blob: 0e124c58e5d0df094ec7504963413078588cf4fd [file] [log] [blame]
# Downloader for F4V files using the documented fragment format.
# Copyright (c) 2013 James Bottomley <>
# Released as part of get-flash-videos under the Apache Licence version 2.0
# The F4V specification is available at
# And the manifest xml format at
# And the
# A short intro is that a Flash Fragment file (F4F) consists of segments and
# fragments. Each segment is a complete video file and is built from a set of
# fragments. Fragments are incomplete video files, but may be rendered
# complete by the addition of the metadata for the segment. The downloader
# code tries to download all segments and fragments, but it's only ever been
# tested on single segment downloads (because one download is usually one
# video file).
package FlashVideo::F4VDownloader;
use strict;
use base 'FlashVideo::Downloader';
use IPC::Open3;
use Fcntl ();
use Symbol qw(gensym);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use FlashVideo::Utils;
use MIME::Base64;
use Data::Dumper;
use Data::AMF::Parser::AMF0;
use Convert::ASN1;
use Crypt::Rijndael;
sub parse_audio_tag {
my ($s, $tag, $len) = @_;
my ($c) = unpack('C', $s);
my $soundformat = ($c >> 4);
my $hdrlen;
if ($soundformat == 10) {
$hdrlen = 2;
} else {
$hdrlen = 1;
return $hdrlen;
sub parse_video_tag {
my ($s, $tag, $len) = @_;
my ($c) = unpack('C', $s);
my $codec = ($c & 0x0f);
my $hdrlen;
if ($codec == 7) {
$hdrlen = 5;
} else {
$hdrlen = 1;
return $hdrlen;
my %parse_tag = (
8 => \&parse_audio_tag,
9 => \&parse_video_tag,
sub unpad {
my ($t) = @_;
my $c = substr($t, length($t)-1, 1);
my $pl = unpack('C', $c);
#info 'Pad length '.$pl;
return undef if ($pl == 0 || $pl > 16);
# verify
my $p = substr($t, length($t)-$pl, $pl);
return undef if ($p ne $c x $pl);
return substr($t, 0, length($t) - $pl);
sub parse_flv_tag {
my($s, $key) = @_;
my $data = '';
my($tag, $l1, $l2, $l3) = unpack('CCCC', $s);
my $len = ($l1 << 16) + ($l2 << 8) + $l3;
die sprintf("Invalid tag %02x ",$tag) if (($tag & 0xc0) != 0);
my $encrypted = $tag & 0x20;
my $type = $tag & 0x1f;
my $typedesc;
my $new = substr($s, 11); #skip past rest of header on to content headers
my $dat = substr($new, 0, $len);
die "Unrecognised tag $type" if (!defined($parse_tag{$type}));
debug "parsing tag $tag";
my $extralen = $parse_tag{$type}($dat, $tag, $len);
# invariant elements of the header (i.e. less tag type and length);
my $hdr = substr($s, 4, 11 - 4 + $extralen);
$s = $new;
$dat = substr($dat, $extralen);
my $dec = $dat;
if ($encrypted) {
my ($numfilter, $etype, $l1, $l2, $l3,$l) = unpack('CZ*CCC.*', $dat);
$dat = substr($dat, $l);
$l = ($l1 << 16) + ($l2 << 8) + $l3;
my $iv;
my $enc;
if ($etype eq 'SE') {
($enc) = unpack('C', $dat);
die "Wrong encoding byte $enc" if ($enc & 0x7f != 0);
$dat = substr($dat, 1);
if ($enc) {
$iv = substr($dat, 0, 16);
$dat = substr($dat, 16);
die "Wrong filter length" if ($l != 17);
} else {
die "Wrong filter length" if ($l != 1);
} elsif ($etype eq 'Encryption') {
$enc = 1;
$iv = substr($dat, 0 ,16);
$dat = substr($dat, 16);
die "Wrong filter length" if ($l != 16);
