blob: adf97c90fe080734477efe14a0100f37e22e7a40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
* This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; version 2.
* This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* @file pgsql.c
* @author David Sommerseth <>
* @date Wed Oct 13 17:44:35 2009
* @brief Database API for the PostgreSQL database.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libpq-fe.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/xmlsave.h>
#include <libxslt/transform.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltutils.h>
#include <eurephia_nullsafe.h>
#include <eurephia_xml.h>
#include <eurephia_values.h>
#include <configparser.h>
#include <xmlparser.h>
#include <pgsql.h>
#include <log.h>
#include <statuses.h>
/** forward declaration, to be able to setup dbhelper_func pointers */
static char * pgsql_BuildArray(LogContext *log, xmlNode *sql_n);
/** Helper functions the xmlparser might beed */
static dbhelper_func pgsql_helpers = {
.dbh_FormatArray = &(pgsql_BuildArray)
* Connect to a database, based on the given configuration
* @param cfg eurephiaVALUES containing the configuration
* @param id Database connection ID. Used to identify which thread is doing what with the database
* @param log Log context, where all logging will go
* @return Returns a database connection context
dbconn *db_connect(eurephiaVALUES *cfg, unsigned int id, LogContext *log) {
dbconn *ret = NULL;
PGresult *dbr = NULL;
ret = (dbconn *) malloc_nullsafe(log, sizeof(dbconn)+2);
ret->id = id;
ret->log = log;
writelog(log, LOG_DEBUG, "[Connection %i] Connecting to database: server=%s:%s, "
"database=%s, user=%s", ret->id,
eGet_value(cfg, "db_server"), eGet_value(cfg, "db_port"),
eGet_value(cfg, "database"), eGet_value(cfg, "db_username"));
ret->db = PQsetdbLogin(eGet_value(cfg, "db_server"),
eGet_value(cfg, "db_port"),
NULL, /* pgopt */
NULL, /* pgtty */
eGet_value(cfg, "database"),
eGet_value(cfg, "db_username"),
eGet_value(cfg, "db_password"));
if( !ret->db ) {
writelog(log, LOG_EMERG,
"[Connection %i] Could not connect to the database (unknown reason)", ret->id);
return NULL;
if( PQstatus(ret->db) != CONNECTION_OK ) {
writelog(log, LOG_EMERG, "[Connection %i] Failed to connect to the database: %s",
ret->id, PQerrorMessage(ret->db));
return NULL;
// Retrieve the SQL schema version
dbr = PQexec(ret->db,
"SELECT FLOOR(value::NUMERIC(6,3))*100 " // Convert version string to integer
" + to_char(substring(value, position('.' in value)+1)::INTEGER, '00')::INTEGER"
" FROM rteval_info WHERE key = 'sql_schema_ver'");
if( !dbr || (PQresultStatus(dbr) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) || (PQntuples(dbr) != 1) ) {
// Query failed, assuming SQL schema version 1.00 (100).
// SQL schema versions before 1.1 (101) do not have the rteval_info table, thus
// a failure is not completely unexpected.
ret->sqlschemaver = 100;
} else {
ret->sqlschemaver = atoi_nullsafe(PQgetvalue(dbr, 0, 0));
if( ret->sqlschemaver < 100 ) {
ret->sqlschemaver = 100; // The minimal version - version 1.00.
if( dbr ) {
return ret;
* Pings the database connection to check if it is alive
* @param dbc Database connection to ping
* @return Returns 1 if the connection is alive, otherwise 0
int db_ping(dbconn *dbc) {
PGresult *res = NULL;
// Send ping
res = PQexec(dbc->db, "");
// Check status
if( PQstatus(dbc->db) != CONNECTION_OK ) {
if( PQstatus(dbc->db) != CONNECTION_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_EMERG,
"[Connection %i] Database error - Lost connection: %s",
dbc->id, PQerrorMessage(dbc->db));
return 0;
} else {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_CRIT,
"[Conncetion %i] Database connection restored", dbc->id);
return 1;
* Disconnect from the database
* @param dbc Pointer to the database handle to be disconnected.
void db_disconnect(dbconn *dbc) {
if( dbc && dbc->db ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_DEBUG, "[Connection %i] Disconnecting from database", dbc->id);
dbc->db = NULL;
dbc->log = NULL;
* This function does INSERT SQL queries based on an XML document (sqldata) which contains
* all information about table, fields and records to be inserted. For security and performance,
* this function uses prepared SQL statements.
