xffffffff) ;
static void dma_tcp_slih_handler(unsigned long dummy)
int ret;
dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp = &dma_tcp_state ;
unsigned int is_up=dma_tcp->is_up ;
record_timestamp(k_SLIH_Entry) ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(>)" );
enable_kernel_fp() ;
/* Clear the 'threshold crossed' flag so we don't automatically reinterrupt */
DMA_RecFifoSetClearThresholdCrossed( dma_tcp_state.recFifoGroup,
0x80000000 >> (8*dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(&dma_tcp_state)),
0 );
ret = bgp_dma_tcp_poll(dma_tcp);
mod_timer(&dma_tcp->torus_missed_interrupt_timer, jiffies+200) ; /* Cause timer interrupt after 2000ms if things don't stay alive ... temp while diagnosing problem ... */
record_timestamp(k_SLIH_Exit) ;
#if !defined(TORNIC_DEV_POLL)
recfifo_enable() ;
reccounter_enable() ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(<)" );
static void trip_missed_interrupt(dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp)
unsigned int fifo_dcr = mfdcrx(0xd71) ;
unsigned int counter_dcr = mfdcrx(0xd7a) ;
struct bic_regs * bic_regs = bic.regs ;
unsigned int target_2_3 = bic_regs->group[2].target[3] ;
unsigned int target_3_0 = bic_regs->group[3].target[0] ;
unsigned int notEmpty = DMA_RecFifoGetNotEmpty(dma_tcp->recFifoGroup,0) ;
unsigned int thresholdCrossed = DMA_RecFifoGetThresholdCrossed(dma_tcp->recFifoGroup,0) ;
if( fifo_dcr != 0x80000000 || counter_dcr != 0xffffffff || target_2_3 != 0x00006000 || target_3_0 != 0x00006000 || notEmpty != 0 )
TRACEN(k_t_general,"maybe missed interrupt fifo_dcr=0x%08x counter_dcr=0x%08x target_2_3=0x%08x target_3_0=0x%08x notEmpty=0x%08x thresholdCrossed=0x%08x",
fifo_dcr,counter_dcr,target_2_3,target_3_0,notEmpty,thresholdCrossed) ;
dma_tcp_slih_handler(0) ;
static void dma_tcp_missed_interrupt(unsigned long dummy)
dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp = &dma_tcp_state ;
unsigned int is_up=dma_tcp->is_up ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(>) is_up=%d",is_up) ;
if(is_up )
trip_missed_interrupt(dma_tcp) ;
mod_timer(&dma_tcp->torus_missed_interrupt_timer, jiffies+10) ; /* Cause timer interrupt after 100ms if things don't stay alive ... temp while diagnosing problem ... */
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(<)") ;
static volatile int dma_ticket_req ;
static volatile int dma_ticket_ack ;
void dma_tcp_poll_handler(void)
int cur_ticket_req = dma_ticket_req ;
record_timestamp(k_Poll_Entry) ;
dma_ticket_ack = cur_ticket_req ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"dma_tcp_poll_handler: cur_ticket_req=%d (>)",cur_ticket_req );
dma_tcp_slih_handler(0) ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"dma_tcp_poll_handler: cur_ticket_req=%d (<)",cur_ticket_req );
record_timestamp(k_Poll_Exit) ;
void dma_tcp_rx_enable(void)
unsigned long flags ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(>)" );
record_timestamp(k_CouldEnable) ;
recfifo_enable() ;
reccounter_enable() ;
bic_set_cpu_for_irq(k_fifo_irq+dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(&dma_tcp_state),k_TorusAffinityCPU) ;
bic_set_cpu_for_irq(k_rec_counter_irq+dma_tcp_ReceptionCounterGroup(&dma_tcp_state),k_TorusAffinityCPU) ;