} else {
die 'Unknown encryption type '.$etype;
if ($enc) {
my ($ivstr) = unpack('H*', $iv);
$data .= ' iv:'.$ivstr;
} else {
$data .= ' unencrypted';
debug 'data size after headers '.length($dat);
my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
$dec = unpad($cipher->decrypt($dat));
die "Decryption error in tag" if (!defined($dec));
debug "size after decryption ".length($dec);
my $newlen = length($dec) + $extralen;
my $newhdr = pack('CCCC', $type, ($newlen >> 16) & 0xff,
($newlen >> 8) & 0xff, $newlen & 0xff);
my $newtrailer = pack('L>', $newlen + 11);
# bang on header to get decrypted tag
$dec = $newhdr.$hdr.$dec.$newtrailer;
debug sprintf('%s%s tag of length %d: %s', $encrypted ? "encrypted " : "", $typedesc, $len, $data);
$s = substr($s, $len);
my $prevlen = unpack('L>', $s);
die $len.' != '.$prevlen if (($len + 11) != $prevlen);
$s = substr($s, 4);
return ($s, $dec);
sub flv_decrypt {
my ($dat, $key) = @_;
my $newdat = '';
while (length($dat) > 0) {
my $d;
($dat, $d) = parse_flv_tag($dat, $key);
$newdat .= $d;
return $newdat;
sub read_box_header {
my ($s, $a) = @_;
my $s_len = length($s);
($a->{len}, $a->{type}) = unpack('L>A4', $s);
$s = substr($s, 8);
$a->{headlen} = 8;
if ($a->{len} == 1) {
debug "LARGE BOX";
# large box size
($a->{len}) = unpack('Q>', $s);
$s = substr($s, 8);
$a->{headlen} += 8;
debug "box header, size ".$a->{len}." type ".$a->{type};
die "string not big enough (".$s_len." but should be >= ".$a->{len} if ($a->{len} > $s_len);
return $s;
sub read_segment_runtable {
my ($s, $a) = @_;
my ($len, $totlen);
$s = read_box_header($s, $a);
die "found wrong box ".$a->{type}." expecting asrt" if ($a->{type} ne 'asrt');
$totlen = $a->{headlen};
) = unpack('CB24C.*', $s);
$totlen += $len;
$s = substr($s, $len);
if ($a->{qualityentrycount} > 0) {
@_ = unpack('Z'.$a->{qualityentrycount}.'.*', $s);
$a->{qualitysegmenturlmodifiers} = @_;
$len = pop $a->{qualitysegmenturlmodifiers};
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
($a->{segmentrunentrycount}, $len) = unpack('L>.*', $s);
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
my $i;
$a->{segmentrunentrytable} = [()];
for ($i = 0; $i < $a->{segmentrunentrycount}; $i++) {
my $t = {};
) = unpack('L>L>.*', $s);
push $a->{segmentrunentrytable},$t;
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
die("Length mismatch in segment runtable ".$totlen." != ".$a->{len}) if ($totlen != $a->{len});
return $s;
sub read_fragment_runtable {
my ($s, $a) = @_;
my ($len, $totlen);
$s = read_box_header($s, $a);
die "found wrong box ".$a->{type}." expecting afrt" if ($a->{type} ne 'afrt');
$totlen = $a->{headlen};
) = unpack('CB24L>C.*', $s);
$totlen += $len;
$s = substr($s, $len);
if ($a->{qualityentrycount} > 0) {
@_ = unpack('Z'.$a->{qualityentrycount}.'.*', $s);
$a->{qualitysegmenturlmodifiers} = @_;
$len = pop $a->{qualitysegmenturlmodifiers};
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
($a->{fragmentrunentrycount}, $len) = unpack('L>.*', $s);
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
my $i;
$a->{fragmentrunentrytable} = [()];