* This function is PostgreSQL specific.
* @param dbc Database handler to a PostgreSQL
* @param sqldoc sqldata XML document containing the data to be inserted.
* The sqldata XML document must be formated like this:
* @code
* <sqldata table="{table name}" [key="{field name}">
* <fields>
* <field fid="{integer}">{field name}</field>
* ...
* ...
* <field fid="{integer_n}">{field name 'n'}</field>
* </fields>
* <records>
* <record>
* <value fid="{integer} [type="{data type}"] [hash="{hash type}">{value for field 'fid'</value>
* ...
* ...
* <value fid="{integer_n}">{value for field 'fid_n'</value>
* </record>
* ...
* ...
* ...
* </records>
* </sqldata>
* @endcode
* The 'sqldata' root tag must contain a 'table' attribute. This must contain the a name of a table
* in the database. If the 'key' attribute is set, the function will return the that field value for
* each INSERT query, using INSERT ... RETURNING {field name}. The sqldata root tag must then have
* two children, 'fields' and 'records'.
* The 'fields' tag need to contain 'field' children tags for each field to insert data for. Each
* field in the fields tag must be assigned a unique integer.
* The 'records' tag need to contain 'record' children tags for each record to be inserted. Each
* record tag needs to have 'value' tags for each field which is found in the 'fields' section.
* The 'value' tags must have a 'fid' attribute. This is the link between the field name in the
* 'fields' section and the value to be inserted.
* The 'type' attribute may be used as well, but the only supported data type supported to this
* attribute is 'xmlblob'. In this case, the contents of the 'value' tag must be more XML tags.
* These tags will then be serialised to a string which is inserted into the database.
* The 'hash' attribute of the 'value' tag can be set to 'sha1'. This will make do a SHA1 hash
* calculation of the value and this hash value will be used for the insert.
* @return Returns an eurephiaVALUES list containing information about each record which was inserted.
* If the 'key' attribute is not set in the 'sqldata' tag, the OID value of each record will be
* saved. If the table do not support OIDs, the value will be '0'. Otherwise the contents of
* the defined field name will be returned. If one of the INSERT queries fails, it will abort
* further processing and the function will return NULL.
eurephiaVALUES *pgsql_INSERT(dbconn *dbc, xmlDoc *sqldoc) {
xmlNode *root_n = NULL, *fields_n = NULL, *recs_n = NULL, *ptr_n = NULL, *val_n = NULL;
char **field_ar = NULL, *fields = NULL, **value_ar = NULL, *values = NULL, *table = NULL,
tmp[20], *sql = NULL, *key = NULL, oid[34];
unsigned int fieldcnt = 0, *field_idx, i = 0, schemaver = 0;
PGresult *dbres = NULL;
eurephiaVALUES *res = NULL;
assert( (dbc != NULL) && (sqldoc != NULL) );
root_n = xmlDocGetRootElement(sqldoc);
if( !root_n || (xmlStrcmp(root_n->name, (xmlChar *) "sqldata") != 0) ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Input XML document is not a valid sqldata document", dbc->id);
return NULL;
table = xmlGetAttrValue(root_n->properties, "table");
if( !table ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Input XML document is missing table reference", dbc->id);
return NULL;
schemaver = sqldataGetRequiredSchemaVer(dbc->log, root_n);
if( schemaver < 100 ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Failed parsing required SQL schema version", dbc->id);
return NULL;
if( schemaver > dbc->sqlschemaver ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Cannot process data for the '%s' table. "
"The needed SQL schema version is %i, while the database is using version %i",
dbc->id, table, schemaver, dbc->sqlschemaver);
return NULL;
key = xmlGetAttrValue(root_n->properties, "key");
fields_n = xmlFindNode(root_n, "fields");
recs_n = xmlFindNode(root_n, "records");
if( !fields_n || !recs_n ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Input XML document is missing either <fields/> or <records/>",