/* Both interrupts unmasked before we take one to avoid the chance of an interrupt after the first */
/* which (?) could go round the loop and 'do the wrong thing' with respect to napi and enabling the second */
/* while trying to run the napi poll */
local_irq_save(flags) ;
bic_unmask_irq(k_fifo_irq+dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(&dma_tcp_state)) ;
bic_unmask_irq(k_rec_counter_irq+dma_tcp_ReceptionCounterGroup(&dma_tcp_state)) ;
local_irq_restore(flags) ;
/* If we get here and there's an 'interrupt cause' in the DCRs, we have missed an interrupt. Trace it and fire the SLIH. */
trip_missed_interrupt(&dma_tcp_state ) ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(<)" );
static DECLARE_TASKLET(dma_tcp_slih, dma_tcp_slih_handler,0) ;
/* This gets driven in the FLIH when a DMA interrupt occurs */
static void receiveFLIH(u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3, u32 arg4)
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(>) FLIH dma_tcp_state.active_quarter=%i",dma_tcp_state.active_quarter );
record_timestamp(k_FLIH_Entry) ;
bic_disable_irq(k_fifo_irq+dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(&dma_tcp_state)) ;
bic_disable_irq(k_rec_counter_irq+dma_tcp_ReceptionCounterGroup(&dma_tcp_state)) ;
bgtornet_rx_schedule() ;
record_timestamp(k_FLIH_Exit) ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(<) FLIH" );
static void receiveCommHandler(u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3, u32 arg4)
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(>)" );
recfifo_disable() ;
receiveFLIH(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(<)" );
/* This gets driven in the FLIH when a DMA interrupt occurs */
static void receiveCounterZeroHandler(u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3, u32 arg4)
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(>)" );
reccounter_disable() ;
receiveFLIH(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) ;
TRACEN(k_t_irqflow,"(<)" );
static int unknownActor(DMA_RecFifo_t *f_ptr,
DMA_PacketHeader_t *packet_ptr,
void *recv_func_parm,
char *payload_ptr,
int payload_bytes
unsigned int SW_Arg __attribute__ ((unused)) =packet_ptr->SW_Arg ;
unsigned int Func_Id __attribute__ ((unused)) =packet_ptr->Func_Id ;
unsigned int x __attribute__ ((unused)) =SW_Arg >> 16 ;
unsigned int y __attribute__ ((unused)) =( SW_Arg >> 8) & 0xff ;
unsigned int z __attribute__ ((unused)) =SW_Arg & 0xff ;
TRACEN(k_t_error,"(!!!) %08x %02x (%02x,%02x,%02x) payload_ptr=%p payload_bytes=%d", SW_Arg,Func_Id,x,y,z,payload_ptr, payload_bytes );
return 0 ;
/* static char reception_fifo_buffer[k_desired_reception_memory_fifo_size] __attribute__ ((__aligned__(32))) ; */
/* We need a reception FIFO; we are prepared to compromise on its size */
static void __init
dma_tcp_setup_reception_fifo(dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp)
unsigned int allocation_size=k_desired_reception_memory_fifo_size ;
void * allocation_address=local_permanent_alloc(k_desired_reception_memory_fifo_size) ;
dma_tcp->receptionfifo = allocation_address ;
dma_tcp->receptionfifoSize = allocation_size ;
/* Must get a memory FIFO area, and it must be L1-aligned */
BUG_ON(allocation_address == NULL) ;
