man page updates

  - ps3-boot-game-os.8:
      o use `Game OS' instead of `game-os' (for consistency
        with ps3-flash-util.8 and `Other OS').
      o Add missing `the'
  - ps3-video-mode.8:
      o `effects' -> `affects'
      o `Xwindows' does not exist. It's either plain `X' or `The X Window
      o `Xserver' -> `X server'
  - Plain `video=1080p' will actually give you the 60 Hz 1080p mode, as the 60
    Hz modes are located before the 50 Hz modes in the modedb. So you have to
    add the `@50'.
    Alternatively, you can change the example to use `video=ps3fb:mode:5' to
    get 60 Hz modes.
2 files changed