blob: a8ea998919d485cd7e3445d0d7c9df602cae8eeb [file] [log] [blame]
# Aastra XML API Classes - AastraIPPhoneScrollableDirectory
# Aastra SIP Phones 1.4.2 or better
# Copyright 2009 Aastra Telecom Ltd
# Supported Aastra Phones
# All IP phones except Aastra9112i and Aastra9133i
# AastraIPPhoneScrollableDirectory object.
# Public methods
# setDialKeyPosition(position) Set position of Dial Softkey in list view. Default is 2.
# setNameDisplayFormat(format) Set name display format. 0="Firstname Lastname", 1="Lastname, Firstname"
# natsortByLastname() Sort by lastname (same as natsortByName in case firstname is not provided)
# natsortByFirstname() Sort by firstname (same as natsortByName in case firstname is not provided)
# Overwritten methods from AastraIPPhoneScrollableTextMenu
# setEntries(records) Set directory entries by 2 dim array. Inner array fields: See addEntry(record)
# addEntry(record) Add directory entry
# Array fields: (name is mandatory, rest optional)
# name: Lastname or name
# firstname: Firstname (optional)
# title: Title
# department: Department
# company: Company
# icon: Icon
# office: Office number display format
# officeDigits: Office number digits / extension to be dialed. Optional
# mobile: Cell number display format
# mobileDigits: Cell number digits / extension to be dialed. Optional
# home: Home number display format
# homeDigits: Home number digits / extension to be dialed. Optional
# office2: Alternative / 2nd office number display format
# office2Digits: 2nd office number digits / extension to be dialed. Optional
# speedURL: If this field is present, a "+Speed" Softkey will be shown in zoom mode. Selected number will be passed in $selection variable.
# Ex: speedURL=http://xmlserver/xml/speed/speed.php?action=add&name=Peter
# Inherited from AastraIPPhoneScrollableTextMenu
# setEntries(entries) Set entries of the list by an 2 dim array. Inner array field names: 'name', 'url', 'selection', 'icon', 'dial'
# verifyCookie(cookie) Verifies if the cookie of the HTTP requests matches the cookie of the saved context.
# setBackURI(URI) Set the cancel parameter with the URI to be called on Cancel or Back Softkey (optional)
# setBackKeyPosition(position) Set position of Back Softkey. Default is 3.
# setNextKeyPosition(position) Set position of Back Softkey. Default is 4.
# setPreviousKeyPosition(position) Set position of Back Softkey. Default is 5.
# setExitKeyPosition(position) Set position of Back Softkey. Default is 6.
# setSelectKeyPosition(position) Set position of Back Softkey. Default is 1.
# setNextKeyIcon(icon) Set icon of Next Softkey. Default is Icon:TailArrowDown. Set NULL to disable icon.
# setPreviousKeyIcon(icon) Set icon of Previous Softkey. Default is Icon:TailArrowUp. Set NULL to disable icon.
# disableExitKey() Disable the Exit Softkey
# setSelectKeyLabel(label) Set the label of the Select Softkey. Default is 'Select'. Make sure the string is in language.ini.