return NULL;
// Count number of fields
foreach_xmlnode(fields_n->children, ptr_n) {
if( ptr_n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
// Generate lists of all fields and a index mapping table
field_idx = calloc(fieldcnt+1, sizeof(unsigned int));
field_ar = calloc(fieldcnt+1, sizeof(char *));
foreach_xmlnode(fields_n->children, ptr_n) {
if( ptr_n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
field_idx[i] = atoi_nullsafe(xmlGetAttrValue(ptr_n->properties, "fid"));
field_ar[i] = xmlExtractContent(ptr_n);
// Generate strings with field names and value place holders
// for a prepared SQL statement
fields = malloc_nullsafe(dbc->log, 3);
values = malloc_nullsafe(dbc->log, 6*(fieldcnt+1));
strcpy(fields, "(");
strcpy(values, "(");
int len = 3;
for( i = 0; i < fieldcnt; i++ ) {
// Prepare VALUES section
snprintf(tmp, 6, "$%i", i+1);
append_str(values, tmp, (6*fieldcnt));
// Prepare fields section
len += strlen_nullsafe(field_ar[i])+2;
fields = realloc(fields, len);
strcat(fields, field_ar[i]);
if( i < (fieldcnt-1) ) {
strcat(fields, ",");
strcat(values, ",");
strcat(fields, ")");
strcat(values, ")");
// Build up the SQL query
sql = malloc_nullsafe(dbc->log,
+ strlen_nullsafe(values)
+ strlen_nullsafe(table)
+ strlen_nullsafe(key)
sprintf(sql, "INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s", table, fields, values);
if( key ) {
strcat(sql, " RETURNING ");
strcat(sql, key);
// Create a prepared SQL query
#ifdef DEBUG_SQL
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_DEBUG, "[Connection %i] Preparing SQL statement: %s", dbc->id, sql);
dbres = PQprepare(dbc->db, "", sql, fieldcnt, NULL);
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to prepare SQL query: %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
goto exit;
// Loop through all records and generate SQL statements
res = eCreate_value_space(dbc->log, 1);
memset(&oid, 0, 34);
foreach_xmlnode(recs_n->children, ptr_n) {
if( ptr_n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
// Loop through all value nodes in each record node and get the values for each field
value_ar = calloc(fieldcnt, sizeof(char *));
i = 0;
foreach_xmlnode(ptr_n->children, val_n) {
char *fid_s = NULL;
int fid = -1;
if( i > fieldcnt ) {
if( val_n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
fid_s = xmlGetAttrValue(val_n->properties, "fid");
fid = atoi_nullsafe(fid_s);
if( (fid_s == NULL) || (fid < 0) ) {
value_ar[field_idx[i]] = sqldataExtractContent(dbc->log, val_n);
// Insert the record into the database
dbres = PQexecPrepared(dbc->db, "", fieldcnt,
(const char * const *)value_ar, NULL, NULL, 0);
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != (key ? PGRES_TUPLES_OK : PGRES_COMMAND_OK) ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT, "[Connection %i] Failed to do SQL INSERT query: %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
res = NULL;
// Free up the memory we've used for this record
for( i = 0; i < fieldcnt; i++ ) {
goto exit;
if( key ) {
// If the /sqldata/@key attribute was set, fetch the returning ID
eAdd_value(res, key, PQgetvalue(dbres, 0, 0));
} else {
snprintf(oid, 33, "%ld%c", (unsigned long int) PQoidValue(dbres), 0);
eAdd_value(res, "oid", oid);
// Free up the memory we've used for this record
for( i = 0; i < fieldcnt; i++ ) {
return res;
* @copydoc sqldataValueArray()
static char * pgsql_BuildArray(LogContext *log, xmlNode *sql_n) {
char *ret = NULL, *ptr = NULL;
xmlNode *node = NULL;
size_t retlen = 0;
ret = malloc_nullsafe(log, 2);
if( ret == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"Failed to allocate memory for a new PostgreSQL array");
return NULL;
strncat(ret, "{", 1);
/* Iterate all ./value/value elements and build up a PostgreSQL specific array */
foreach_xmlnode(sql_n->children, node) {
if( (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
|| xmlStrcmp(node->name, (xmlChar *) "value") != 0 ) {
// Skip uninteresting nodes
