blob: e765233259e2951b53d945746b9a6edd7f807e44 [file] [log] [blame]
# - finds configuration options that have no
# corresponding section in the help file
# made by Meelis Roos (
# read the help file
@options=split /\n/, `grep '^CONFIG' Documentation/`;
die "Can't read Documentation/\n" if $#options == -1;
#read all the files
foreach $file (@ARGV)
open (FILE, $file) || die "Can't open $file: $!\n";
while (<FILE>) {
# repeat until no CONFIG_* are left
while (/^\s*(bool|tristate|dep_tristate|string|int|hex).*' *(.*)'.*(CONFIG_\w*)/) {
@found = grep (/$what$/, @options);
if ($#found == -1) {
next if $nohelp{$what};
print "$name\n$what\n No help for $what\n\n";
close (FILE);