blob: d1a1a1b8ca5690593fa64827fd8c81e04defe3d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __MALI_SESSION_H__
#define __MALI_SESSION_H__
#include "mali_mmu_page_directory.h"
#include "mali_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h"
#include "mali_osk.h"
#include "mali_osk_list.h"
struct mali_timeline_system;
struct mali_soft_system;
/* Number of frame builder job lists per session. */
struct mali_session_data {
_mali_osk_notification_queue_t *ioctl_queue;
_mali_osk_mutex_t *memory_lock; /**< Lock protecting the vm manipulation */
mali_descriptor_mapping *descriptor_mapping; /**< Mapping between userspace descriptors and our pointers */
_mali_osk_list_t memory_head; /**< Track all the memory allocated in this session, for freeing on abnormal termination */
struct mali_page_directory *page_directory; /**< MMU page directory for this session */
_MALI_OSK_LIST_HEAD(link); /**< Link for list of all sessions */
_MALI_OSK_LIST_HEAD(pp_job_list); /**< List of all PP jobs on this session */
_mali_osk_atomic_t number_of_window_jobs; /**< Record the window jobs completed on this session in a period */
_mali_osk_list_t pp_job_fb_lookup_list[MALI_PP_JOB_FB_LOOKUP_LIST_SIZE]; /**< List of PP job lists per frame builder id. Used to link jobs from same frame builder. */
struct mali_soft_job_system *soft_job_system; /**< Soft job system for this session. */
struct mali_timeline_system *timeline_system; /**< Timeline system for this session. */
mali_bool is_aborting; /**< MALI_TRUE if the session is aborting, MALI_FALSE if not. */
mali_bool use_high_priority_job_queue; /**< If MALI_TRUE, jobs added from this session will use the high priority job queues. */
_mali_osk_errcode_t mali_session_initialize(void);
void mali_session_terminate(void);
/* List of all sessions. Actual list head in mali_kernel_core.c */
extern _mali_osk_list_t mali_sessions;
/* Lock to protect modification and access to the mali_sessions list */
extern _mali_osk_spinlock_irq_t *mali_sessions_lock;
MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_session_lock(void)
MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_session_unlock(void)
void mali_session_add(struct mali_session_data *session);
void mali_session_remove(struct mali_session_data *session);
u32 mali_session_get_count(void);
#define MALI_SESSION_FOREACH(session, tmp, link) \
_MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(session, tmp, &mali_sessions, struct mali_session_data, link)
MALI_STATIC_INLINE struct mali_page_directory *mali_session_get_page_directory(struct mali_session_data *session)
return session->page_directory;
MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_session_send_notification(struct mali_session_data *session, _mali_osk_notification_t *object)
_mali_osk_notification_queue_send(session->ioctl_queue, object);
* Get the max completed window jobs from all active session,
* which will be used in window render frame per sec calculate
u32 mali_session_max_window_num(void);
#endif /* __MALI_SESSION_H__ */