blob: 1d4995eec7e346f40e93dad6144918409297f37c [file] [log] [blame]
# Aastra XML API Classes - AastraIPPhoneTextMenu
# Copyright Aastra Telecom 2005-2010
# AastraIPPhoneTextMenu object.
# Public methods
# Inherited from AastraIPPhone
# setTitle(Title) to setup the title of an object (optional)
# @title string
# setTitleWrap() to set the title to be wrapped on 2 lines (optional)
# setCancelAction(uri) to set the cancel parameter with the URI to be called on Cancel (optional)
# @uri string
# setDestroyOnExit() to set DestroyonExit parameter to 'yes', 'no' by default (optional)
# setBeep() to enable a notification beep with the object (optional)
# setLockIn() to set the Lock-in tag to 'yes' (optional)
# setLockInCall() to set the Lock-in tag to 'call' (optional)
# setAllowAnswer() to set the allowAnswer tag to 'yes' (optional only for non softkey phones)
# setAllowDrop() to set the allowDrop tag to 'yes' (optional only for non softkey phones)
# setAllowXfer() to set the allowXfer tag to 'yes' (optional only for non softkey phones)
# setAllowConf() to set the allowConf tag to 'yes' (optional only for non softkey phones)
# setTimeout(timeout) to define a specific timeout for the XML object (optional)
# @timeout integer (seconds)
# addSoftkey(index,label,uri,icon_index) to add custom soktkeys to the object (optional)
# @index integer, softkey number
# @label string
# @uri string
# @icon_index integer, icon number
# setRefresh(timeout,URL) to add Refresh parameters to the object (optional)
# @timeout integer (seconds)
# @URL string
# setEncodingUTF8() to change encoding from default ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 (optional)
# addIcon(index,icon) to add custom icons to the object (optional)
# @index integer, icon index
# @icon string, icon name or definition
# generate() to return the generated XML for the object
# output(flush) to display the object
# @flush boolean optional, output buffer to be flushed out or not.
# Specific to the object
# setDefaultIndex(index) to set the default selection in the list (optional)
# @index index (1-30)
# setStyle(style) to set the style of the list (optional)
# @style enum (numbered/none/radio)
# setWrapList() to allow 2 lines items (optional)
# setScrollConstrain() to avoid the list to wrap
# setNumberLaunch() to allow number selection
# setBase(base) to configure the menuItem base URI
# @base string
# resetBase() to reset the menuItem base URI
# addEntry(name,url,selection,icon,dial,line) to add an element in the list to be displayed
# @name string or array(0=>Line1,1=>Line2,2=>Offset,3=>Char,4=>Mode)
# @url string
# @selection string
# @icon integer
# @dial string, phone number to dial
# @line integer, SIP line to use (optional)
# natsortbyname() to order the list, must not be use in conjunction with setBase or resetBase
# Example 1
# require_once('AastraIPPhoneTextMenu.class.php');
# $menu = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenu();
# $menu->setTitle('Title');
# $menu->setDestroyOnExit();
# $menu->setDeFaultIndex('3');
# $menu->addEntry('Choice 2', '', 'Value=2');
# $menu->addEntry('Choice 1', '', 'Value=1');
# $menu->addEntry('Choice 3', '', 'Value=3');
# $menu->natsortByName();
# $menu->addSoftkey('1', 'My Select', '');
# $menu->addSoftkey('6', 'Exit', 'SoftKey:Exit');
# $menu->output();
# Example 2
# require_once('AastraIPPhoneTextMenu.class.php');
# $menu = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenu();
# $menu->setTitle('Title');
# $menu->setDestroyOnExit();
# $menu->setDeFaultIndex('2');
# $menu->addEntry('Choice 2', '', 'Value=2','1');
# $menu->addEntry('Choice 1', '', 'Value=1','2');
# $menu->addEntry('Choice 3', '', 'Value=3','3');
# $menu->natsortByName();
# $menu->addSoftkey('1', 'My Select', '');
# $menu->addSoftkey('6', 'Exit', 'SoftKey:Exit');
# $menu->addIcon('1', 'Icon:PhoneOnHook');
# $menu->addIcon('2', 'Icon:PhoneOffHook');
# $menu->addIcon('3', 'Icon:PhoneRinging');
# $menu->output();
class AastraIPPhoneTextMenu extends AastraIPPhone {
