blob: 6140fd9136c1388d196417f9039cf8b71209c688 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Python GIT interface
__copyright__ = """
Copyright (C) 2005, Catalin Marinas <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import sys, os, re, gitmergeonefile
from shutil import copyfile
from stgit.exception import *
from stgit import basedir
from stgit.utils import *
from stgit.out import *
from import *
from stgit.config import config
# git exception class
class GitException(StgException):
# When a subprocess has a problem, we want the exception to be a
# subclass of GitException.
class GitRunException(GitException):
class GRun(Run):
exc = GitRunException
def __init__(self, *cmd):
"""Initialise the Run object and insert the 'git' command name.
Run.__init__(self, 'git', *cmd)
# Classes
class Person:
"""An author, committer, etc."""
def __init__(self, name = None, email = None, date = '',
desc = None): = = = None
if name or email or date:
assert not desc = name = email = date
elif desc:
assert not (name or email or date)
def parse_desc(s):
m = re.match(r'^(.+)<(.+)>(.*)$', s)
assert m
return [x.strip() or None for x in m.groups()],, = parse_desc(desc)
def set_name(self, val):
if val: = val
def set_email(self, val):
if val: = val
def set_date(self, val):
if val: = val
def __str__(self):
if and
return '%s <%s>' % (,
raise GitException, 'not enough identity data'
class Commit:
"""Handle the commit objects
def __init__(self, id_hash):
self.__id_hash = id_hash
lines = GRun('cat-file', 'commit', id_hash).output_lines()
for i in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
if not line:
break # we've seen all the header fields
key, val = line.split(' ', 1)
if key == 'tree':
self.__tree = val
elif key == 'author':
self.__author = val
elif key == 'committer':
self.__committer = val
pass # ignore other headers
self.__log = '\n'.join(lines[i+1:])
def get_id_hash(self):
return self.__id_hash
def get_tree(self):
return self.__tree
def get_parent(self):
parents = self.get_parents()
if parents:
return parents[0]
return None
def get_parents(self):
return GRun('rev-list', '--parents', '--max-count=1', self.__id_hash
def get_author(self):
return self.__author
def get_committer(self):
return self.__committer
def get_log(self):
return self.__log
def __str__(self):
return self.get_id_hash()
# dictionary of Commit objects, used to avoid multiple calls to git
__commits = dict()
# Functions
def get_commit(id_hash):
"""Commit objects factory. Save/look-up them in the __commits
global __commits
if id_hash in __commits:
return __commits[id_hash]
commit = Commit(id_hash)
__commits[id_hash] = commit
return commit
def get_conflicts():
"""Return the list of file conflicts
conflicts_file = os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'conflicts')
if os.path.isfile(conflicts_file):
f = file(conflicts_file)
names = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
return names
return None
def exclude_files():
files = [os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'info', 'exclude')]
user_exclude = config.get('core.excludesfile')
if user_exclude:
return files
def ls_files(files, tree = 'HEAD', full_name = True):
"""Return the files known to GIT or raise an error otherwise. It also
converts the file to the full path relative the the .git directory.
if not files:
return []
args = []
if tree:
args.append('--with-tree=%s' % tree)
if full_name:
return GRun('ls-files', '--error-unmatch', *args).output_lines()
except GitRunException:
# just hide the details of the 'git ls-files' command we use
raise GitException, \
'Some of the given paths are either missing or not known to GIT'
def tree_status(files = None, tree_id = 'HEAD', unknown = False,
noexclude = True, verbose = False, diff_flags = []):
"""Get the status of all changed files, or of a selected set of
files. Returns a list of pairs - (status, filename).
If 'not files', it will check all files, and optionally all
unknown files. If 'files' is a list, it will only check the files
in the list.
assert not files or not unknown
if verbose:
out.start('Checking for changes in the working directory')
if files is None:
files = []
cache_files = []
# unknown files
if unknown:
cmd = ['ls-files', '-z', '--others', '--directory',
if not noexclude:
cmd += ['--exclude=%s' % s for s in
['*.[ao]', '*.pyc', '.*', '*~', '#*', 'TAGS', 'tags']]
cmd += ['--exclude-per-directory=.gitignore']
cmd += ['--exclude-from=%s' % fn
for fn in exclude_files()
if os.path.exists(fn)]
lines = GRun(*cmd).raw_output().split('\0')
cache_files += [('?', line) for line in lines if line]
# conflicted files
conflicts = get_conflicts()
if not conflicts:
conflicts = []
cache_files += [('C', filename) for filename in conflicts
if not files or filename in files]
reported_files = set(conflicts)
files_left = [f for f in files if f not in reported_files]
# files in the index. Only execute this code if no files were
# specified when calling the function (i.e. report all files) or
# files were specified but already found in the previous step
if not files or files_left:
args = diff_flags + [tree_id]
if files_left:
args += ['--'] + files_left
for line in GRun('diff-index', *args).output_lines():
fs = tuple(line.rstrip().split(' ',4)[-1].split('\t',1))
# the condition is needed in case files is emtpy and
# diff-index lists those already reported
if fs[1] not in reported_files:
files_left = [f for f in files if f not in reported_files]
# files in the index but changed on (or removed from) disk. Only
# execute this code if no files were specified when calling the
# function (i.e. report all files) or files were specified but
# already found in the previous step
if not files or files_left:
args = list(diff_flags)
if files_left:
args += ['--'] + files_left
for line in GRun('diff-files', *args).output_lines():
fs = tuple(line.rstrip().split(' ',4)[-1].split('\t',1))
# the condition is needed in case files is empty and
# diff-files lists those already reported
if fs[1] not in reported_files:
if verbose:
return cache_files
def local_changes(verbose = True):
"""Return true if there are local changes in the tree
return len(tree_status(verbose = verbose)) != 0
def get_heads():
heads = []
hr = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-f]{40} refs/heads/(.+)$')
for line in GRun('show-ref', '--heads').output_lines():
m = hr.match(line)
return heads
# HEAD value cached
__head = None
def get_head():
"""Verifies the HEAD and returns the SHA1 id that represents it
global __head
if not __head:
__head = rev_parse('HEAD')
return __head
class DetachedHeadException(GitException):
def __init__(self):
GitException.__init__(self, 'Not on any branch')
def get_head_file():
"""Return the name of the file pointed to by the HEAD symref.
