blob: 60d52be311c8c03fca0237c1134d308e54ec1bed [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# fill2fs:
# Fill a filesystem, or write a specified number of bits.
# Script runs deterministically given a seed for the random number
# generator. Will generate the same set of directories and files,
# with the only source of variation the precise point at which the
# filesystem fills up. When used with XFS filesystems, and when
# the filesize is small, XFS pre-allocation may cause the filesystem
# to "fill up" before the actual disk space is gone. Using this
# script repeatedly, with a delay between invocations, to account
# for extent flushing, will allow more of the filesystem to be filled.
# All generated files are checksummed and this sum is stored in the
# filename (files are named: <sequence number>.<checksum>.data.
# Normally script is invoked using the --list option, which causes all
# data files to be written to standard output (--list=-) or a file
# (--list=filename). This list can be fed into fill2fs_check, which
# recomputes the checksums and flags any errors.
# The --stddev=0 forces all files to be precisely --filesize bytes in
# length, some other value (--stddev=val) produces filesizes with a
# normal distribution with standard deviation val. If not specified
# most file sizes are set to lie within 30% of the requested file size.
# fill2fs is not guaranteed to write the requested number of bytes, or
# fill the filesystem completely. However, it and fill2 are both very
# careful about establishing when write operations fail. When the
# --verbose option is used the number of bytes "actually written"
# is guaranteed to be the number of bytes on disk.
# $Id$
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
chomp($os = `uname`);
# fsinfo: get filesystem info put it into the global namespace, initialises:
# $dev, $type, $blocks, $used, $avail, $cap, $mnt, $mnt_options
# $fsblocks, $fsblocksize, $agblocks, $agcount, $imax_pct, $logblocks
# $logstart, $internal
# if $verbose is set then output fs info to STDERR
sub fsinfo {
my($file) = $_[0];
# filesystem space and mount point
$cmd = "df" if ($os =~ /IRIX/);
$cmd = "df -P -T --block-size=512" if ($os =~ /Linux/);
chomp($_ = `$cmd $file | tail -1`);
$n = ($dev, $type, $blocks, $used, $avail, $cap, $mnt) = split(/ +/);
die("df failed") if ($n != 7);
if ($fscheck && $type ne "xfs") {
die("Error: $progname: filesystem is not xfs")
# how was this filesystem mounted
$_ = `grep $dev /etc/mtab`;
@mtab = split(/ +/);
$mnt_options = $mtab[3];
# if we're running as root run xfs_db on the filesystem
if ($> == 0) {
# xfs_db: read only, use the default superblock, print everything
die("Error: $progname: can't read device: \"$dev\"\n") if (! -r $dev);
$_=`xfs_db -r -c sb -c p $dev`;
# multiline matching ^$ refers to individual lines...
($fsblocks) = /^dblocks = (\d+)$/m;
($fsblocksize) = /^blocksize = (\d+)$/m;
($agblocks) = /^agblocks = (\d+)$/m;
($agcount) = /^agcount = (\d+)$/m;
($imax_pct) = /^imax_pct = (\d+)$/m;
($logblocks) = /^logblocks = (\d+)$/m;
($logstart) = /^logstart = (\d+)$/m;
$internal = $logstart > 0 ? " (internal)" : "";
$verbose && print STDERR <<"EOF"
Filesystem information:
type=$type; device=$dev
mount point=$mnt; mount options=$mnt_options
percent full=$cap; size (512 byte blocks)=$blocks; used=$used; avail=$avail
total filesystem size (fs blocks)=$fsblocks; fs block size=$fsblocksize; imax_pct=$imax_pct
agcount=$agcount; agblocks=$agblocks; logblocks=$logblocks; logstart=$logstart$internal
# returns numbers with a normal distribution
sub normal {
my($mean) = $_[0];
my($stddev) = $_[1];
$x = -6.0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
$x += rand;
$x = $mean + $stddev * $x;
return $x;
# determine script location and find fill2
chomp($cwd = `pwd`);
chomp($_ = `which fill2 2>&1 | head -1`);
if (-x $_) {
# look in the path
$fill2 = fill2;
else {
# in the same directory - get absolute path
chomp($dirname = dirname $0);
if ($dirname =~ m!^/.*!) {
$fill2 = $dirname . "/fill2";
else {
# relative
$fill2 = $cwd . "/" . $dirname . "/fill2";
if (! -x $fill2) {
die("Error: $progname: can't find fill2, tried \"$fill2\"\n");
# process/check args
GetOptions("bytes=f" => \$bytes,
"dir=s" => \$root,
"filesize=i" => \$filesize,
"force!" => \$force,
"help!" => \$help,
"list=s" => \$list,
"fscheck!" => \$fscheck,
"percent=f" => \$percentage,
"seed=i" => \$seed,
"stddev=i" => \$stddev,
"sync=i" => \$sync_bytes,
"verbose!" => \$verbose);
# check/remove output directory, get filesystem info
if (defined $help
|| (! defined $root && @ARGV != 1)
|| (defined $root && @ARGV == 1))
# newline at end of die message suppresses line number
print STDERR <<"EOF";
Usage: $progname [options] root_dir
--bytes=num total number of bytes to write
--dir=name where to write files
--filesize=num set all files to num bytes in size
--force overwrite any existing files
--help print this help message
--list=filename store created files to filename (- for stdout)
--percent=num percentage of filesystem to fill
--seed=num seed for random number generator
--stddev set file size standard deviation
--sync=num sync every num bytes written
--verbose verbose output
exit(1) unless defined $help;