for ($i = 0; $i < $a->{fragmentrunentrycount}; $i++) {
my $t = {};
) = unpack('L>Q>L>.*', $s);
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
if ($t->{fragmentduration} == 0) {
($t->{discontinuityindicator},$len) = unpack('C.*', $s);
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
push $a->{fragmentrunentrytable},$t;
die("Length mismatch in fragment runtable ".$totlen." != ".$a->{len}) if ($totlen != $a->{len});
return $s;
sub read_bootstrap_box {
my ($s) = @_;
my $bb = {};
$s = read_box_header($s, $bb);
die "found wrong box ".$bb->{type}." expecting abst" if ($bb->{type} ne 'abst');
my ($len, $totlen, $packedbit);
$totlen = $bb->{headlen};
) = unpack('CB24L>B8L>Q>Q>Z*C.*', $s);
$bb->{profile} = oct('0b'.substr($packedbit, 0, 2));
$bb->{live} = oct('0b'.substr($packedbit, 2, 1));
$bb->{update} = oct('0b'.substr($packedbit, 3, 1));
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
if ($bb->{serverentrytable} > 0) {
@_ = unpack('Z'.$bb->{serverentrycount}.'.*', $s);
$bb->{serverentrytable} = @_;
$len = pop $bb->{serverentrytable};
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
($bb->{qualityentrycount}) = unpack('C', $s);
$s = substr($s, 1);
$totlen += 1;
if ($bb->{qualityentrycount} > 0) {
@_ = unpack('Z'.$bb->{qualityentrycount}.'.*', $s);
$bb->{qualityentrytable} = @_;
$len = pop $bb->{qualityentrytable};
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
) = unpack('ZZC.*', $s);
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
$bb->{segmentruntable} = [()];
my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $bb->{segmentruntablecount}; $i++) {
my $seg = {};
$s = read_segment_runtable($s, $seg);
push $bb->{segmentruntable},$seg;
$totlen += $seg->{len};
($bb->{fragmentruntablecount},$len) = unpack('C.*', $s);
$s = substr($s, $len);
$totlen += $len;
$bb->{fragmentruntable} = [()];
for ($i = 0; $i < $bb->{segmentruntablecount}; $i++) {
my $seg = {};
$s = read_fragment_runtable($s, $seg);
push $bb->{fragmentruntable},$seg;
$totlen += $seg->{len};
die("Length mismatch in bootstrap box ".$totlen." != ".$bb->{len}) if ($totlen != $bb->{len});
return $bb;
sub download {
my ($self, $data, $file, $browser) = @_;
$self->{printable_filename} = $file;
$file = $data->{flv} = $self->get_filename($file);
my $encryptionkey = $data->{encryptionkey};
if (-s $file && !$data->{live}) {
info "F4V output filename '$self->{printable_filename}' already " .
"exists, asking to resume...";
$data->{resume} = '';
# this is a bit of a bitch. We have all the information necessary to
# resume a stream at any timestamp. What we lack is the knowledge of how
# many bytes go with each fragment (fragments are fixed durations but not
# fixed sizes). So, given a resume file of size $x, we have no idea which
# fragment to resume from without downloading all the prior fragments to
# get their sizes.
# FIXME: could we do something clever by only downloading the http headers
# of each of the prior fragments and working out the sizes from them?
die "resuming f4v streams is currently unimplemented";
my($r_fh, $w_fh); # So Perl doesn't close them behind our back..
