blob: 699d0e8dc6bef103edaa7824a520d6cbfc2397ce [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use lib qw(..);
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{DEBUG};
use IPC::Open3;
use Test::More;
use File::Path;
use FlashVideo::Downloader;
my $script = $ENV{SCRIPT} ? "$ENV{SCRIPT}" : "../../blib/script/get_flash_videos";
chdir "t";
$ENV{SITE} = "\\[cpan\\]"; # a subset of tests specially for CPAN testers
} elsif(!$ENV{SITE}) {
# We don't want to do this unless they really meant it, as it downloads a lot.
plan skip_all => "Not going online, set SITE to run these tests";
require FlashVideo::Mechanize;
my $mech = FlashVideo::Mechanize->new;
plan skip_all => "We don't appear to have an internet connection"
if $mech->response->is_error;
my @urls = assemble_urls();
plan tests => 5 * scalar @urls;
my $i = 0;
for my $url_info(@urls) {
my($url, $note) = @$url_info;
$note =~ s/\[.*?\]//g; # metadata (e.g. if cpan testers should run this?)
my $dir = "test-" . ++$i;
mkpath $dir;
chdir $dir or next;
diag "Testing $note";
# Allow backticks for URLs that change
$url =~ s/\`(.*)\`/`$1`/e;
my $pid = open3(my $in_fh, my $out_fh, 0,
$^X, "$script", "--yes", '--filename', 'cpan_testing_video', $url);
while(<$out_fh>) {
DEBUG && diag $_;
waitpid $pid, 0;
ok $? == 0, $note;
#DEBUG && diag "Files in directory: ", <*>;
#my @files = <*.{mp4,flv,mov}>;
my $file = "cpan_testing_video";
#ok @files == 1, "One file downloaded";
#ok($files[0] !~ /^video\d{14}\./, "Has good filename");
ok(FlashVideo::Downloader->check_file($file), "File is a media file");
ok -s $file > (1024*200), "File looks big enough";
chdir "..";
rmtree $dir;
sub assemble_urls {
my @urls;
open my $url_fh, "<", "urls" or die $!;
my $note;
while(<$url_fh>) {
if(/^#\s*(.*)/) {
$note = $1;
} elsif(/^\S/) {
next if $ENV{SITE} && $note !~ /$ENV{SITE}/i;
push @urls, [ $_, $note ];
return @urls;