# setCancelAction(uri) to set the cancel parameter with the URI to be called on Cancel or Back Softkey (optional)
# addIcon(index,icon) to add custom icons to the object (optional)
# output() to display the object
# addEntry(name,url,selection,icon,dial) to add an element in the list to be displayed
# natsortbyname() to order the list
# Example:
# $records[0]['name'] = "Smith";
# $records[0]['firstname'] = "Lisa";
# $records[0]['office'] = "+1 (0) 555-123-4321";
# $records[0]['officeDigits'] = "4321";
# $records[0]['mobile'] = "079 555 12 34";
# # ... add as many entries you want
# $records[99]['name'] = "Miller";
# $records[99]['firstname'] = "Bob";
# $records[99]['office'] = "+1 (0) 555-123-1234";
# $records[99]['officeDigits'] = "1234";
# $records[99]['home'] = "044 555 22 33";
# $records[99]['company'] = "Aastra Telecom Inc.";
# $directory = new AastraIPPhoneScrollableDirectory();
# $directory->setTitle('Directory');
# $directory->setBackURI($XML_SERVER."?action=start");
# $directory->setEntries($records):
# $directory->output(); # Page scrolling and record zooming will be handled by AastraIPPhoneScrollableTextMenu
class AastraIPPhoneScrollableDirectory extends AastraIPPhoneScrollableTextMenu
# Variables
var $_dialKeyPosition = 2;
var $_selectKeyLabel = 'Details';
var $_index = 0;
var $_nameDisplayFormat = 0; # 0="Firstname Lastname", 1="Lastname, Firstname"
# Constructor
function AastraIPPhoneScrollableDirectory()
# Set default style to "none"
# Set default title
# Call parent constructor
function addEntry($record)
# If no name or fistname provided, skip record
if (empty($record['name']) && empty($record['firstname'])) return;
# Save lastname (needed if we want to sort by lastname)
$record['lastname'] = $record['name'];
# Set display name
if ($this->_nameDisplayFormat==0) $record['name'] = trim((isset($record['firstname'])) ? $record['firstname'] . ' ' . $record['name'] : $record['name']);
else $record['name'] = trim((isset($record['firstname'])) ? $record['name'] . ', ' . $record['firstname'] : $record['name']);
# If actual digits are not provided, use display format number.
if (empty($record['officeDigits'])) $record['officeDigits'] = $record['office'];
if (empty($record['mobileDigits'])) $record['mobileDigits'] = $record['mobile'];
if (empty($record['homeDigits'])) $record['homeDigits'] = $record['home'];
if (empty($record['office2Digits'])) $record['office2Digits'] = $record['office2'];
# Remove non-numeric digits
$record['officeDigits'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','',$record['officeDigits']);
$record['mobileDigits'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','',$record['mobileDigits']);
$record['homeDigits'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','',$record['homeDigits']);
$record['office2Digits'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','',$record['office2Digits']);
# Set instant dial number (to be dialed when hook is lifted in list view / when dial key is pressed in list view)
if (!empty($record['officeDigits'])) $record['dial'] = $record['officeDigits'];
else if (!empty($record['office2Digits'])) $record['dial'] = $record['office2Digits'];
else if (!empty($record['mobileDigits'])) $record['dial'] = $record['mobileDigits'];
else if (!empty($record['homeDigits'])) $record['dial'] = $record['homeDigits'];
$record['url'] = $this->_scrollHandlerReference.'&zoomIndex='.$this->_index;
# We need to save the index as a field as the order of $this->_list can change after sorting
$record['index'] = $this->_index;
# Add record to text menu list entries
$this->_list[$this->_index] = $record;
function setEntries($records)
# Empty list?
if (empty($records)) return;
# Clear list
$this->_list = array();
foreach ($records as $record) $this->addEntry($record);
function zoom($index, $recentPage, $recentSelection)
# Find record matching the given index
foreach ($this->_list as $record)
if ($record['index']==$index)
$myrecord = $record;
# Textmenu for the zoom
$menu = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenu();
if (Aastra_is_style_textmenu_supported()) $menu->setStyle('none');
if (Aastra_is_wrap_title_supported())$menu->setTitleWrap();
if (Aastra_is_textmenu_wrapitem_supported()) $menu->setWrapList();
# Default Index
$defaultIndex = 1;
$menu->addEntry($myrecord['title'], NULL, NULL);
$menu->addEntry($myrecord['department'], NULL, NULL);