BUG_ON(0 != (0x1f & (int)allocation_address)) ;
if( allocation_address != NULL )
memset(allocation_address, 0xcc, allocation_size) ;
TRACEN(k_t_init,"reception_fifo address=%p length=%d=0x%08x",allocation_address,allocation_size,allocation_size) ;
//void __init
//bgp_fpu_register_memcpy_sysctl(void) ;
k_enable_dma_memcpy = 1
} ;
//int bluegene_globalBarrier_nonBlocking(unsigned int channel, int reset, unsigned int timeoutInMillis) ;
//extern unsigned long long printk_clock_aligner ;
///* Determine the offset of the 'local' timebase from a 'common' time signal as per global barrier */
//static void __init
// {
// int rc0 ;
// int rc1 = -1 ;
// unsigned long flags ;
// unsigned long long tb ;
// local_irq_save(flags) ;
// rc0 = bluegene_globalBarrier_nonBlocking(3,1,1000 ) ;
// if( rc0 == BGCNS_RC_CONTINUE ) rc1 = bluegene_globalBarrier_nonBlocking(3,0,1000 ) ;
// tb = get_tb() ;
// printk_clock_aligner = tb ;
// TRACEN(k_t_init,"rc0=%d rc1=%d tb=0x%016llx",rc0,rc1,tb) ;
// local_irq_restore(flags) ;
// }
static void __init
dma_tcp_init(dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp, BGP_Personality_t *pers)
int compute_node_count = pers->Network_Config.Xnodes*pers->Network_Config.Ynodes*pers->Network_Config.Znodes ;
int i_am_compute_node= ( pers->Network_Config.Rank != pers->Network_Config.IOnodeRank ) ;
// bgp_fpu_register_memcpy_sysctl() ;
init_tuning(dma_tcp) ;
dma_tcp->location.coordinate[0] = pers->Network_Config.Xcoord;
dma_tcp->location.coordinate[1] = pers->Network_Config.Ycoord;
dma_tcp->location.coordinate[2] = pers->Network_Config.Zcoord;
dma_tcp->extent.coordinate[0] = pers->Network_Config.Xnodes;
dma_tcp->extent.coordinate[1] = pers->Network_Config.Ynodes;
dma_tcp->extent.coordinate[2] = pers->Network_Config.Znodes;
dma_tcp->configured_quarter = 0 ;
dma_tcp->node_count = compute_node_count ;
dma_tcp->node_slot_mask = (compute_node_count )-1 ;
dma_tcp->SW_Arg = (pers->Network_Config.Xcoord << 16)
| (pers->Network_Config.Ycoord << 8)
| (pers->Network_Config.Zcoord) ;
dma_tcp->src_key = dma_tcp->location.coordinate[0]*dma_tcp->extent.coordinate[1]*dma_tcp->extent.coordinate[2]
+dma_tcp->location.coordinate[2] ;
dma_tcp->xbits = fls(pers->Network_Config.Xnodes)-1 ;
dma_tcp->ybits = fls(pers->Network_Config.Ynodes)-1 ;
dma_tcp->zbits = fls(pers->Network_Config.Znodes)-1 ;
/* YKT BGP seems wired so that no partition less than 8x8x8 is a torus in any dimension */
dma_tcp->is_torus_x = (pers->Network_Config.Xnodes >= 8 && pers->Network_Config.Ynodes >= 8 && pers->Network_Config.Znodes >= 8) ;
dma_tcp->is_torus_y = dma_tcp->is_torus_x ;
dma_tcp->is_torus_z = dma_tcp->is_torus_x ;
dma_tcp->block_id = pers->Network_Config.BlockID & 0x00ffffff ;
dma_tcp->i_am_compute_node = i_am_compute_node ;
TRACEN(k_t_init,"SW_Arg=0x%08x rank=%d=0x%08x src_key=0x%08x xbits=%d ybits=%d zbits=%d ",
dma_tcp->SW_Arg, pers->Network_Config.Rank, pers->Network_Config.Rank, dma_tcp->src_key,
dma_tcp->xbits,dma_tcp->ybits,dma_tcp->zbits );
if( 0 == dma_tcp->mtu)
bgp_dma_tcp_set_mtu(dma_tcp, 64996) ;
skb_queue_head_init(&dma_tcp->skb_pool) ;
skb_queue_head_init(&dma_tcp->skb_list_free) ;
int core ;
for( core=0; core<k_injecting_cores; core += 1)
int desired_fifo ;
