blob: 1ec0898f6d5922438afad215ae3538dd211ad662 [file] [log] [blame]
* Test011
* Copyright 2007 Sony Corporation
* Copyright (C) 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
* This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
* License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for
* more details.
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "fb.h"
#include "drawops.h"
#include "visual.h"
#include "test.h"
#include "util.h"
#define BLOCKSIZE 29
#define SLEEP_MS 5
struct linegen {
u32 x1, y1, x2, y2;
int dx, dy;
int sx, sy;
int e;
int first;
static void linegen_init(struct linegen *gen, u32 x1, u32 y1, u32 x2, u32 y2)
gen->x1 = x1;
gen->y1 = y1;
gen->x2 = x2;
gen->y2 = y2;
gen->dx = x2-x1;
gen->dy = y2-y1;
if (gen->dy < 0) {
gen->dy = -gen->dy;
gen->sy = -1;
} else {
gen->sy = 1;
if (gen->dx < 0) {
gen->dx = -gen->dx;
gen->sx = -1;
} else {
gen->sx = 1;
gen->e = gen->dx > gen->dy ? -gen->dx/2 : -gen->dy/2;
gen->first = 1;
static int linegen_next(struct linegen *gen, u32 *x, u32 *y)
if (gen->first)
gen->first = 0;
else if (gen->dx > gen->dy) {
if (gen->x1 == gen->x2)
return 0;
gen->e += gen->dy;
if (gen->e >= 0) {
gen->y1 += gen->sy;
gen->e -= gen->dx;
gen->x1 += gen->sx;
} else {
if (gen->y1 == gen->y2)
return 0;
gen->e += gen->dx;
if (gen->e >= 0) {
gen->x1 += gen->sx;
gen->e -= gen->dy;
gen->y1 += gen->sy;
*x = gen->x1;
*y = gen->y1;
return 1;
static void move(u32 cx, u32 cy, u32 x1, u32 y1, u32 x2, u32 y2)
struct linegen gen;
u32 x, y;
static int cnt = 0;
linegen_init(&gen, x1, y1, x2, y2);
while (linegen_next(&gen, &x, &y)) {
fill_circle(cx+x, cy+y, 2, cnt & 4 ? black_pixel : white_pixel);
fb_pan(x, y);
static enum test_res test011_func(void)
u32 x, y, cx, cy, dx, dy;
int even;
fill_rect(0, 0, fb_var.xres_virtual, fb_var.yres_virtual, black_pixel);
for (y = 0; y < fb_var.yres_virtual; y += BLOCKSIZE) {
even = (y / BLOCKSIZE) % 2;
draw_hline(0, y, fb_var.xres_virtual, white_pixel);
for (x = 0; x < fb_var.xres_virtual; x += BLOCKSIZE) {
if (even && x+4 < fb_var.xres_virtual &&
y+4 <= fb_var.yres_virtual)
fill_rect(x+4, y+4,
min(BLOCKSIZE-8, fb_var.xres_virtual-x-4),
min(BLOCKSIZE-8, fb_var.yres_virtual-y-4),
even ^= 1;
for (x = 0; x < fb_var.xres_virtual; x += BLOCKSIZE)
draw_vline(x, 0, fb_var.yres_virtual, white_pixel);
cx = fb_var.xres/2;
cy = fb_var.yres/2;
dx = fb_fix.xpanstep ? fb_var.xres_virtual-fb_var.xres : 0;
dy = fb_fix.ypanstep ? fb_var.yres_virtual-fb_var.yres : 0;
/* move right */
move(cx, cy, 0, 0, dx, 0);
/* move down */
move(cx, cy, dx, 0, dx, dy);
/* move left */
move(cx, cy, dx, dy, 0, dy);
if (dx >= 2 && dy >= 2) {
/* move up and right */
move(cx, cy, 0, dy, dx/2, 0);
/* move right and down */
move(cx, cy, dx/2, 0, dx, dy/2);
/* move left and down */
move(cx, cy, dx, dy/2, dx/2, dy);
/* move up and left */
move(cx, cy, dx/2, dy, 0, 0);
} else {
/* move up */
move(cx, cy, 0, dy, 0, 0);
return TEST_OK;
const struct test test011 = {
.name = "test011",
.desc = "Panning test",
.visual = VISUAL_MONO,
.reqs = REQF_panning,
.func = test011_func,