if ($data->{live} && $self->action eq 'play') {
# Playing live stream, we pipe this straight to the player, rather than
# saving on disk.
pipe($r_fh, $w_fh);
my $pid = fork;
die "Fork failed" unless defined $pid;
if(!$pid) {
fcntl $r_fh, Fcntl::F_SETFD(), ~Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC();
exec $self->replace_filename($self->player, "/dev/fd/" . fileno $r_fh);
die "Exec failed\n";
fcntl $w_fh, Fcntl::F_SETFD(), ~Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC();
$data->{flv} = "/dev/fd/" . fileno $w_fh;
$self->{stream} = undef;
if($self->debug) {
$data->{verbose} = undef;
my $url = $data->{manifest};
if (!$browser->success) {
die "Couldn't download manifest $url: ".$browser->response->status_line;
my $xml = from_xml($browser->content);
my $manifest = $xml;
my $baseurl;
if (defined($manifest->{baseURL})) {
$baseurl = $manifest->{baseURL};
} else {
# kill any post data
info "data manifest is ".$data->{manifest};
($baseurl) = split /\?/, $data->{manifest};
# now strip to the base dir the manifest was in
$baseurl =~ m,^(.*)/.*$,;
$baseurl = $1;
info "Manifest id \"".$manifest->{id}."\"" if (defined($manifest->{id}));
# standard says this must be present, but it often isn't, sigh
die "This download isn't streaming media" if (defined($manifest->{deliveryType}) && $manifest->{deliveryType} ne 'streaming');
#die "F4VDownloader can't currently handle DRM encoded files" if (defined($manifest->{drmAdditionalHeader}));
# can't do http streaming without bootstrap information
die ("manifest has no bootstrapbox") if (!defined($manifest->{bootstrapInfo}));
# select the media element; FIXME just selecting highest bistream
my $bitrate = 0;
my $res = 0;
my $maxres = $data->{prefs}->quality->quality_to_resolution($data->{prefs}->{quality});
my $media;
foreach (@{$manifest->{media}}) {
my $br = 0;
my $metadata = decode_base64($_->{metadata});
my @md = Data::AMF::Parser::AMF0->parse($metadata);
die "wrong metadata, expecting onMetaData, found ".$md[0] if ($md[0] ne 'onMetaData');
my $md = $md[1];
next if (@$maxres[1] < $md->{height});
if ($res > $md->{height}) {
$res = $md->{height};
# reset bitrate: lower resolution may have higher bitrate
$bitrate = 0;
$br = $_->{bitrate} if (defined($_->{bitrate}));
if ($br >= $bitrate) {
$media = $_;
$bitrate = $br;
$media->{md} = $md;
$media->{metadata} = $metadata;
info "Selected stream of resolution ".$media->{md}->{height}."x".$media->{md}->{width}." and bitrate ".$bitrate;
if (defined($manifest->{bootstrapInfo}->{$media->{bootstrapInfoId}})) {
$media->{bootstrapInfo} = $manifest->{bootstrapInfo}->{$media->{bootstrapInfoId}};
} elsif ($manifest->{bootstrapInfo}->{id} eq $media->{bootstrapInfoId}) {
$media->{bootstrapInfo} = $manifest->{bootstrapInfo};
} else {
die "Can't find bootstrapID ".$media->{bootstrapInfoId};
my $drmmetadata;
if (defined($media->{drmAdditionalHeaderId})) {
info "DRM Additional Header ".$media->{drmAdditionalHeaderId};
my $drm;
if (defined($manifest->{drmAdditionalHeader}->{$media->{drmAdditionalHeaderId}})) {
$drm = $manifest->{drmAdditionalHeader}->{$media->{drmAdditionalHeaderId}};
} elsif ($manifest->{drmAdditionalHeader}->{id} eq $media->{drmAdditionalHeaderId}) {
$drm = $manifest->{drmAdditionalHeader};
} else {
die "Can't find drmAdditionalHeader ".$media->{drmAdditionalHeaderId};
$drm = decode_base64($drm->{content});
@_ = Data::AMF::Parser::AMF0->parse($drm);
# skip header
$drm = $_[1];
if ($drm->{Encryption}->{Version} == 2) {
$drmmetadata = decode_base64($drm->{Encryption}->{Params}->{KeyInfo}->{FMRMS_METADATA}->{Metadata});
} elsif ($drm->{Encryption}->{Version} == 2) {
$drmmetadata = decode_base64($drm->{Encryption}->{Params}->{KeyInfo}->{Data}->{Metadata});
} else {
die "Unknown Encryption Version ".$drm->{Encryption}->{Version};
my $asn1 = Convert::ASN1->new();
$asn1->configure(encoding => 'DER');
Any ::= ANY -- do not remove!
ContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
content [0] EXPLICIT ANY }
EnvelopedData ::= SEQUENCE {
version ANY,
originatorInfo [0] ANY OPTIONAL,
recipientInfos RecipientInfos,
encryptedContentInfo ANY,
unprotectedAttrs [1] ANY OPTIONAL
RecipientInfos ::= SET OF RecipientInfo
RecipientInfo ::= CHOICE {
keyAgreementRecipientInfo [1] SEQUENCE OF KeyAgreementRecipientInfo,
keyTransportRecipientInfo ANY
KeyAgreementRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
version ANY,
originator ANY,
userKeyingMaterial [1] ANY OPTIONAL,
keyEncryptionAlgorithm ANY,
recipientEncryptedKeys SEQUENCE OF RecipientEncryptedKey
RecipientEncryptedKey ::= SEQUENCE {
recipientIdentifier SomebodyIdentifier,
encryptedKey ANY
SomebodyIdentifier ::= CHOICE {
issuerAndSerialNumber IssuerAndSerialNumber,
recipientKeyIdentifier [0] ANY,
subjectKeyIdentifier [2] ANY
IssuerAndSerialNumber ::= SEQUENCE {
issuer ANY,
serialNumber INTEGER
SignerIdentifier ::= CHOICE {
issuerAndSerialNumber IssuerAndSerialNumber,
subjectKeyIdentifier [0] ANY
SignedAndEnvelopedData ::= SEQUENCE {
version ANY,
recipientInfos RecipientInfos,
digestAlgorithms ANY,
encryptedContentInfo ANY,
certificates [0] ANY OPTIONAL,
crls [1] ANY OPTIONAL,
signerInfos SET OF SignerInfo }
EncapsulatedContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
SignedData ::= SEQUENCE {
version INTEGER,
digestAlgorithms ANY,
contentInfo EncapsulatedContentInfo,
certificates [0] ANY OPTIONAL,
crls [1] ANY OPTIONAL,
test1 ANY,
test ANY
SignerInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
version INTEGER,
signerIdentifier SignerIdentifier,
issuerAndSerialNumber IssuerAndSerialNumber,
digestAlgorithm ANY,
authenticatedAttributes [0] ANY OPTIONAL,
digestEncryptionAlgorithm ANY,
encryptedDigest ANY,
unauthenticatedAttributes [1] ANY OPTIONAL }
DigestedData ::= SEQUENCE {
version ANY,
digestAlgorithm ANY,
contentInfo ContentInfo,
digest ANY }
EncryptedData ::= SEQUENCE {
version ANY,
encryptedContentInfo EncryptedContentInfo,
unprotectedAttributes [1] ANY OPTIONAL }
EncryptedContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
contentEncAlgorithm ANY,
encryptedContent [0] ANY OPTIONAL }
my $node = $asn1->find('ContentInfo');
my @d = $node->decode($drmmetadata);
my %oidmap = (
'1.2.840.113549.1.7.1' => 'Data',
'1.2.840.113549.1.7.2' => 'SignedData',
'1.2.840.113549.1.7.3' => 'EnvelopedData',
'1.2.840.113549.1.7.4' => 'SignedAndEnvelopedData',
'1.2.840.113549.1.7.5' => 'DigestedData',
'1.2.840.113549.1.7.6' => 'EncryptedData',
info Dumper($d[1]);
my $type = $oidmap{$d[0]->{contentType}};
my $data = $d[0]->{content};
info "Content Type is $type";
$node = $asn1->find($type);
@d = $node->decode($data);
$type = $oidmap{$d[0]->{contentInfo}->{eContentType}};
info "Got eContentData of type $type";
$data = $d[0]->{contentInfo}->{eContent};
open (my $fh, '>/tmp/tmp.asn1') || die;
print $fh $data;
$node = $asn1->find($type);
@d = $node->decode($data);
info Dumper(@d);