spin_lock_init(&dma_tcp->dirInjectionLock[core*k_injecting_directions+desired_fifo]) ;
tasklet_schedule(&pool_filler_slih) ;
/* Only compute nodes are torus-capable ... */
if( pers->Network_Config.Rank != pers->Network_Config.IOnodeRank )
dma_tcp_setup_reception_fifo(dma_tcp) ; // Need this 'early' (before ifup) in case of needing to allocate a lot of physically contiguous memory
setup_timer(&dma_tcp->torus_missed_interrupt_timer,dma_tcp_missed_interrupt,0) ;
dma_tcp_frames_init(dma_tcp) ;
dma_tcp_devfs_procfs_init(dma_tcp) ;
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(<)" );
void dma_tcp_ifup(dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp, BGP_Personality_t *pers)
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(>)" );
/* Only compute nodes are torus-capable ... */
if( pers->Network_Config.Rank != pers->Network_Config.IOnodeRank )
dma_tcp->active_quarter = dma_tcp->configured_quarter & 3 ;
dma_tcp->is_up = 1 ;
// align_timebase() ;
int subX ;
dma_tcp->injCntrSubgrps[ subX ] = subX ;
dma_tcp->recCntrSubgrps[ subX ] = subX ;
/* register a receive function for 'unrecognised' memfifo packets */
DMA_RecFifoRegisterRecvFunction(unknownActor, dma_tcp, 1, 0);
dma_tcp->recMap.threshold[0] = dma_tcp->receptionfifoSize/16; /* generate interrupts when anything is in the fifo */
int i ;
int j ;
dma_tcp->recMap.ts_rec_map[i][j] = 8*dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(dma_tcp) ;
int ret __attribute__ ((unused)) = DMA_RecFifoSetMap( &dma_tcp->recMap ); /* fifo 0 will receive packets from everywhere */
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(=)DMA_RecFifoSetMap rc=%d", ret );
/* Register functions for 'frames' style access */
dma_tcp_frames_ifup(dma_tcp) ;
/* set up rec fifo group */
dma_tcp->recFifoGroup = DMA_RecFifoGetFifoGroup( dma_tcp_ReceptionFifoGroup(dma_tcp), 0, receiveCommHandler, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(=)DMA_RecFifoGetFifoGroup dma_tcp->recFifoGroup=%p", dma_tcp->recFifoGroup );
/* initalize rec fifo */
int ret __attribute__ ((unused)) = DMA_RecFifoInitById ( dma_tcp->recFifoGroup,
dma_tcp->receptionfifo, /* fifo start */
dma_tcp->receptionfifo, /* fifo head */
dma_tcp->receptionfifo+dma_tcp->receptionfifoSize /* fifo end */
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(=)DMA_RecFifoInitById rc=%d", ret );
TRACEN(k_t_general, "(=)(I) testdma: CounterGroupAllocate");
/* Initialize injection counter group */
int ret __attribute__ ((unused)) = DMA_CounterGroupAllocate( DMA_Type_Injection,
dma_tcp_InjectionCounterGroup(dma_tcp), /* group number */
0, /* target core for interrupts */
& dma_tcp->injCounterGroup );
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(=)DMA_CounterGroupAllocate rc=%d", ret );
memset(dma_tcp->inj_skbs,0,DMA_NUM_COUNTERS_PER_GROUP*sizeof(struct sk_buff *)) ;
/* enable the counter */
int ret;
DMA_CounterSetEnableById( & dma_tcp->injCounterGroup,0) ;
ret=DMA_CounterSetValueWideOpenById ( & dma_tcp->injCounterGroup,0,0xffffffff) ;
TRACEN(k_t_general, "(=)(I) testdma: DMA_CounterSetValueWideOpenById ret=%d",ret) ;
/* TODO: Investigate why 'dma_memcpy' needed to be initialised before 'dma_tcp counters' */
if( k_enable_dma_memcpy) bgp_dma_memcpyInit(dma_tcp) ;