ptr = sqldataValueHash(log, node);
if( ptr ) {
retlen += strlen(ptr) + 4;
ret = realloc(ret, retlen);
if( ret == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"Failed to allocate memory to expand "
"array to include '%s'", ptr);
return NULL;
/* Newer PostgreSQL servers expects numbers to be without quotes */
if( isNumber(ptr) == 0 ) {
/* Data is a string */
strncat(ret, "'", 1);
strncat(ret, ptr, strlen(ptr));
strncat(ret, "',", 2);
} else {
/* Data is a number */
strncat(ret, ptr, strlen(ptr));
strncat(ret, ",", 1);
/* Replace the last comma with a close-array marker */
ret[strlen(ret)-1] = '}';
ret[strlen(ret)] = 0;
return ret;
* Start an SQL transaction (SQL BEGIN)
* @param dbc Database handler where to perform the SQL queries
* @return Returns 1 on success, otherwise -1 is returned
int db_begin(dbconn *dbc) {
PGresult *dbres = NULL;
dbres = PQexec(dbc->db, "BEGIN");
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to do prepare a transaction (BEGIN): %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
return -1;
return 1;
* Commits an SQL transaction (SQL COMMIT)
* @param dbc Database handler where to perform the SQL queries
* @return Returns 1 on success, otherwise -1 is returned
int db_commit(dbconn *dbc) {
PGresult *dbres = NULL;
dbres = PQexec(dbc->db, "COMMIT");
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to do commit a database transaction (COMMIT): %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
return -1;
return 1;
* Aborts an SQL transaction (SQL ROLLBACK/ABORT)
* @param dbc Database handler where to perform the SQL queries
* @return Returns 1 on success, otherwise -1 is returned
int db_rollback(dbconn *dbc) {
PGresult *dbres = NULL;
dbres = PQexec(dbc->db, "ROLLBACK");
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_CRIT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to do abort/rollback a transaction (ROLLBACK): %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
return -1;
return 1;
* This function blocks until a notification is received from the database
* @param dbc Database connection
* @param shutdown Pointer to the shutdown flag. Used to avoid reporting false errors.
* @param listenfor Name to be used when calling LISTEN
* @return Returns 1 on successful waiting, otherwise -1
int db_wait_notification(dbconn *dbc, const int *shutdown, const char *listenfor) {
int sock, ret = 0;
PGresult *dbres = NULL;
PGnotify *notify = NULL;
fd_set input_mask;
char *sql = NULL;
sql = malloc_nullsafe(dbc->log, strlen_nullsafe(listenfor) + 12);
assert( sql != NULL );
// Initiate listening
sprintf(sql, "LISTEN %s", listenfor);
dbres = PQexec(dbc->db, sql);
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT, "[Connection %i] SQL %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
return -1;
// Start listening and waiting
while( ret == 0 ) {
sock = PQsocket(dbc->db);
if (sock < 0) {
// shouldn't happen
ret = -1;
// Wait for something to happen on the database socket
FD_SET(sock, &input_mask);
if (select(sock + 1, &input_mask, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
// If the shutdown flag is set, select() will fail due to a signal. Only
// report errors if we're not shutting down, or else exit normally with
// successful waiting.
if( *shutdown == 0 ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_CRIT, "[Connection %i] select() failed: %s",
dbc->id, strerror(errno));
ret = -1;
goto exit;
} else {
ret = 1;
// Process the event
// Check if connection still is valid
if( PQstatus(dbc->db) != CONNECTION_OK ) {
if( PQstatus(dbc->db) != CONNECTION_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_EMERG,
"[Connection %i] Database connection died: %s",
dbc->id, PQerrorMessage(dbc->db));
ret = -1;
goto exit;
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_CRIT,
"[Connection %i] Database connection restored", dbc->id);
while ((notify = PQnotifies(dbc->db)) != NULL) {
// If a notification was received, inform and exit with success.
