blob: 0d9606d9429c076443724bb0ad89d41747bdceb5 [file] [log] [blame]
struct fpu_reg {
char sign;
char tag;
long exp;
unsigned sigl;
unsigned sigh;
/* This structure matches the layout of the data saved to the stack
following a device-not-present interrupt, part of it saved
automatically by the 80386/80486.
struct info {
long ___orig_eip;
long ___ret_from_system_call;
long ___ebx;
long ___ecx;
long ___edx;
long ___esi;
long ___edi;
long ___ebp;
long ___eax;
long ___ds;
long ___es;
long ___fs;
long ___gs;
long ___orig_eax;
long ___eip;
long ___cs;
long ___eflags;
long ___esp;
long ___ss;
long ___vm86_es; /* This and the following only in vm86 mode */
long ___vm86_ds;
long ___vm86_fs;
long ___vm86_gs;