/* Initialize reception counter group */
int ret __attribute__ ((unused)) = DMA_CounterGroupAllocate( DMA_Type_Reception,
dma_tcp_ReceptionCounterGroup(dma_tcp), /* group number */
k_TorusAffinityCPU, /* target core for interrupts */
& dma_tcp->recCounterGroup );
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(=)DMA_CounterGroupAllocate rc=%d", ret );
memset(dma_tcp->recCntrInUse,0,DMA_NUM_COUNTERS_PER_GROUP) ;
memset(dma_tcp->rcv_skbs,0,DMA_NUM_COUNTERS_PER_GROUP*sizeof(struct sk_buff *)) ;
dma_tcp->qtyFreeRecCounters = 64 ;
dma_tcp->scanRecCounter = 0 ;
dma_tcp->framesDisposed = 0 ;
atomic_set(&dma_tcp->framesProposed, 0 ) ;
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(<)" );
// Currently there is no implementation of Kernel_CounterGroupFree , so we cannot free off the hardware used by the eth-on-torus
enum {
k_has_counter_group_free = 0
static void dma_tcp_ifdown(dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp)
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(>)" );
dma_tcp->is_up = 0 ;
dma_tcp_frames_ifdown(dma_tcp) ;
if( k_has_counter_group_free)
/* Free reception counter group */
int ret __attribute__ ((unused)) = DMA_CounterGroupFree(
dma_tcp_ReceptionCounterGroup(dma_tcp), /* group number */
& dma_tcp->recCounterGroup );
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(=)DMA_CounterGroupFree rc=%d", ret );
/* disable the injection counter */
DMA_CounterSetDisableById( & dma_tcp->injCounterGroup,0) ;
/* Free injection counter group */
int ret __attribute__ ((unused)) = DMA_CounterGroupFree(
dma_tcp_InjectionCounterGroup(dma_tcp), /* group number */
& dma_tcp->injCounterGroup );
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(=)DMA_CounterGroupFree rc=%d", ret );
TRACEN(k_t_request,"(!!!) No implementation of counter group free") ;
TRACEN(k_t_init,"dma_tcp->tuning_prep_dcmf=%d",dma_tcp->tuning_prep_dcmf) ;
if( dma_tcp->tuning_prep_dcmf)
TRACEN(k_t_init,"Getting ready for DCMF use of torus") ;
memset(&dma_tcp->recMap,0,sizeof(dma_tcp->recMap)) ;
TRACEN(k_t_init,"(<)" );
void bgp_torus_set_mtu(unsigned int mtu)
bgp_dma_tcp_set_mtu(&dma_tcp_state, mtu) ;
int __init
int ret = 0;
BGP_Personality_t pers;
bluegene_getPersonality(&pers, sizeof(pers));
dma_tcp_init(&dma_tcp_state, &pers) ;
TRACEN(k_t_init, "(I)initDMA finished ret:%d",ret);
return ret;
static void fix_retransmit_timeout(struct sk_buff *skb)
dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp = &dma_tcp_state ;
struct sock *sk = skb->sk ;
if( sk)
unsigned int family=sk->sk_family ;
struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk) ;
struct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(sk) ;
int is_icsk = inet->is_icsk ;
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"skb=%p sk=%p sk_family=0x%04x is_icsk=%d",skb,sk,family,is_icsk) ;
if( AF_INET == family && is_icsk )
TRACEN(k_t_detail,"icsk_timeout-jiffies=%lu icsk_rto=%u",icsk->icsk_timeout-jiffies,icsk->icsk_rto) ;
if( icsk->icsk_rto < dma_tcp->tuning_min_icsk_timeout )
icsk->icsk_rto=dma_tcp->tuning_min_icsk_timeout ;
int bgp_dma_tcp_send_and_free( struct sk_buff *skb )
int rc ;
if( k_find_source_of_rst_flags && dma_tcp_state.tuning_diagnose_rst )
struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *)skb->data;