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_DEBUG,
"[Connection %i] Received notfication from pid %d",
dbc->id, notify->be_pid);
ret = 1;
// Stop listening when we exit
sprintf(sql, "UNLISTEN %s", listenfor);
dbres = PQexec(dbc->db, sql);
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT, "[Connection %i] SQL %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
ret = -1;
return ret;
* Retrive the first available submitted report
* @param dbc Database connection
* @param mtx pthread_mutex to avoid parallel access to the submission queue table, to avoid
* the same job being retrieved multiple times.
* @return Returns a pointer to a parseJob_t struct, with the parse job info on success, otherwise NULL
parseJob_t *db_get_submissionqueue_job(dbconn *dbc, pthread_mutex_t *mtx) {
parseJob_t *job = NULL;
PGresult *res = NULL;
char sql[4098];
job = (parseJob_t *) malloc_nullsafe(dbc->log, sizeof(parseJob_t));
// Get the first available submission
memset(&sql, 0, 4098);
snprintf(sql, 4096,
"SELECT submid, filename, clientid"
" FROM submissionqueue"
" WHERE status = %i"
" ORDER BY submid"
" LIMIT 1",
res = PQexec(dbc->db, sql);
if( PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to query submission queue (SELECT): %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(res));
return NULL;
if( PQntuples(res) == 1 ) {
job->status = jbAVAIL;
job->submid = atoi_nullsafe(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
snprintf(job->filename, 4095, "%.4094s", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1));
snprintf(job->clientid, 255, "%.254s", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2));
// Update the submission queue status
if( db_update_submissionqueue(dbc, job->submid, STAT_ASSIGNED) < 1 ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT, "[Connection %i] Failed to update "
"submission queue statis to STAT_ASSIGNED", dbc->id);
return NULL;
} else {
job->status = jbNONE;
return job;
* Updates the submission queue table with the new status and the appropriate timestamps
* @param dbc Database handler to the rteval database
* @param submid Submission ID to update
* @param status The new status
* @return Returns 1 on success, 0 on invalid status ID and -1 on database errors.
int db_update_submissionqueue(dbconn *dbc, unsigned int submid, int status) {
PGresult *res = NULL;
char sql[4098];
memset(&sql, 0, 4098);
switch( status ) {
snprintf(sql, 4096,
"UPDATE submissionqueue SET status = %i"
" WHERE submid = %i", status, submid);
snprintf(sql, 4096,
"UPDATE submissionqueue SET status = %i, parsestart = NOW()"
" WHERE submid = %i", status, submid);
snprintf(sql, 4096,
"UPDATE submissionqueue SET status = %i, parseend = NOW() WHERE submid = %i",
status, submid);
case STAT_NEW:
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Invalid status (%i) attempted to set on submid %i",
dbc->id, status, submid);
return 0;
res = PQexec(dbc->db, sql);
if( !res ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Unkown error when updating submid %i to status %i",
dbc->id, submid, status);
return -1;
} else if( PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to UPDATE submissionqueue (submid: %i, status: %i): %s",
dbc->id, submid, status, PQresultErrorMessage(res));
return -1;
return 1;
* Registers information into the 'systems' and 'systems_hostname' tables, based on the
* summary/report XML file from rteval.
* @param dbc Database handler where to perform the SQL queries
* @param xslt A pointer to a parsed 'xmlparser.xsl' XSLT template
* @param summaryxml The XML report from rteval
* @return Returns a value > 0 on success, which is a unique reference to the system of the report.
