blob: a499dbacb8311a486bb303ee568944d7746aab85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Common U2F raw message format header - Review Draft
// 2014-10-08
// Editor: Jakob Ehrensvard, Yubico,
#ifndef __U2F_H_INCLUDED__
#define __U2F_H_INCLUDED__
#ifdef _MSC_VER // Windows
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// General constants
#define U2F_EC_KEY_SIZE 32 // EC key size in bytes
#define U2F_EC_POINT_SIZE ((U2F_EC_KEY_SIZE * 2) + 1) // Size of EC point
#define U2F_MAX_KH_SIZE 128 // Max size of key handle
#define U2F_MAX_ATT_CERT_SIZE 2048 // Max size of attestation certificate
#define U2F_MAX_EC_SIG_SIZE 72 // Max size of DER coded EC signature
#define U2F_CTR_SIZE 4 // Size of counter field
#define U2F_APPID_SIZE 32 // Size of application id
#define U2F_CHAL_SIZE 32 // Size of challenge
#define ENC_SIZE(x) ((x + 7) & 0xfff8)
// EC (uncompressed) point
#define U2F_POINT_UNCOMPRESSED 0x04 // Uncompressed point format
typedef struct {
uint8_t pointFormat; // Point type
uint8_t x[U2F_EC_KEY_SIZE]; // X-value
uint8_t y[U2F_EC_KEY_SIZE]; // Y-value
} __attribute__((packed)) U2F_EC_POINT;
// U2F native commands
#define U2F_REGISTER 0x01 // Registration command
#define U2F_AUTHENTICATE 0x02 // Authenticate/sign command
#define U2F_VERSION 0x03 // Read version string command
#define U2F_VENDOR_FIRST 0x40 // First vendor defined command
#define U2F_VENDOR_LAST 0xbf // Last vendor defined command
// U2F_CMD_REGISTER command defines
#define U2F_REGISTER_ID 0x05 // Version 2 registration identifier
#define U2F_REGISTER_HASH_ID 0x00 // Version 2 hash identintifier
typedef struct {
uint8_t chal[U2F_CHAL_SIZE]; // Challenge
uint8_t appId[U2F_APPID_SIZE]; // Application id
} __attribute__((packed)) U2F_REGISTER_REQ;
typedef struct {
uint8_t registerId; // Registration identifier (U2F_REGISTER_ID_V2)
U2F_EC_POINT pubKey; // Generated public key
uint8_t keyHandleLen; // Length of key handle
uint8_t keyHandleCertSig[
U2F_MAX_KH_SIZE + // Key handle
U2F_MAX_ATT_CERT_SIZE + // Attestation certificate
U2F_MAX_EC_SIG_SIZE]; // Registration signature
} __attribute__((packed)) U2F_REGISTER_RESP;
// U2F_CMD_AUTHENTICATE command defines
// Authentication control byte
#define U2F_AUTH_ENFORCE 0x03 // Enforce user presence and sign
#define U2F_AUTH_CHECK_ONLY 0x07 // Check only
#define U2F_AUTH_FLAG_TUP 0x01 // Test of user presence set
typedef struct {
uint8_t chal[U2F_CHAL_SIZE]; // Challenge
uint8_t appId[U2F_APPID_SIZE]; // Application id
uint8_t keyHandleLen; // Length of key handle
uint8_t keyHandle[U2F_MAX_KH_SIZE]; // Key handle
} __attribute__((packed)) U2F_AUTHENTICATE_REQ;
typedef struct {
uint8_t flags; // U2F_AUTH_FLAG_ values
uint8_t ctr[U2F_CTR_SIZE]; // Counter field (big-endian)
uint8_t sig[U2F_MAX_EC_SIG_SIZE]; // Signature
} __attribute__((packed)) U2F_AUTHENTICATE_RESP;
// Command status responses
#define U2F_SW_NO_ERROR 0x9000 // SW_NO_ERROR
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __U2F_H_INCLUDED__