var $_defaultIndex='';
var $_style='';
var $_wraplist='';
var $_maxitems='30';
var $_scrollConstrain='';
var $_numberLaunch='';
var $_scrollUp='';
var $_scrollDown='';
var $_unitScroll='';
function setDefaultIndex($defaultIndex)
$this->_defaultIndex = $defaultIndex;
function setStyle($style)
$this->_style = $style;
function addEntry($name, $url, $selection=NULL, $icon=NULL, $dial=NULL, $line=NULL)
$this->_entries[] = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenuEntry($name, $url, $selection, $icon, $dial, $line, NULL);
function setScrollUp($uri)
$this->_scrollUp = $uri;
function setScrollDown($uri)
$this->_scrollDown = $uri;
function setUnitScroll()
$this->_unitScroll = 'yes';
function setBase($base)
$this->_entries[] = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenuEntry(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $base);
function resetBase()
$this->_entries[] = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenuEntry(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'AASTRA_RESETBASE');
function setWrapList()
$this->_wraplist = 'yes';
function setScrollConstrain()
$this->_scrollConstrain = 'yes';
function setNumberLaunch()
$this->_numberLaunch = 'yes';
function natsortByName()
$tmpary = array();
foreach ($this->_entries as $id => $entry) $tmpary[$id] = $entry->getName();
foreach ($tmpary as $id => $name) $newele[] = $this->_entries[$id];
$this->_entries = $newele;
function render()
# Beginning of root tag
$out = "<AastraIPPhoneTextMenu";
# DestroyOnExit
if ($this->_destroyOnExit=='yes') $out .= " destroyOnExit=\"yes\"";
# CancelAction
if($this->_cancelAction != "")
$cancelAction = $this->escape($this->_cancelAction);
$out .= " cancelAction=\"{$cancelAction}\"";
# DefaultIndex
if ($this->_defaultIndex!="") $out .= " defaultIndex=\"{$this->_defaultIndex}\"";
# Style
if ($this->_style!='') $out .= " style=\"{$this->_style}\"";
# Beep
if ($this->_beep=='yes') $out .= " Beep=\"yes\"";
# Lockin
if($this->_lockin!='') $out .= " LockIn=\"{$this->_lockin}\"";
# WrapList
if ($this->_wraplist=='yes') $out .= " wrapList=\"yes\"";
# AllowAnswer
if ($this->_allowAnswer == 'yes') $out .= " allowAnswer=\"yes\"";
# AllowDrop
if ($this->_allowDrop == 'yes') $out .= " allowDrop=\"yes\"";
# AllowXfer
if ($this->_allowXfer == 'yes') $out .= " allowXfer=\"yes\"";
# AllowConf
if ($this->_allowConf == 'yes') $out .= " allowConf=\"yes\"";
# UnitScroll
if ($this->_unitScroll == 'yes') $out .= " unitScroll=\"yes\"";
# Scrolls up/down
if($this->_scrollUp!='') $out .= " scrollUp=\"".$this->escape($this->_scrollUp)."\"";
if($this->_scrollDown!='') $out .= " scrollDown=\"".$this->escape($this->_scrollDown)."\"";
# Timeout
if ($this->_timeout!=0) $out .= " Timeout=\"{$this->_timeout}\"";
# Prevent list wrap
if ($this->_scrollConstrain == 'yes') $out .= " scrollConstrain=\"yes\"";
# Number selection
if ($this->_numberLaunch == 'yes') $out .= " numberLaunch=\"yes\"";
# End of root tag
$out .= ">\n";
# Title
if ($this->_title!='')
$title = $this->escape($this->_title);
$out .= "<Title";
if ($this->_title_wrap=='yes') $out .= " wrap=\"yes\"";
$out .= ">".$title."</Title>\n";
# Menu items
if (isset($this->_entries) && is_array($this->_entries))
foreach ($this->_entries as $entry)
if($entry->getBase()!=NULL) $base=$entry->getBase();
if($index<$this->_maxitems) $out .= $entry->render($this->_style,$length,$is_softkeys,$base);
else if($index<$this->_maxitems) $out .= $entry->render($this->_style,$length,$is_softkeys);
# Softkeys
if (isset($this->_softkeys) && is_array($this->_softkeys))
foreach ($this->_softkeys as $softkey) $out .= $softkey->render();
# Icons
if (isset($this->_icons) && is_array($this->_icons))
foreach ($this->_icons as $icon)
$out .= "<IconList>\n";
$out .= $icon->render();
if($IconList) $out .= "</IconList>\n";
# End Tag
$out .= "</AastraIPPhoneTextMenu>\n";
# Return XML object