proc: Implement /proc/self/meminfo

The /proc/meminfo contains information regardless of the cgroups
restrictions. This file is still widely used [1]. This means that all
these programs will not work correctly inside container [2][3][4]. Some
programs try to respect the cgroups limits, but not all of them
implement support for all cgroup versions [5].

Correct information can be obtained from cgroups, but this requires the
cgroups to be available inside container and the correct version of
cgroups to be supported.

There is lxcfs [6] that emulates /proc/meminfo using fuse to provide
information regarding cgroups. This patch can help them.

This patch adds /proc/self/meminfo that contains a subset of
/proc/meminfo respecting cgroup restrictions.

We cannot just create /proc/self/meminfo and make a symlink at the old
location because this will break the existing apparmor rules [7].
Therefore, the patch adds a separate file with the same format.


Signed-off-by: Alexey Gladkov <>
7 files changed