Kanal5play.se: Adding quality selection and subtitles
diff --git a/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Kanal5play.pm b/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Kanal5play.pm
index 125a627..16081f2 100644
--- a/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Kanal5play.pm
+++ b/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Kanal5play.pm
@@ -6,9 +6,15 @@
 use FlashVideo::Utils;
 use FlashVideo::JSON;
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.03';
 sub Version() { $VERSION;}
+my $bitrate_index = {
+  high   => 0,
+  medium => 1,
+  low    => 2
 sub find_video {
   my ($self, $browser, $embed_url, $prefs) = @_;
   if (!($browser->uri->as_string =~ m/video\/([0-9]*)/)) {
@@ -24,22 +30,18 @@
   my $jsonstr  = $browser->content;
   my $json     = from_json($jsonstr);
   my $name     = $json->{program}->{name};
   my $episode  = $json->{episodeNumber};
   my $season   = $json->{seasonNumber};
+  my $subtitle = $json->{hasSubtitle};
   my $filename = sprintf "%s - S%02dE%02d", $name, $season, $episode;
   my $rtmp     = "rtmp://fl1.c00608.cdn.qbrick.com:1935/00608";
   my $playpath = $json->{streams}[0]->{source};
-  my $max_rate = 0;
+  my %paths=();
-  # Always take the highest bitrate stream
+  # Put the streams into the hash
   foreach my $stream (@{$json->{streams}}) {
-    my $rate = int($stream->{bitrate});
-    if ($rate > $max_rate) {
-      $playpath = $stream->{source};
-      $max_rate = $rate;
-    }
+    $paths{int($stream->{bitrate})} = $stream->{source};
   # Check if the maximum quality stream is available.
@@ -56,9 +58,66 @@
     swfVfy   => "http://www.kanal5play.se/flash/K5StandardPlayer.swf"
-  # If the stream was not found we revert the playpath
-  if (!$downloader->try_download($args)) {
-    $args->{playpath} = $playpath;
+  # If the stream was found we push it to the list of playpaths
+  if ($downloader->try_download($args)) {
+    $paths{1600000} = $playpath_max;
+  }
+  # Sort the paths and select the suitable one based upon quality preference
+  my $quality = $bitrate_index->{$prefs->{quality}};
+  my $min = $quality < scalar(keys(%paths)) ? $quality : scalar(keys(%paths));
+  my $key = (sort {int($b) <=> int($a)} keys %paths)[$min];
+  $args->{playpath} = $paths{$key};
+  # Check for subtitles
+  if ($prefs->{subtitles} and $subtitle) {
+    my $subtitle_url = "http://www.kanal5play.se/api/subtitles/$video_id";
+    $browser->get($subtitle_url);
+    if (!$browser->success) {
+      die "Couldn't download $subtitle_url: " . $browser->response->status_line;
+    }
+    $jsonstr = $browser->content;
+    $json = from_json($jsonstr);
+    # The format is a list of hashmap with the following keys:
+    # startMillis : int
+    # endMillis : int
+    # text : string
+    # posX : int
+    # posY : int
+    # colorR : int
+    # colorG : int
+    # colorB : int
+    #
+    # We convert this to an srt
+    my $srt_filename = title_to_filename($filename, "srt");
+    open my $srt_fh, '>', $srt_filename
+      or die "Can't open subtitles file $srt_filename: $!";
+    my $i = 1;
+    foreach my $line (@{$json}) {
+      my $text  = $line->{text};
+      my $hour  = int($line->{startMillis}) / 3600000;
+      my $min   = (int($line->{startMillis}) / 60000) % 60;
+      my $sec   = (int($line->{startMillis}) / 1000) % 60;
+      my $milli = int($line->{startMillis}) % 1000;
+      my $start = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d", $hour, $min, $sec, $milli;
+      $hour  = int($line->{endMillis}) / 3600000;
+      $min   = (int($line->{endMillis}) / 60000) % 60;
+      $sec   = (int($line->{endMillis}) / 1000) % 60;
+      $milli = int($line->{endMillis}) % 1000;
+      my $end = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d", $hour, $min, $sec, $milli;
+      print $srt_fh "$i\n" . "$start --> $end\n" . "$text\n\n";
+      $i++;
+    }
+    close $srt_fh;
   return $args;