Add session gapping tests
diff --git a/ b/
index ac420e2..3a2d8fa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 TPM2_CC_CREATE = 0x0153
 TPM2_CC_LOAD = 0x0157
 TPM2_CC_UNSEAL = 0x015E
@@ -57,8 +59,11 @@
 TPM2_RH_LOCKOUT = 0x4000000A
 TPM2_RS_PW = 0x40000009
+TPM2_RC_HANDLE = 0x000008B
 TPM2_RC_SIZE = 0x000001D5
+TPM2_RC_OBJECT_MEMORY = 0x00000902
 TPM2_RC_SESSION_MEMORY = 0x00000903
 TPM2_RC_AUTH_FAIL = 0x0000098E
 TPM2_RC_POLICY_FAIL = 0x0000099D
diff --git a/ b/
index d233d08..4258471 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,18 +19,58 @@
     # open handles until failure.  Return the ones we got
-    def open_handles(self):
+    def open_until(self, func):
         ha = []
             for i in range(0, 10):
-                h = self.c.start_session(tpm2.TPM2_SE_HMAC)
+                h = func()
                 print "Handle is %08x" % h
         except tss2.tpm_error, e:
-            if (e.rc != tpm2.TPM2_RC_SESSION_MEMORY):
+            if (e.rc != tpm2.TPM2_RC_SESSION_MEMORY and
+                e.rc != tpm2.TPM2_RC_OBJECT_MEMORY):
                 raise e
         return ha
+    def open_handles(self):
+        def func():
+            return self.c.start_session(tpm2.TPM2_SE_HMAC, self.c.SRK)
+        return self.open_until(func)
+    def open_transients(self):
+        def func():
+            k = self.c.create_rsa(self.c.SRK, None)
+            return self.c.load(self.c.SRK, k.outPrivate, k.outPublic, None)
+        return self.open_until(func)
+    def test_handle_clearing(self):
+        t1 = self.open_transients()
+        h1 = self.open_handles()
+        print "Opened {} transients and {} handles".format(len(t1), len(h1))
+        self.c.close()
+        self.c = tss2.Client()
+        h2 = self.open_handles()
+        t2 = self.open_transients()
+        print "Opened {} transients and {} handles".format(len(t2), len(h2))
+        self.assertEqual(len(h1), len(h2))
+        self.assertEqual(len(t1), len(t2))
+    def test_transients(self):
+        k = self.open_transients()
+        self.c.flush_context(k[0])
+        self.c.change_auth(self.c.SRK, k[1], None, pwd1)
+        fail = False
+        try:
+            self.c.change_auth(self.c.SRK, k[0], None, pwd1)
+        except tss2.tpm_error, e:
+            print "Expected failure {}".format(e)
+            fail = True
+        self.assertTrue(fail)
+        l = self.open_transients()
+        self.assertEqual(len(l), 1)
     def test_handle_flush_on_space_close(self):
         i = self.open_handles()
         print "Ran out of handles at %d" %len(i)
@@ -78,9 +118,70 @@
         self.c.change_auth(self.c.SRK, k, pwd1, pwd2, hmac, 0, enc, 0)
         i = self.open_handles()
         self.assertEqual(len(i), 2)
+    def test_space_exhaustion(self):
+        c = []
+        h = []
+        # usually 3 max unsaved and 64 max contexts, so 23*3 = 69 should
+        # mean that the first 4 are evicted
+        for i in range(0, 23):
+            self.c = tss2.Client()
+            c.append(self.c)
+            h.append(self.open_handles())
+        #try to use handle by creating an RSA key this should fail
+        # because the session was evicted
+        self.c = c[0]
+        failed = 0
+        try:
+            # hmac only
+            self.c.create_rsa(self.c.SRK, pwd1, h[0][0], 1)
+        except tss2.tpm_error,e:
+            print "Expected Session Failure: {}".format(e)
+            failed = 1
+        self.assertEqual(failed, 1)
+        # pick the latest session and handle and it should succeed
+        self.c = c[22]
+        self.c.create_rsa(self.c.SRK, pwd1, h[22][0], 1, h[22][1], 1)
+    def test_disallow_save_context(self):
+        h = self.open_handles();
+        s = self.c
