blob: d1a6b39f60d41b7ca8d2230732207caf71a2b45f [file] [log] [blame]
# Aastra XML API Classes - AastraIPPhoneExecute
# Copyright Aastra Telecom 2006-2010
# AastraIPPhoneExecute object.
# Public methods
# Inherited from AastraIPPhone
# setBeep() to enable a notification beep with the object (optional)
# setEncodingUTF8() to change encoding from default ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 (optional)
# generate() to return the generated XML for the object
# output(flush) to display the object
# @flush boolean optional, output buffer to be flushed out or not.
# Specific to the object
# setTriggerDestroyOnExit() to set the triggerDestroyOnExit tag to "yes" (optional)
# addEntry(url,interruptCall) to add an action to be executed.
# @url string
# @interruptCall string, optional, "yes" or "no"
# Example
# require_once('AastraIPPhoneExecute.class.php');
# $execute = new AastraIPPhoneExecute();
# $execute->addEntry('');
# $execute->addEntry('Command: Reset');
# $execute->output();
class AastraIPPhoneExecute extends AastraIPPhone {
var $_defaultIndex='';
var $_triggerDestroyOnExit='';
function addEntry($url,$interruptCall=NULL)
$this->_entries[] = new AastraIPPhoneExecuteEntry($url,$interruptCall);
function setTriggerDestroyOnExit()
function render()
# Beginning of root tag
$out = "<AastraIPPhoneExecute";
# Beep
if($this->_beep=='yes') $out .= " Beep=\"yes\"";
# TriggerDestroyOnExit
if($this->_triggerDestroyOnExit=='yes') $out .= " triggerDestroyOnExit=\"yes\"";
# End of root tag
$out .= ">\n";
# Execute Items
if (isset($this->_entries) && is_array($this->_entries))
foreach ($this->_entries as $entry) $out .= $entry->render();
# End tag
$out .= "</AastraIPPhoneExecute>\n";
# Return XML object