blob: 880781ffdd3ea4ff9c033d0a4b3e739b538c7900 [file] [log] [blame]
* sbpcd.h Specify interface address and interface type here.
* these definitions can get overridden by the kernel command line
* ("lilo boot option"). Examples:
* sbpcd=0x230,SoundBlaster
* or
* sbpcd=0x300,LaserMate
* these strings are case sensitive !!!
* change this to select the type of your interface board:
* set SBPRO to 1 for "true" SoundBlaster card
* set SBPRO to 0 for "poor" (no sound) interface cards
* and for "compatible" soundcards.
* most "compatible" sound boards like Galaxy need to set SBPRO to 0 !!!
* if SBPRO gets set wrong, the drive will get found - but any
* data access will give errors (audio access will work).
* The OmniCD interface card from CreativeLabs needs SBPRO 1.
* mail to if your "compatible" card needs SBPRO 1
* (currently I do not know any "compatible" with SBPRO 1)
* then I can include better information with the next release.
#define SBPRO 1
* put your CDROM port base address here:
* SBPRO addresses typically are 0x0230 (=0x220+0x10), 0x0250, ...
* LASERMATE (CI-101P) adresses typically are 0x0300, 0x0310, ...
* there are some soundcards on the market with 0x0630, 0x0650, ...
* obey! changed against v0.4 !!!
* for SBPRO cards, specify the CDROM address - no longer the audio address!
* example: if your SBPRO audio address is 0x220, specify 0x230.
* a fill-in is not always necessary - the driver does auto-probing now,
* with the here specified address first...
#define CDROM_PORT 0x0230
* nothing to change below here if you are not experimenting
* Debug output levels
#define DBG_INF 1 /* necessary information */
#define DBG_IRQ 2 /* interrupt trace */
#define DBG_REA 3 /* "read" status trace */
#define DBG_CHK 4 /* "media check" trace */
#define DBG_TIM 5 /* datarate timer test */
#define DBG_INI 6 /* initialization trace */
#define DBG_TOC 7 /* tell TocEntry values */
#define DBG_IOC 8 /* ioctl trace */
#define DBG_STA 9 /* "ResponseStatus" trace */
#define DBG_ERR 10 /* "xx_ReadError" trace */
#define DBG_CMD 11 /* "cmd_out" trace */
#define DBG_WRN 12 /* give explanation before auto-probing */
#define DBG_MUL 13 /* multi session code test */
#define DBG_ID 14 /* "drive_id !=0" test code */
#define DBG_IOX 15 /* some special information */
#define DBG_DID 16 /* drive ID test */
#define DBG_RES 17 /* drive reset info */
#define DBG_SPI 18 /* SpinUp test */
#define DBG_000 19 /* unnecessary information */
* bits of flags_cmd_out:
#define f_respo3 0x100
#define f_putcmd 0x80
#define f_respo2 0x40
#define f_lopsta 0x20
#define f_getsta 0x10
#define f_ResponseStatus 0x08
#define f_obey_p_check 0x04
#define f_bit1 0x02
#define f_wait_if_busy 0x01
* diskstate_flags:
#define upc_bit 0x40
#define volume_bit 0x20
#define toc_bit 0x10
#define multisession_bit 0x08
#define cd_size_bit 0x04
#define subq_bit 0x02
#define frame_size_bit 0x01
* disk states (bits of diskstate_flags):
#define upc_valid (DS[d].diskstate_flags&upc_bit)
#define volume_valid (DS[d].diskstate_flags&volume_bit)
#define toc_valid (DS[d].diskstate_flags&toc_bit)
#define multisession_valid (DS[d].diskstate_flags&multisession_bit)
#define cd_size_valid (DS[d].diskstate_flags&cd_size_bit)
#define subq_valid (DS[d].diskstate_flags&subq_bit)
#define frame_size_valid (DS[d].diskstate_flags&frame_size_bit)
* bits of the status_byte (result of xx_ReadStatus):
#define p_door_closed 0x80
#define p_caddy_in 0x40
#define p_spinning 0x20
#define p_check 0x10
#define p_busy_new 0x08
#define p_door_locked 0x04
#define p_bit_1 0x02
#define p_disk_ok 0x01
* "old" drives status result bits:
#define p_caddin_old 0x40
#define p_success_old 0x08
#define p_busy_old 0x04
* used drive states:
#define st_door_closed (DS[d].status_byte&p_door_closed)
#define st_caddy_in (DS[d].status_byte&p_caddy_in)
#define st_spinning (DS[d].status_byte&p_spinning)
#define st_check (DS[d].status_byte&p_check)
#define st_busy (DS[d].status_byte&p_busy_new)
