blob: 7f8d1813cdfa1f15b2aedcd8783482ae95f6dd12 [file] [log] [blame]
# Kbuild file for ipconfig
static-y := static/ipconfig
shared-y := shared/ipconfig
# common .o files
objs := main.o netdev.o packet.o
# dhcp
objs += dhcp_proto.o
# bootp
objs += bootp_proto.o
# TODO - do we want a stripped version
# TODO - do we want the static.g + shared.g directories?
# Create built-in.o with all object files (used by kinit)
lib-y := $(objs)
# .o files used to built executables
static/ipconfig-y := $(objs)
shared/ipconfig-y := $(objs)
# Cleaning
clean-dirs := static shared
# install binary
install-y := $(shared-y)