blob: bbfb30f1796b0f312182393db47528ac5646b638 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1996-2004 by Hans Reiser, licensing governed by
* reiserfsprogs/README
# include <config.h>
#include "reiserfs/libreiserfs.h"
#include "misc/bitops.h"
void reiserfs_leaf_mkempty (reiserfs_bh_t * bh)
reiserfs_nh_set_items (NODE_HEAD (bh), 0);
reiserfs_nh_set_free (NODE_HEAD (bh), REISERFS_NODE_SPACE (bh->b_size));
reiserfs_nh_set_level (NODE_HEAD (bh), LEAF_LEVEL);
__u32 reiserfs_leaf_ibytes (const reiserfs_ih_t * ih, int blocksize) {
switch (reiserfs_key_get_type (&ih->ih_key)) {
return reiserfs_ih_get_len (ih);
return reiserfs_ext_count(ih) * blocksize;// - reiserfs_ih_get_free (ih);
return 0;
reiserfs_warning (stderr, "reiserfs_leaf_ibytes: called for wrong "
"type of item %h", ih);
return 0;
int reiserfs_leaf_mergeable (reiserfs_ih_t * left,
reiserfs_ih_t * right,
int bsize)
if (reiserfs_key_comp (&left->ih_key, &right->ih_key) != -1) {
reiserfs_panic ("vs-16070: reiserfs_leaf_mergeable: left %k, "
"right %k", &(left->ih_key), &(right->ih_key));
if (reiserfs_key_comp2 (&left->ih_key, &right->ih_key))
return 0;
if (reiserfs_key_get_type (&left->ih_key) !=
reiserfs_key_get_type (&right->ih_key))
return 0;
/* Directories are always mergeable. If fsck will need to handle dir items
separaely too, move it lower. */
if (reiserfs_ih_dir (left))
return 1;
/* Merge only items with the same flags. */
if (reiserfs_ih_get_flags(left) != reiserfs_ih_get_flags(right))
return 0;
if ((reiserfs_ih_direct (left) || reiserfs_ih_ext (left))) {
return (reiserfs_key_get_off (&left->ih_key) +
reiserfs_leaf_ibytes (left, bsize) ==
reiserfs_key_get_off (&right->ih_key)) ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
int reiserfs_leaf_count_items(reiserfs_bh_t *bh) {
reiserfs_ih_t * ih;
int prev_location;
int nr;
/* look at the table of item head */
prev_location = bh->b_size;
ih = reiserfs_ih_at(bh, 0);
nr = 0;
while (1) {
if (reiserfs_ih_get_loc (ih) + reiserfs_ih_get_len (ih) != prev_location)
if (reiserfs_ih_get_loc (ih) <
if (reiserfs_ih_get_len (ih) > REISERFS_ITEM_MAX (bh->b_size))
prev_location = reiserfs_ih_get_loc (ih);
ih ++;
nr ++;
return nr;
int reiserfs_leaf_free_count(reiserfs_bh_t *bh) {
reiserfs_ih_t * ih;
int nr;
nr = reiserfs_nh_get_items(NODE_HEAD(bh));
ih = reiserfs_ih_at(bh, nr - 1);
return (nr ? reiserfs_ih_get_loc (ih) : bh->b_size) -
static int leaf_blkh_correct(reiserfs_bh_t * bh) {
unsigned int nr;
nr = reiserfs_nh_get_items(NODE_HEAD(bh));
if (nr > ((bh->b_size - REISERFS_NODEH_SIZE) /
/* item number is too big or too small */
return 0;
return reiserfs_leaf_free_count(bh) ==
reiserfs_nh_get_free (NODE_HEAD(bh));
int reiserfs_leaf_estimate_items(reiserfs_bh_t * bh) {
int nr = reiserfs_leaf_count_items(bh);
return nr >= reiserfs_nh_get_items (NODE_HEAD(bh)) ?
reiserfs_nh_get_items (NODE_HEAD(bh)) : nr;
/* for every item call common action and an action corresponding to
item type */
void reiserfs_leaf_traverse(reiserfs_bh_t * bh,
ih_func_t action,
item_func_t * actions)
int i;
reiserfs_ih_t * ih;
item_func_t iaction;
ih = reiserfs_ih_at (bh, 0);
for (i = 0; i < reiserfs_nh_get_items (NODE_HEAD (bh)); i ++, ih ++) {
if (action)
action (ih);
iaction = actions[reiserfs_key_get_type (&ih->ih_key)];
if (iaction)
iaction (bh, ih);
/* Returns 0 if not leaf, NT_LEAF if looks correct, NT_IH_ARRAY if
looks like corrupted leaf. */
int reiserfs_leaf_valid(reiserfs_bh_t *bh) {
int counted;
int num;
if (!reiserfs_leaf_head (bh))
return 0;
counted = reiserfs_leaf_count_items(bh);
/* if leaf block header is ok, check item count also. */
if (leaf_blkh_correct(bh)) {
num = reiserfs_nh_get_items (NODE_HEAD(bh));
return counted >= num ? NT_LEAF : NT_IH_ARRAY;
/* leaf block header is corrupted, it is ih_array if
some items were detected.*/
return counted ? NT_IH_ARRAY : 0;
/* wrappers for operations on one separated leaf */
void reiserfs_leaf_delete_item (reiserfs_filsys_t * fs,
reiserfs_bh_t * bh,
int item_num)
reiserfs_bufinfo_t bi;