$menu->addEntry($myrecord['company'], NULL, NULL);
# If Dial2 softkey is supported, add 'Dial:' Prefix to URL (so number can be dialed by pressing right navigation key)
if (!Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.',1)) $URLprefix = 'Dial:'; else $URLprefix = '';
# Office Number
if (Aastra_is_icons_supported())
$iconIndex = 10;
$iconIndex = NULL;
$prompt=Aastra_get_label('(W)',$this->_language).' ';
if (!Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.',1)) $menu->addEntry($prompt.$myrecord['office'], $URLprefix.$myrecord['officeDigits'], $myrecord['officeDigits'], $iconIndex, $myrecord['officeDigits']);
else $menu->addEntry($prompt.$myrecord['office'], $URLprefix.$myrecord['officeDigits'], $myrecord['officeDigits']);
# Office 2 number
if (Aastra_is_icons_supported())
$iconIndex = 10;
$iconIndex = NULL;
$prompt=Aastra_get_label('(W)',$this->_language).' ';
if (!Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.',1)) $menu->addEntry($prompt.$myrecord['office2'], $URLprefix.$myrecord['office2Digits'], $myrecord['officeDigits'], $iconIndex, $myrecord['office2Digits']);
else $menu->addEntry($prompt.$myrecord['office2'], $URLprefix.$myrecord['office2Digits'], $myrecord['officeDigits']);
# Mobile number
if (Aastra_is_icons_supported())
$iconIndex = 11;
$iconIndex = NULL;
$prompt=Aastra_get_label('(C)',$this->_language).' ';
if (!Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.',1)) $menu->addEntry($prompt.$myrecord['mobile'], $URLprefix.$myrecord['mobileDigits'], $myrecord['officeDigits'], $iconIndex, $myrecord['mobileDigits']);
else $menu->addEntry($prompt.$myrecord['mobile'], $URLprefix.$myrecord['mobileDigits'], $myrecord['officeDigits']);
# Home number
if (Aastra_is_icons_supported())
$iconIndex = 12;
$iconIndex = NULL;
$prompt=Aastra_get_label('(H)',$this->_language).' ';
if (!Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.',1)) $menu->addEntry($prompt.$myrecord['home'], $URLprefix.$myrecord['homeDigits'], $myrecord['officeDigits'], $iconIndex, $myrecord['homeDigits']);
else $menu->addEntry($prompt.$myrecord['home'], $URLprefix.$myrecord['homeDigits'], $myrecord['officeDigits']);
# Softkeys
if (Aastra_is_softkeys_supported())
if (Aastra_number_softkeys_supported()!=10)
# Regular phone with 6 softkeys
if (!Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.',1)) $dialKeyType = 'SoftKey:Dial2';
else $dialKeyType = 'SoftKey:Dial';
$menu->addSoftkey(1, Aastra_get_label('Dial',$this->_language), $dialKeyType);
$menu->addSoftkey(3, Aastra_get_label('Back',$this->_language), $this->_scrollHandlerReference.'&listPage='.$recentPage.'&recentSelection='.$recentSelection);
$menu->addSoftkey(6, Aastra_get_label('Exit',$this->_language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
# Check if speed dial URL is set
if (isset($myrecord['speedURL'])) $menu->addSoftkey(4, Aastra_get_label('Add to Speed Dial',$this->_language), $myrecord['speedURL']);
# 6739i
$menu->addSoftkey(9, Aastra_get_label('Back',$this->_language), $this->_scrollHandlerReference.'&listPage='.$recentPage.'&recentSelection='.$recentSelection);
$menu->addSoftkey(10, Aastra_get_label('Exit',$this->_language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
# Check if speed dial URL is set
if (isset($myrecord['speedURL'])) $menu->addSoftkey(6, Aastra_get_label('+Speed',$this->_language), $myrecord['speedURL']);
# Icons
# Cancel action
# Display XML object
function _setupSoftKeys()
# Check if softkeys and the Dial2 softkey is supported
if (Aastra_is_softkeys_supported() && !Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.',1)) $this->addSoftkey($this->_dialKeyPosition, Aastra_get_label('Dial',$this->_language), 'SoftKey:Dial2');
function setDialKeyPosition($position)
$this->_dialKeyPosition = $position;
function setNameDisplayFormat($format)
$this->_nameDisplayFormat = $format;
function natsortByLastname()
if (empty($this->_list)) return;
$tmpary = array();
foreach ($this->_list as $id => $entry) $tmpary[$id] = $entry['lastname'];
foreach ($tmpary as $key => $valude) $new[] = $this->_list[$key];
$this->_list = $new;
function natsortByFirstname()
if (empty($this->_list)) return;
$tmpary = array();
foreach ($this->_list as $id => $entry) $tmpary[$id] = $entry['firstname'];
foreach ($tmpary as $key => $valude) $new[] = $this->_list[$key];
$this->_list = $new;