# otherwise...
# lots of boring argument checking
# root directory and filesystem info
$root = $ARGV[0] if (@ARGV == 1);
if (-e $root) {
if (! $force) {
die("Error: $progname: \"$root\" already exists\n");
else {
$verbose && print STDERR "Removing \"$root\"... ";
system("rm -rf $root");
$verbose && print STDERR "done\n";
chomp($root_dir = dirname $root);
fsinfo $root_dir;
# $list can be "-" for stdout, perl open ">-" opens stdout
open LIST, ">$list" if (defined $list);
# how many bytes should we write
if (defined $bytes && defined $percentage) {
die("Error: $progname: can't specify --bytes and --percent\n");
# check percentage
if (defined $percentage && ($percentage < 0 || $percentage > 100)) {
die("Error: $progname: invalid percentage\n");
if (! defined $bytes && ! defined $percentage) {
$bytes = $avail * 512;
$verbose && print STDERR <<"EOF";
Neither --bytes nor --percent specified: filling filesystem ($bytes bytes)
elsif (! defined $bytes) {
$bytes = int($blocks * 512 * $percentage / 100.0);
if (($bytes > $blocks * 512) || (! $force && $bytes > $avail * 512))
die("Error: $progname: not enough free disk space, disk is $cap full\n");
# To get fix sized files set stddev to 0. The default is to make most files
# within 30% of the requested filesize (or 4k if filesize is not specified).
# Set the standard deviation to be half of the required percentage: ~95% of
# samples lie within 2 standard deviations of the mean.
$filesize = 4096 if (! defined $filesize);
die("Error: $progname: --filesize must be >= 1 byte") if ($filesize < 1);
$stddev = 0.5 * 0.3 * $filesize if (! defined $stddev);
$seed = time ^ $$ if (! defined $seed);
srand $seed;
umask 0000;
mkdir $root, 0777;
chdir $root;
$total = 0;
$files = 0;
$dirs = 0;
$d = 0;
$sync_cnt = 1;
# fill filesystem
$verbose && print STDERR "Writing $bytes bytes (seed is $seed)... ";
while ($total < $bytes) {
$r = rand(3.0);
if (($d == 0 && $r < 0.5) || ($d > 0 && $r >= 0.0 && $r < 2.4)) {
# create a new data file
$n = sprintf("%04d", $names[$d]++);
if ($stddev == 0) {
$size = $filesize;
else {
$size = int(normal($filesize, $stddev));
$left = $bytes - $total;
$size = 0 if ($size < 0);
$size = $left if ($size > $left);
# fill2 will fail if the filesystem is full - not an error!
$cmd = "$fill2 -d nbytes=$size,linelength=72,seed=$n -b 4k $n";
$cmd .= " > /dev/null 2>&1" if (! $verbose);
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
if ($verbose) {
warn("can't create a file - assuming filesystem is full\n");
if (-e $n && unlink($n) != 1) {
warn("couldn't delete \"$n\"");
$_ = `sum -r $n`;
($sum) = split(/ +/);
$name = "$n.$";
$cmd = "mv $n $name"; # perl rename failed earlier than using mv
$cmd .= " > /dev/null 2>&1" if (! $verbose);
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
if ($verbose) {
warn("can't rename a file - assuming filesystem is full\n");
if (-e $name && unlink($name) != 1) {
warn("couldn't delete \"$name\"");
if (defined $list) {
chomp($_ = `pwd`);
printf LIST ("%s/%s\n", $_, $name);
$total += $size;
if (defined $sync_bytes && int($total / $sync_bytes) > $sync_cnt) {
# note that if d==0 create directories more frequently than files
elsif (($d == 0 && $r >= 0.5) || ($d > 0 && $r >= 2.4 && $r < 2.7)) {
# create a new directory and descend
$name = sprintf("%04d.d", $names[$d]++);
if (! mkdir($name, 0777)) {
warn("can't make a directory - assuming filesystem is full\n");
chdir($name) or die();
elsif ($r >= 2.7 && $r < 3.0) {
# pop up to the parent directory same probability as descend
die("Error: $progname: panic: shouldn't be here!") if ($d == 0);
chdir("..") or die();
# make sure we return to the original working directory
chdir($cwd) or die();
$verbose && print STDERR "done\n";
$verbose && print STDERR "$total bytes (in $files files and $dirs directories) were actually written\n";
close LIST;
exit(0) if ($total = $bytes);
exit(1) if ($total == 0);
exit(2) if ($total > 0 && $total < $bytes);
# - to sum all generated data:
# find /home/fill/ -name \*data | xargs ls -al | awk '{total = total + $5; } END { printf("total = %d bytes\n", total); }'
# - to find any files not of the required size
# find . -name \*data -a \! -size 4096c
# - count new files
# find ./fill -name \*.data | wc
# - count new directories
# find ./fill -name \*.d | wc