+        failure = 0
+        try:
+            o = self.c.context_save(h[0]);
+        except tss2.tpm_error,e:
+            failure = 1
+        self.assertEqual(failure, 1)
+    def test_gap_error_first(self):
+        c = tss2.Client()
+        h = c.start_session(tpm2.TPM2_SE_HMAC)
+        print "Handle %08x" %h
+        for i in range(0,256):
+            j = self.c.start_session(tpm2.TPM2_SE_HMAC)
+            print "Flush Handle %08x" %j
+            self.c.flush_context(j)
+        c.flush_context(h)
+    def test_gap_error_last(self):
+        c = tss2.Client()
+        h = c.start_session(tpm2.TPM2_SE_HMAC)
+        print "Handle %08x" %h
+        t = self.open_handles();
+        self.c.flush_context(t[len(t)-1])
+        for i in range(0,256):
+            j = self.c.start_session(tpm2.TPM2_SE_HMAC)
+            print "Flush Handle %08x" %j
+            self.c.flush_context(j)
+        c.flush_context(h)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/ b/
index 67f5a4f..10a3289 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -64,7 +64,16 @@
 class TPM2B_PRIVATE(ctypes.Structure):
     _fields_ = [("size", ctypes.c_uint16),
                 ("buffer", ctypes.c_uint8 * 1166)]
+class TPM2B_CONTEXT_DATA(ctypes.Structure):
+    _fields_ = [("size", ctypes.c_uint16),
+                ("buffer", ctypes.c_uint8 * 2048)]
+class TPMS_CONTEXT(ctypes.Structure):
+    _fields_ = [("sequence", ctypes.c_uint64),
+                ("savedHandle", ctypes.c_uint32),
+                ("hierarchy", ctypes.c_uint32),
+                ("contextBlob", TPM2B_CONTEXT_DATA)]
 class StartAuthSession_In(ctypes.Structure):
     _fields_ = [("tpmKey", ctypes.c_uint32),
@@ -125,9 +134,15 @@
 class ObjectChangeAuth_Out(ctypes.Structure):
     _fields_ = [("outPrivate", TPM2B_PRIVATE)]
+class ContextSave_In(ctypes.Structure):
+    _fields_ = [("saveHandle", ctypes.c_uint32)]
 class tpm_error(Exception):
     def __init__(self, rc):
+        self.raw_rc = rc
+        if ((rc & 0x80) == 0x80):         # RC_FMT1
+            rc = rc & 0xbf
         self.rc = rc
     def __str__(self):
@@ -136,7 +151,7 @@
         num = ctypes.c_char_p()
-                                      ctypes.byref(num), self.rc);
+                                      ctypes.byref(num), self.raw_rc);
         return "%s%s%s" % (msg.value, submsg.value, num.value)
 class Client:
@@ -150,12 +165,8 @@
         # we need the public area in the context for salted parameter encryption
-        print self.ctx
     def close(self):
-        print "closed"
-        print self.ctx
     def TSS_Execute(self, out, inp, extra, ordinal, *sessions):
         rc = lib.TSS_Execute(self.ctx, out, inp,
@@ -206,7 +217,6 @@
         inp.parentHandle = parent
         if (auth != None):
             lenauth = len(auth)
-            print "AUTh len is %d" %lenauth
             inp.inSensitive.sensitive.userAuth.b[0:lenauth] = bytearray(auth)
             inp.inSensitive.sensitive.userAuth.s = lenauth
         inp.inPublic.publicArea.Type = tpm2.TPM2_ALG_RSA
@@ -258,3 +268,24 @@
                          tpm2.TPM2_RH_NULL, None, 0)
         return out.outPrivate
+    def context_save(self, handle):
+        inp = ContextSave_In()
+        out = TPMS_CONTEXT()
+        inp.saveHandle = handle
+        self.TSS_Execute(ctypes.byref(out), ctypes.byref(inp), None,
+                         tpm2.TPM2_CC_CONTEXT_SAVE,
+                         tpm2.TPM2_RH_NULL, None, 0)
+        return out
+    def context_load(self, inp):
+        out = ContextSave_In()
+        self.TSS_Execute(ctypes.byref(out), ctypes.byref(inp), None,
+                         tpm2.TPM2_CC_CONTEXT_LOAD,
+                         tpm2.TPM2_RH_NULL, None, 0)
+        return out.saveHandle