blob: f82afc456d2bbf432e921e5749b8b2c67d8fc8b5 [file] [log] [blame]
package FlashVideo::JSON;
# Very simple JSON parser, loosely based on
# Public domain.
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw(from_json);
my $number = qr{(?:-?\b(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\b)};
my $oneChar = qr{(?:[^\0-\x08\x0a-\x1f\"\\]|\\(?:["/\\bfnrt]|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}))};
my $string = qr{(?:"$oneChar*")};
my $jsonToken = qr{(?:false|true|null|[\{\}\[\]]|$number|$string)};
my $escapeSequence = qr{\\(?:([^u])|u(.{4}))};
my %escapes = (
'\\' => '\\',
'"' => '"',
'/' => '/',
'b' => "\b",
'f' => "\f",
'n' => "\xA",
'r' => "\xD",
't' => "\t"
sub from_json {
my($in) = @_;
my @tokens = $in =~ /$jsonToken/go;
my $result = $tokens[0] eq '{' ? {} : [];
# Handle something other than array/object at toplevel
shift @tokens if $tokens[0] =~ /^[\[\{]/;
my $key; # key to use for next value
my @stack = $result;
for my $t(@tokens) {
my $ft = substr $t, 0, 1;
my $cont = $stack[0];
if($ft eq '"') {
my $s = substr $t, 1, length($t) - 2;
$s =~ s/$escapeSequence/$1 ? $escapes{$1} : chr hex $2/geo;
if(!defined $key) {
if(ref $cont eq 'ARRAY') {
$cont->[@$cont] = $s;
} else {
$key = $s;
next; # need to save $key
} else {
$cont->{$key} = $s;
} elsif($ft eq '[' || $ft eq '{') {
unshift @stack,
(ref $cont eq 'ARRAY' ? $cont->[@$cont] : $cont->{$key}) = $ft eq '[' ? [] : {};
} elsif($ft eq ']' || $ft eq '}') {
shift @stack;
} else {
(ref $cont eq 'ARRAY' ? $cont->[@$cont] : $cont->{$key}) =
$ft eq 'f' ? 0 # false
: $ft eq 'n' ? undef # null
: $ft eq 't' ? 1 # true
: $t; # sign or digit
undef $key;
return $result;