unsigned int h_proto = eth->h_proto ;
if( ETH_P_IP == h_proto )
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)(eth+1) ;
if(IPPROTO_TCP == iph->protocol )
struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)(iph+1) ;
if( tcph->rst)
TRACEN(k_t_request,"RST on frame to [%02x:%02x:%02x]",
eth->h_dest[3],eth->h_dest[4],eth->h_dest[5]) ;
show_stack(0,0) ; /* Stack back-chain may help explain why it was sent */
fix_retransmit_timeout(skb) ;
rc = bgp_dma_tcp_send_and_free_frames(skb) ;
return rc ;
/* Test if we think a socket is affected by torus congestion. Do this by looking to see if anything is in any software transmit FIFO */
unsigned int bgp_torus_congestion(struct sock *sk)
unsigned int core ;
unsigned int direction ;
struct inet_connection_sock *icskp = inet_csk(sk) ;
struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);
unsigned int daddr=inet->daddr ;
dma_tcp_t *dma_tcp=&dma_tcp_state ;
struct sk_buff *skb = skb_peek(&sk->sk_write_queue) ;
if( dma_tcp->i_am_compute_node
if( NULL == skb )
TRACEN(k_t_congestion,"sk=%p skb=%p data=%p len=%d flags=0x%02x ip=%u.%u.%u.%u icsk_retransmits=%d icsk_rto=%d q-empty-retransmit",
sk, skb, skb->data, skb->len, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->flags,
daddr>>24, (daddr>>16)&0xff,(daddr>>8)&0xff,daddr&0xff,
icskp->icsk_retransmits, icskp->icsk_rto
) ;
return 0 ;
if( 0 == skb->len)
TRACEN(k_t_general,"sk=%p skb=%p data=%p len=%d flags=0x%02x ip=%u.%u.%u.%u icsk_retransmits=%d icsk_rto=%d ack-transmit",
sk, skb, skb->data, skb->len, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->flags,
daddr>>24, (daddr>>16)&0xff,(daddr>>8)&0xff,daddr&0xff,
icskp->icsk_retransmits, icskp->icsk_rto
) ;
return 0 ;
#if defined(USE_SKB_TO_SKB)
unsigned int framesProposed=atomic_read(&dma_tcp->framesProposed) ;
unsigned int framesDisposed=dma_tcp->framesDisposed ;
if( framesProposed != framesDisposed)
"sk=%p skb=%p data=%p len=%d flags=0x%02x ip=%u.%u.%u.%u propose=0x%08x disp=0x%08x\n",
sk, skb, skb->data, skb->len, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->flags,
daddr>>24, (daddr>>16)&0xff,(daddr>>8)&0xff,daddr&0xff,
) ;
return 1 ;
for( core=0; core<k_injecting_cores; core += 1)
for( direction=0;direction<k_injecting_directions; direction+=1)
unsigned int fifo_current_head =
(unsigned int) DMA_InjFifoGetHeadById( &dma_tcp->injFifoGroupFrames, dma_tcp->injFifoFramesIds[core*k_injecting_directions+direction]) ;
unsigned int fifo_current_tail =
(unsigned int) DMA_InjFifoGetTailById( &dma_tcp->injFifoGroupFrames, dma_tcp->injFifoFramesIds[core*k_injecting_directions+direction]) ;
if( fifo_current_head != fifo_current_tail)
"sk=%p skb=%p data=%p len=%d flags=0x%02x ip=%u.%u.%u.%u core=%d direction=%d fifo_current_head=0x%08x fifo_current_tail=0x%08x\n",
sk, skb, skb->data, skb->len, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->flags,
daddr>>24, (daddr>>16)&0xff,(daddr>>8)&0xff,daddr&0xff,
) ;
return 1 ;
TRACEN(k_t_congestion,"sk=%p skb=%p data=%p len=%d flags=0x%02x ip=%u.%u.%u.%u icsk_retransmits=%d icsk_rto=%d retransmit",
sk, skb, skb->data, skb->len, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->flags,
daddr>>24, (daddr>>16)&0xff,(daddr>>8)&0xff,daddr&0xff,