#define st_door_locked (DS[d].status_byte&p_door_locked)
#define st_diskok (DS[d].status_byte&p_disk_ok)
* bits of the CDi_status register:
#define s_not_result_ready 0x04 /* 0: "result ready" */
#define s_not_data_ready 0x02 /* 0: "data ready" */
#define s_attention 0x01 /* 1: "attention required" */
* usable as:
#define DRV_ATTN ((inb(CDi_status)&s_attention)!=0)
#define DATA_READY ((inb(CDi_status)&s_not_data_ready)==0)
#define RESULT_READY ((inb(CDi_status)&s_not_result_ready)==0)
* drive types (firmware versions):
#define drv_199 0 /* <200 */
#define drv_200 1 /* <201 */
#define drv_201 2 /* <210 */
#define drv_210 3 /* <211 */
#define drv_211 4 /* <300 */
#define drv_300 5 /* else */
#define drv_099 0x10 /* new, <100 */
#define drv_100 0x11 /* new, >=100 */
#define drv_new 0x10 /* all new drives have that bit set */
#define drv_old 0x00 /* */
* drv_099 and drv_100 are the "new" drives
#define new_drive (DS[d].drv_type&0x10)
* audio states:
#define audio_playing 2
#define audio_pausing 1
* drv_pattern, drv_options:
#define speed_auto 0x80
#define speed_300 0x40
#define speed_150 0x20
#define sax_a 0x04
#define sax_xn2 0x02
#define sax_xn1 0x01
* values of cmd_type (0 else):
#define cmd_type_READ_M1 0x01 /* "data mode 1": 2048 bytes per frame */
#define cmd_type_READ_M2 0x02 /* "data mode 2": 12+2048+280 bytes per frame */
#define cmd_type_READ_SC 0x04 /* "subchannel info": 96 bytes per frame */
* sense byte: used only if new_drive
* only during cmd 09 00 xx ah al 00 00
* values: 00
* 82
* xx from infobuf[0] after 85 00 00 00 00 00 00
#define CD_MINS 75 /* minutes per CD */
#define CD_SECS 60 /* seconds per minutes */
#define CD_FRAMES 75 /* frames per second */
#define CD_FRAMESIZE 2048 /* bytes per frame, data mode */
#define CD_FRAMESIZE_XA 2340 /* bytes per frame, "xa" mode */
#define CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW 2352 /* bytes per frame, "raw" mode */
#define CD_BLOCK_OFFSET 150 /* offset of first logical frame */
/* audio status (bin) */
#define aud_00 0x00 /* Audio status byte not supported or not valid */
#define audx11 0x0b /* Audio play operation in progress */
#define audx12 0x0c /* Audio play operation paused */
#define audx13 0x0d /* Audio play operation successfully completed */
#define audx14 0x0e /* Audio play operation stopped due to error */
#define audx15 0x0f /* No current audio status to return */
/* audio status (bcd) */
#define aud_11 0x11 /* Audio play operation in progress */
#define aud_12 0x12 /* Audio play operation paused */
#define aud_13 0x13 /* Audio play operation successfully completed */
#define aud_14 0x14 /* Audio play operation stopped due to error */
#define aud_15 0x15 /* No current audio status to return */
COMMAND SET of "old" drives like CR-521, CR-522
(the CR-562 family is different):
No. Command Code
Drive Commands:
1 Seek 01
2 Read Data 02
3 Read XA-Data 03
4 Read Header 04
5 Spin Up 05
6 Spin Down 06
7 Diagnostic 07
8 Read UPC 08
9 Read ISRC 09
10 Play Audio 0A
11 Play Audio MSF 0B
12 Play Audio Track/Index 0C
Status Commands:
13 Read Status 81
14 Read Error 82
15 Read Drive Version 83
16 Mode Select 84
17 Mode Sense 85
18 Set XA Parameter 86
19 Read XA Parameter 87
20 Read Capacity 88
21 Read SUB_Q 89
22 Read Disc Code 8A
23 Read Disc Information 8B
24 Read TOC 8C
25 Pause/Resume 8D
26 Read Packet 8E
27 Read Path Check 00
all numbers (lba, msf-bin, msf-bcd, counts) to transfer high byte first
mnemo 7-byte command #bytes response (r0...rn)
________ ____________________ ____
Read Status:
status: 81. (1) one-byte command, gives the main
status byte
Read Error:
check1: 82 00 00 00 00 00 00. (6) r1: audio status
Read Packet:
check2: 8e xx 00 00 00 00 00. (xx) gets xx bytes response, relating
to commands 01 04 05 07 08 09
Play Audio:
play: 0a ll-bb-aa nn-nn-nn. (0) play audio, ll-bb-aa: starting block (lba),
nn-nn-nn: #blocks
Play Audio MSF:
0b mm-ss-ff mm-ss-ff (0) play audio from/to
Play Audio Track/Index:
0c ...