* If the function detects that this system is already registered, the 'syskey' reference will
* be reused. On errors, -1 will be returned.
int db_register_system(dbconn *dbc, xsltStylesheet *xslt, xmlDoc *summaryxml) {
PGresult *dbres = NULL;
eurephiaVALUES *dbdata = NULL;
xmlDoc *sysinfo_d = NULL, *hostinfo_d = NULL;
parseParams prms;
char sqlq[4098];
char *sysid = NULL; // SHA1 value of the system id
char *ipaddr = NULL, *hostname = NULL;
int syskey = -1;
memset(&prms, 0, sizeof(parseParams));
prms.table = "systems";
sysinfo_d = parseToSQLdata(dbc->log, xslt, summaryxml, &prms);
if( !sysinfo_d ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR, "[Connection %i] Could not parse the input XML data", dbc->id);
syskey= -1;
goto exit;
sysid = sqldataGetValue(dbc->log, sysinfo_d, "sysid", 0);
if( !sysid ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Could not retrieve the sysid field from the input XML", dbc->id);
syskey= -1;
goto exit;
memset(&sqlq, 0, 4098);
snprintf(sqlq, 4096, "SELECT syskey FROM systems WHERE sysid = '%.256s'", sysid);
dbres = PQexec(dbc->db, sqlq);
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT, "[Connection %i] SQL %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_DEBUG, "[Connection %i] Failing SQL query: %s",
dbc->id, sqlq);
syskey= -1;
goto exit;
if( PQntuples(dbres) == 0 ) { // No record found, need to register this system
dbdata = pgsql_INSERT(dbc, sysinfo_d);
if( !dbdata ) {
syskey= -1;
goto exit;
if( (eCount(dbdata) != 1) || !dbdata->val ) { // Only one record should be registered
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to register the system", dbc->id);
syskey= -1;
goto exit;
syskey = atoi_nullsafe(dbdata->val);
hostinfo_d = sqldataGetHostInfo(dbc->log, xslt, summaryxml, syskey, &hostname, &ipaddr);
if( !hostinfo_d ) {
syskey = -1;
goto exit;
dbdata = pgsql_INSERT(dbc, hostinfo_d);
syskey = (dbdata ? syskey : -1);
} else if( PQntuples(dbres) == 1 ) { // System found - check if the host IP is known or not
syskey = atoi_nullsafe(PQgetvalue(dbres, 0, 0));
hostinfo_d = sqldataGetHostInfo(dbc->log, xslt, summaryxml, syskey, &hostname, &ipaddr);
if( !hostinfo_d ) {
syskey = -1;
goto exit;
// Check if this hostname and IP address is registered
snprintf(sqlq, 4096,
"SELECT syskey FROM systems_hostname"
" WHERE hostname='%.256s'",
if( ipaddr ) {
append_str(sqlq, "AND ipaddr='", 4028);
append_str(sqlq, ipaddr, 4092);
append_str(sqlq, "'", 4096);
} else {
append_str(sqlq, "AND ipaddr IS NULL", 4096);
dbres = PQexec(dbc->db, sqlq);
if( PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT, "[Connection %i] SQL %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_DEBUG, "[Connection %i] Failing SQL query: %s",
dbc->id, sqlq);
syskey= -1;
goto exit;
if( PQntuples(dbres) == 0 ) { // Not registered, then register it
dbdata = pgsql_INSERT(dbc, hostinfo_d);
syskey = (dbdata ? syskey : -1);
} else {
// Critical -- system IDs should not be registered more than once
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_CRIT, "[Connection %i] Multiple systems registered (%s)",
dbc->id, sqlq);
syskey= -1;
if( sysinfo_d ) {
if( hostinfo_d ) {
return syskey;
* Retrieves the next available rteval run ID (rterid)
* @param dbc Database handler where to perform the SQL query
* @return Returns a value > 0 on success, containing the assigned rterid value. Otherwise -1 is returned.
int db_get_new_rterid(dbconn *dbc) {
PGresult *dbres = NULL;
int rterid = 0;
dbres = PQexec(dbc->db, "SELECT nextval('rtevalruns_rterid_seq')");
if( (PQresultStatus(dbres) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) || (PQntuples(dbres) != 1) ) {
rterid = -1;
} else {
rterid = atoi_nullsafe(PQgetvalue(dbres, 0, 0));
if( rterid < 1 ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_CRIT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to retrieve a new rterid value", dbc->id);
if( rterid < 0 ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT, "[Connection %i] SQL %s",
dbc->id, PQresultErrorMessage(dbres));
return rterid;
* Registers information into the 'rtevalruns' and 'rtevalruns_details' tables
* @param dbc Database handler where to perform the SQL queries
* @param xslt A pointer to a parsed 'xmlparser.xsl' XSLT template
* @param summaryxml The XML report from rteval
* @param submid Submission ID, referencing the record in the submissionqueue table.