icskp->icsk_retransmits, icskp->icsk_rto
) ;
/* if( icskp->icsk_rto < 300) */
/* { */
/* icskp->icsk_rto = icskp->icsk_rto << 1 ; */
/* return 1 ; */
/* } */
return 0 ;
void analyse_retransmit(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
if( skb && skb->len>0 ) /* Need a SKB,and if len=0 then it's an ACK with no data */
struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);
struct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(sk);
unsigned int daddr=inet->daddr ;
unsigned int daddr_b0 = daddr >> 24 ;
if( daddr_b0 == 11 || daddr_b0 == 12 ) /* BGP fabric is 11.*.*.* and 12.*.*.* , only interested in those */
TRACEN(k_t_congestion,"(I) sk=%p skb=%p data=%p len=%d flags=0x%02x ip=%u.%u.%u.%u icsk_retransmits=%d icsk_rto=%d resending (BGP)",
sk, skb, skb->data, skb->len, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->flags,
daddr>>24, (daddr>>16)&0xff,(daddr>>8)&0xff,daddr&0xff,icsk->icsk_retransmits, icsk->icsk_rto) ;
/* Seem to have picked up a half-implemented feature. Dummy it. */
DMA_CounterAppSegment_t *DMA_CounterAppSegmentArray;
int DMA_CounterInitAppSegments(void) { return 0 ; }
void dma_tcp_set_port(unsigned int port) // Intended for configuring which quarter of the BGP DMA unit to use
TRACEN(k_t_request,"(><) port=0x%08x",port) ;
if( port > 0)
dma_tcp_state.configured_quarter = (port-1) & 3 ;
void dma_tcp_open(void) // 'ifconfig up' handler
BGP_Personality_t pers;
TRACEN(k_t_request,"(>) ifconfig up") ;
bluegene_getPersonality(&pers, sizeof(pers));
dma_tcp_ifup(&dma_tcp_state, &pers) ;
TRACEN(k_t_request,"(<) ifconfig up") ;
void dma_tcp_close(void) // 'ifconfig down' handler
TRACEN(k_t_request,"(>) ifconfig down") ;
dma_tcp_ifdown(&dma_tcp_state) ;
TRACEN(k_t_request,"(<) ifconfig down") ;
void set_siw_placement_callback(dma_addr_t (*siw_placement_callback)(struct sk_buff *skb))
TRACEN(k_t_init,"siw_placement_callback=%p",siw_placement_callback) ;
dma_tcp_state.siw_placement_callback=siw_placement_callback ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL(set_siw_placement_callback) ;
void show_personality(void) ;
void show_sprs(void) ;
/* Issue a diagnostic op at the DMA layer */
void torus_diag(int op)
BGP_Personality_t pers;
TRACES("(>)op=%d",op) ;
bluegene_getPersonality(&pers, sizeof(pers));
case 0:
show_bic_regs() ;
break ;
case 1:
if( pers.Network_Config.Rank != pers.Network_Config.IOnodeRank )
break ;
case 2:
if( pers.Network_Config.Rank != pers.Network_Config.IOnodeRank )
dumpdmadcrs(k_t_request) ;
break ;
case 3:
if( pers.Network_Config.Rank != pers.Network_Config.IOnodeRank )
dumpRecFifoGroup(dma_tcp_state.recFifoGroup) ;
show_timestamps() ;
bgp_dma_tcp_display_pending_slots(&dma_tcp_state,dma_tcp_state.node_count) ;
break ;
case 4:
/* show_state() ; // kernel threads and their stacks */
break ;
case 5:
/* show_tlbs() ; // This core's current TLBs */
/* show_sprs() ; // Core special-purpose regs relevant to debugging */
/* show_personality() ; // Items from the 'personality' from microcode */
break ;
case 6:
/* #if defined(USE_SKB_TO_SKB) */
/* bgp_dma_diag_reissue_rec_counters(&dma_tcp_state) ; */
/* #endif */
break ;
case 7:
#if defined(USE_SKB_TO_SKB)
dma_tcp_show_reception(&dma_tcp_state) ;
break ;
TRACES("(<)") ;