blob: 6a5539c34ff48ae7970582dc0778749c1e539bfd [file] [log] [blame]
# Entries are full URLs to the patchwork server toplevel
# You can comment 'apitoken' out and pass a --tokens-file option, which is a separate yaml file
# containing just the api tokens. The format is the same as this file, but everything other
# than patchworks->[url]->apitoken is ignored. This allows splitting secrets from logic
# in order to share configuration with others.
apitoken: 'your-api-token'
# URL subpath name of the project
# Email will go out from this address
from: ''
# Any summaries will be sent to these addresses
- ''
- ''
# If this is set, all emails from the bot will be
# cc'd to the list
cclist: true
# When run with -k
# Automatically supersede new series coming in from the same
# author and with the exact same subject (sans prefixes). This
# setting tells us how many days back we should look to find a
# matching series.
autosupersede: 30
# Archive any patches older than this number of days.
autoarchive: 90
from: ''
- ''
- ''
autosupersede: 90
autoarchive: 180
apitoken: 'another-api-token'
from: ''
- ''
autosupersede: 30
autoarchive: 180
# Each entry is a subpath to a repo from the --reposdir toplevel
# For the notification emails
treename: 'khilman/linux-amlogic.git'
# Optional: limit checking to a single branch (instead of --heads)
# This becomes a required setting if the repo path is a worktree.
#branch: 'origin/master'
# For the notification emails, must include %s
commitlink: ''
# Only notify for commits where committer email exactly matches one
# of the emails listed below
- ''
# Which projects should be consulted on all new commits
# The project name MUST match one of the projects defined in patchworks:
# This necessarily means that the project name must be unique across all
# defined patchwork servers.
# entries are head names in the repository
# e.g. this one is for refs/heads/example
# They are matched with 'endswith' against the full refname
# Default "fromstate" is "new" or "in-review"
# This is the state we will set on all matching patches
tostate: 'Queued'
# Send summary about changes to the people defined in "summaryto"
send_summary: true
# If you add a new fromstate, you have to specify the default ones
- 'new'
- 'in-review'
- 'queued'
tostate: 'Accepted'
send_summary: true
# Notify submitters when their patches change state.
# The bot will send a single email per series.
notify_submitter: true
# CC the list on submitter notifications.
# Note, that summaries will be sent to the list as well, if
# send_summary is true.
cclist: true
- 'new'
- 'in-review'
- 'queued'
tostate: 'Accepted'
send_summary: true
notify_submitter: true
cclist: true
treename: 'torvalds/linux.git'
commitlink: ''
- 'new'
- 'in-next'
tostate: 'Accepted'
notify_submitter: true
# We only notify if the below address is in the cc list
- ''
treename: 'next/linux-next.git'
commitlink: ''
tostate: 'In Next'
notify_submitter: true
# Single-value arrays can be defined as strings as well
onlyifcc: ''
# The below templates are self-explanatory
# yamllint disable rule:line-length
summary: |
The following patches were marked "${newstate}", because they were applied to
${treename} (${refname}):
Total patches: ${total}
submitter: |
This ${reqtype} was applied to ${treename} (${refname})
by ${committer}:
On ${sentdate} you wrote:
Here is the summary with links:
You are awesome, thank you!
signature: |
Deet-doot-dot, I am a bot.
# yamllint enable