* @param syskey A positive integer containing the return value from db_register_system()
* @param rterid A positive integer containing the return value from db_get_new_rterid()
* @param report_fname A string containing the filename of the report.
* @return Returns 1 on success, otherwise -1 is returned.
int db_register_rtevalrun(dbconn *dbc, xsltStylesheet *xslt, xmlDoc *summaryxml,
unsigned int submid, int syskey, int rterid, const char *report_fname)
int ret = -1;
xmlDoc *rtevalrun_d = NULL, *rtevalrundets_d = NULL;
parseParams prms;
eurephiaVALUES *dbdata = NULL;
// Parse the rtevalruns information
memset(&prms, 0, sizeof(parseParams));
prms.table = "rtevalruns";
prms.syskey = syskey;
prms.rterid = rterid;
prms.submid = submid;
prms.report_filename = report_fname;
rtevalrun_d = parseToSQLdata(dbc->log, xslt, summaryxml, &prms);
if( !rtevalrun_d ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Could not parse the input XML data", dbc->id);
ret = -1;
goto exit;
// Register the rteval run information
dbdata = pgsql_INSERT(dbc, rtevalrun_d);
if( !dbdata ) {
ret = -1;
goto exit;
if( eCount(dbdata) != 1 ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to register the rteval run", dbc->id);
ret = -1;
goto exit;
// Parse the rtevalruns_details information
memset(&prms, 0, sizeof(parseParams));
prms.table = "rtevalruns_details";
prms.rterid = rterid;
rtevalrundets_d = parseToSQLdata(dbc->log, xslt, summaryxml, &prms);
if( !rtevalrundets_d ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ERR,
"[Connection %i] Could not parse the input XML data (rtevalruns_details)",
ret = -1;
goto exit;
// Register the rteval_details information
dbdata = pgsql_INSERT(dbc, rtevalrundets_d);
if( !dbdata ) {
ret = -1;
goto exit;
// Check that only one record was inserted
if( eCount(dbdata) != 1 ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] Failed to register the rteval run details", dbc->id);
ret = -1;
ret = 1;
if( rtevalrun_d ) {
if( rtevalrundets_d ) {
return ret;
* Registers data returned from measurement results into the database.
* @param dbc Database handler where to perform the SQL queries
* @param xslt A pointer to a parsed 'xmlparser.xsl' XSLT template
* @param summaryxml The XML report from rteval
* @param rterid A positive integer referencing the rteval run ID, returned from db_register_rtevalrun()
* @return Returns 1 on success, otherwise -1
int db_register_measurements(dbconn *dbc, xsltStylesheet *xslt, xmlDoc *summaryxml, int rterid) {
int result = -1;
xmlDoc *meas_d = NULL;
parseParams prms;
eurephiaVALUES *dbdata = NULL;
int measrecs = 0;
char *tbl = NULL;
int i;
memset(&prms, 0, sizeof(parseParams));
prms.rterid = rterid;
// Loop through all configured measurement tables and process each table
i = 0;
for_array_str(tbl, i, dbc->measurement_tbls) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_DEBUG, "Processing measurement table '%s'", tbl);
prms.table = tbl;
meas_d = parseToSQLdata(dbc->log, xslt, summaryxml, &prms);
if( meas_d && meas_d->children ) {
// Insert SQL data which was found and generated
dbdata = pgsql_INSERT(dbc, meas_d);
if( !dbdata ) {
result = -1;
goto exit;
if (eCount(dbdata) > 0) {
if( meas_d ) {
// Report error if not enough cyclictest data is registered.
if( measrecs < 1 ) {
writelog(dbc->log, LOG_ALERT,
"[Connection %i] No cyclictest raw data or histogram data registered", dbc->id);
result = -1;
} else {
result = 1;
return result;