my $bb = read_bootstrap_box(decode_base64($media->{bootstrapInfo}->{content}));
debug 'Parsed media bootstrap data is '.Dumper($bb);
debug 'Parsed media metadata is '.Dumper($media);
if ($media->{url} =~ m,^http[s]?://,) {
$baseurl = $media->{url};
} else {
$baseurl .= '/'.$media->{url};
my $totfrags = 0;
my $prev;
foreach (@{$bb->{segmentruntable}}) {
foreach (@{$_->{segmentrunentrytable}}) {
$totfrags += $_->{firstsegment};
if (defined($prev)) {
$totfrags += ($_->{firstsegment} - $prev->{firstsegment} - 1) * $prev->{fragmentspersegment};
$totfrags += $_->{fragmentspersegment};
$prev = $_;
die "Invalid fragment count ".$totfrags if ($totfrags < 0);
$totfrags += $bb->{segmentruntable}->[0]->{segmentrunentrytable}->[0]->{firstfragment} - 1;
info "downloading $totfrags Fragments from $baseurl to $file";
die "Currently cannot process live media (requires bootstrap info recomputes)" if ($bb->{live});
my ($seg, $frag);
for ($seg = 1; $seg <= $bb->{segmentruntablecount}; $seg++) {
my $segent = $bb->{segmentruntable}->[$seg - 1]->{segmentrunentrytable}->[0];
die "Can't handle split segmentrunentry tables" if ($bb->{segmentruntable}->[$seg - 1]->{segmentrunentrycount} != 1);
open(my $fh, ">", $file) || die "can't open file $file for writing: $!";
my $mdl = length($media->{metadata});
# most of the Flash header is the metadata, but need to pad with
# global file headers first
# Flash header for audio + video file
print $fh pack('H*', '464c5601050000000900000000');
# now the metadata introduction
print $fh pack('CCCCCCCL>', 0x12, ($mdl >> 16) & 0xff, ($mdl >> 8) & 0xff,
$mdl & 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0);
# the actual metadata from the manifest
print $fh $media->{metadata};
# finally the previous tag length
print $fh pack('L>', $mdl + 11);
# now just glue the mdat boxes of the fragments together
my $filebytecount = 0;
for ($frag = $segent->{firstsegment};
$frag < $segent->{firstsegment} + $segent->{fragmentspersegment};
$frag ++) {
my $dl = $baseurl.'Seg'.$seg.'-Frag'.$frag;
$dl .= $data->{auth} if (defined $data->{auth});
debug "downloading $dl";
if (!$browser->success) {
die "Couldn't download fragment: $dl".$browser->response->status_line;
my $s = $browser->content;
my $dat;
$bb = undef;
while(length($s) > 0) {
$a = {};
read_box_header($s, $a);
die "Fragment $frag too short" if (length($s) < $a->{len});
$bb = read_bootstrap_box($s) if ($a->{type} eq 'abst');
$dat = substr($s, $a->{headlen}, $a->{len} - $a->{headlen}) if ($a->{type} eq 'mdat');
$s = substr($s, $a->{len});
die "Didn't find the movie data box in fragment $frag" if (!defined($dat));
if (defined($encryptionkey)) {
$dat = flv_decrypt($dat, $encryptionkey);
$filebytecount += length($dat);
print STDERR sprintf("%s: %d (Frag %d: %.2f\%)\r", $file, $filebytecount, $frag, $frag/$totfrags*100);
print $fh $dat;
print STDERR "\n";
return $media->{md}->{filesize};
# Check if a stream is active by downloading a sample
sub try_download {
return 1;