pause: 8d pr 00 00 00 00 00. (0) pause (pr=00)
resume (pr=80) audio playing
Mode Select:
84 00 nn-nn ??-?? 00 (0) nn-nn: 2048 or 2340
possibly defines transfer size
set_vol: 84 83 00 00 sw le 00. (0) sw(itch): lrxxxxxx (off=1)
le(vel): min=0, max=FF, else half
(firmware 2.11)
Mode Sense:
get_vol: 85 03 00 00 00 00 00. (2) tell current audio volume setting
Read Disc Information:
tocdesc: 8b 00 00 00 00 00 00. (6) read the toc descriptor ("msf-bin"-format)
Read TOC:
tocent: 8c fl nn 00 00 00 00. (8) read toc entry #nn
(fl=0:"lba"-, =2:"msf-bin"-format)
Read Capacity:
capacit: 88 00 00 00 00 00 00. (5) "read CD-ROM capacity"
Read Path Check:
ping: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. (2) r0=AA, r1=55
("ping" if the drive is connected)
Read Drive Version:
ident: 83 00 00 00 00 00 00. (12) gives "MATSHITAn.nn"
(n.nn = 2.01, 2.11., 3.00, ...)
seek: 01 00 ll-bb-aa 00 00. (0)
seek: 01 02 mm-ss-ff 00 00. (0)
Read Data:
read: 02 xx-xx-xx nn-nn fl. (??) read nn-nn blocks of 2048 bytes,
starting at block xx-xx-xx
fl=0: "lba"-, =2:"msf-bcd"-coded xx-xx-xx
Read XA-Data:
read: 03 xx-xx-xx nn-nn fl. (??) read nn-nn blocks of 2340 bytes,
starting at block xx-xx-xx
fl=0: "lba"-, =2:"msf-bcd"-coded xx-xx-xx
Read SUB_Q:
89 fl 00 00 00 00 00. (13) r0: audio status, r4-r7: lba/msf,
fl=0: "lba", fl=2: "msf"
Read Disc Code:
8a 00 00 00 00 00 00. (14) possibly extended "check condition"-info
Read Header:
04 00 ll-bb-aa 00 00. (0) 4 bytes response with "check2"
04 02 mm-ss-ff 00 00. (0) 4 bytes response with "check2"
Spin Up:
05 00 ll-bb-aa 00 00. (0) possibly implies a "seek"
Spin Down:
06 ...
07 00 ll-bb-aa 00 00. (2) 2 bytes response with "check2"
07 02 mm-ss-ff 00 00. (2) 2 bytes response with "check2"
Read UPC:
08 00 ll-bb-aa 00 00. (16)
08 02 mm-ss-ff 00 00. (16)
Read ISRC:
09 00 ll-bb-aa 00 00. (15) 15 bytes response with "check2"
09 02 mm-ss-ff 00 00. (15) 15 bytes response with "check2"
Set XA Parameter:
86 ...
Read XA Parameter:
87 ...
* highest allowed drive number (MINOR+1)
* currently only one controller, maybe later up to 4
#define NR_SBPCD 4
* we try to never disable interrupts - seems to work
#define SBPCD_DIS_IRQ 0
* we don't use the IRQ line - leave it free for the sound driver
#define SBPCD_USE_IRQ 0
* you can set the interrupt number of your interface board here:
* It is not used at this time. No need to set it correctly.
#define SBPCD_INTR_NR 7
* "write byte to port"
#define OUT(x,y) outb(y,x)
#define MIXER_CD_Volume 0x28
* use "REP INSB" for strobing the data in:
#define READ_DATA(port, buf, nr) \
__asm__("cld;rep;insb": :"d" (port),"D" (buf),"c" (nr):"cx","dx","di")
#define READ_DATA(port, buf, nr) insb(port, buf, nr)
* to fork and execute a function after some elapsed time:
* one "jifs" unit is 10 msec.
#define SET_TIMER(func, jifs) \
((timer_table[SBPCD_TIMER].expires = jiffies + jifs), \
(timer_table[SBPCD_TIMER].fn = func), \
(timer_active |= 1<<SBPCD_TIMER))
#define CLEAR_TIMER timer_active &= ~(1<<SBPCD_TIMER)
* Creative Labs Programmers did this:
#define MAX_TRACKS 120 /* why more than 99? */
* To make conversions easier (machine dependent!)
typedef union _msf
u_int n;
u_char c[4];
typedef union _blk
u_int n;
u_char c[4];