bi.bi_bh = bh;
bi.bi_parent = 0;
bi.bi_position = 0;
reiserfs_lb_delete_item (fs, &bi, item_num, 1);
void reiserfs_leaf_delete_entry (reiserfs_filsys_t * fs,
reiserfs_bh_t * bh,
int item_num,
int entry_num,
int del_count)
reiserfs_bufinfo_t bi;
bi.bi_bh = bh;
bi.bi_parent = 0;
bi.bi_position = 0;
reiserfs_lb_delete_unit (fs, &bi, item_num, entry_num, del_count);
/* ih_key, ih_location and ih_item_len seem correct, check other fields */
static int reiserfs_leaf_ih_correct (reiserfs_ih_t * ih) {
int ih_format;
int format;
/* key format from item_head */
ih_format = reiserfs_ih_get_format (ih);
if (ih_format != KEY_FORMAT_1 && ih_format != KEY_FORMAT_2)
return 0;
/* key format calculated on key */
format = reiserfs_key_format (&ih->ih_key);
if (reiserfs_ih_stat (ih)) {
/* for stat data we can not find key format from a key itself, so look at
the item length */
if (reiserfs_ih_get_len (ih) == REISERFS_SD_SIZE)
format = KEY_FORMAT_2;
else if (reiserfs_ih_get_len (ih) == REISERFS_SD_SIZE_V1)
format = KEY_FORMAT_1;
return 0;
if (format != ih_format)
return 0;
/* we do not check ih_format.fsck_need as fsck might change it. So,
debugreiserfs -p will have to dump it */
return 1;
/* used by debugreisrefs -p only yet */
int reiserfs_leaf_correct_at (reiserfs_filsys_t * fs,
reiserfs_ih_t * ih, char * item,
unfm_func_t func, int bad_dir)
if (!does_key_look_correct (fs, &ih->ih_key))
return 1;
if (!reiserfs_leaf_ih_correct (ih))
return 1;
if (!reiserfs_leaf_ih_correct (ih))
return 1;
if (reiserfs_ih_stat (ih) || reiserfs_ih_direct (ih))
return 0;
if (reiserfs_ih_dir (ih)) {
return reiserfs_direntry_check (fs, ih, item, bad_dir);
if (reiserfs_ih_ext (ih)) {
return reiserfs_ext_check (fs, ih, item, func);
return 1;
static int is_symlink = 0;
int reiserfs_leaf_print(FILE * fp,
reiserfs_filsys_t * fs,
reiserfs_bh_t * bh,
int print_mode,
int first,
int last)
reiserfs_ih_t * ih;
int i;
int from, to;
int real_nr, nr;
if (!reiserfs_node_formatted (bh, LEAF_LEVEL))
return 1;
ih = reiserfs_ih_at (bh,0);
real_nr = reiserfs_leaf_count_items(bh);
nr = reiserfs_nh_get_items(NODE_HEAD(bh));
reiserfs_warning (fp, "\n==========================================="
reiserfs_warning (fp, "LEAF NODE (%ld) contains %b (real items %d)\n",
bh->b_blocknr, bh, real_nr);
if (!(misc_test_bit(LP_LEAF_DETAILS, &print_mode))) {
reiserfs_warning (fp, "FIRST ITEM_KEY: %k, LAST ITEM KEY: %k\n",
&(ih->ih_key), &((ih + real_nr - 1)->ih_key));
return 0;
if (first < 0 || first > real_nr - 1)
from = 0;
from = first;
if (last < 0 || last > real_nr)
to = real_nr;
to = last;
reiserfs_warning (fp, "---------------------------------------------"
"|###|type|ilen|f/sp| loc|fmt|fsck| "
" key |\n"
"| | | |e/cn| | |need| "
" |\n");
for (i = from; i < to; i++) {
reiserfs_warning (fp, "-----------------------------------------"
"|%3d|%30H|%s\n", i, ih + i, i >= nr ?
" DELETED" : "");
if (reiserfs_ih_stat(ih+i)) {
is_symlink = reiserfs_print_stat_data (fp, bh, ih + i, 0/*all times*/);
if (reiserfs_ih_dir(ih+i)) {
reiserfs_direntry_print (fp, fs, bh, ih+i);
if (reiserfs_ih_ext(ih+i)) {
reiserfs_ext_print (fp, bh, i);
if (reiserfs_ih_direct(ih+i)) {
int j = 0;
if (is_symlink || misc_test_bit(LP_DIRECT_ITEMS, &print_mode)) {
reiserfs_warning (fp, "\"");
while (j < reiserfs_ih_get_len (&ih[i])) {
if (reiserfs_item_by_ih(bh,ih+i)[j] == 10)
reiserfs_warning (fp, "\\n");
reiserfs_warning (fp, "%c", reiserfs_item_by_ih(bh,ih+i)[j]);
j ++;
reiserfs_warning (fp, "\"\n");
reiserfs_warning (fp, "============================================="
return 0;
__u16 reiserfs_ih_get_format(const reiserfs_ih_t *ih) {
return misc_get_bitfield_XX (16, &ih->ih_format, 0, 12);
void reiserfs_ih_set_format(reiserfs_ih_t *ih, __u16 val) {
misc_set_bitfield_XX (16, &ih->ih_format, val, 0, 12);
__u16 reiserfs_ih_get_flags(const reiserfs_ih_t *ih) {
return misc_get_bitfield_XX (16, &ih->ih_format, 12, 4);
void reiserfs_ih_set_flags(reiserfs_ih_t *ih, __u16 val) {
misc_set_bitfield_XX (16, &ih->ih_format, val, 12, 4);