Throw an exception if HEAD is detached."""
return strip_prefix(
'refs/heads/', GRun('symbolic-ref', '-q', 'HEAD'
except GitRunException:
raise DetachedHeadException()
def set_head_file(ref):
"""Resets HEAD to point to a new ref
# head cache flushing is needed since we might have a different value
# in the new head
GRun('symbolic-ref', 'HEAD', 'refs/heads/%s' % ref).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'Could not set head to "%s"' % ref
def set_ref(ref, val):
"""Point ref at a new commit object."""
GRun('update-ref', ref, val).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'Could not update %s to "%s".' % (ref, val)
def set_branch(branch, val):
set_ref('refs/heads/%s' % branch, val)
def __set_head(val):
"""Sets the HEAD value
global __head
if not __head or __head != val:
set_ref('HEAD', val)
__head = val
# only allow SHA1 hashes
assert(len(__head) == 40)
def __clear_head_cache():
"""Sets the __head to None so that a re-read is forced
global __head
__head = None
def refresh_index():
"""Refresh index with stat() information from the working directory.
GRun('update-index', '-q', '--unmerged', '--refresh').run()
def rev_parse(git_id):
"""Parse the string and return a verified SHA1 id
return GRun('rev-parse', '--verify', git_id
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'Unknown revision: %s' % git_id
def ref_exists(ref):
return True
except GitException:
return False
def branch_exists(branch):
return ref_exists('refs/heads/%s' % branch)
def create_branch(new_branch, tree_id = None):
"""Create a new branch in the git repository
if branch_exists(new_branch):
raise GitException, 'Branch "%s" already exists' % new_branch
current_head_file = get_head_file()
current_head = get_head()
# a checkout isn't needed if new branch points to the current head
if tree_id:
except GitException:
# Tree switching failed. Revert the head file
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'MERGE_HEAD')):
os.remove(os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'MERGE_HEAD'))
def switch_branch(new_branch):
"""Switch to a git branch
global __head
if not branch_exists(new_branch):
raise GitException, 'Branch "%s" does not exist' % new_branch
tree_id = rev_parse('refs/heads/%s^{commit}' % new_branch)
if tree_id != get_head():
GRun('read-tree', '-u', '-m', get_head(), tree_id).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'read-tree failed (local changes maybe?)'
__head = tree_id
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'MERGE_HEAD')):
os.remove(os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'MERGE_HEAD'))
def delete_ref(ref):
if not ref_exists(ref):
raise GitException, '%s does not exist' % ref
sha1 = GRun('show-ref', '-s', ref).output_one_line()
GRun('update-ref', '-d', ref, sha1).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'Failed to delete ref %s' % ref
def delete_branch(name):
delete_ref('refs/heads/%s' % name)
def rename_ref(from_ref, to_ref):
if not ref_exists(from_ref):
raise GitException, '"%s" does not exist' % from_ref
if ref_exists(to_ref):
raise GitException, '"%s" already exists' % to_ref
sha1 = GRun('show-ref', '-s', from_ref).output_one_line()
GRun('update-ref', to_ref, sha1, '0'*40).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'Failed to create new ref %s' % to_ref
GRun('update-ref', '-d', from_ref, sha1).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'Failed to delete ref %s' % from_ref
def rename_branch(from_name, to_name):
"""Rename a git branch."""
rename_ref('refs/heads/%s' % from_name, 'refs/heads/%s' % to_name)
if get_head_file() == from_name:
except DetachedHeadException:
pass # detached HEAD, so the renamee can't be the current branch
reflog_dir = os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'logs', 'refs', 'heads')
if os.path.exists(reflog_dir) \
and os.path.exists(os.path.join(reflog_dir, from_name)):
rename(reflog_dir, from_name, to_name)
def add(names):
"""Add the files or recursively add the directory contents
# generate the file list
files = []
for i in names:
if not os.path.exists(i):
raise GitException, 'Unknown file or directory: %s' % i
if os.path.isdir(i):
# recursive search. We only add files
for root, dirs, local_files in os.walk(i):
for name in [os.path.join(root, f) for f in local_files]:
if os.path.isfile(name):
elif os.path.isfile(i):
raise GitException, '%s is not a file or directory' % i
if files:
GRun('update-index', '--add', '--').xargs(files)
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'Unable to add file'
def __copy_single(source, target, target2=''):
"""Copy file or dir named 'source' to name target+target2"""
# "source" (file or dir) must match one or more git-controlled file
realfiles = GRun('ls-files', source).output_lines()
if len(realfiles) == 0:
raise GitException, '"%s" matches no git-controled files' % source
if os.path.isdir(source):
# physically copy the files, and record them to add them in one run
newfiles = []
prefix_regexp = re.compile(re_string)
for f in [f.strip() for f in realfiles]:
m = prefix_regexp.match(f)
if not m:
raise Exception, '"%s" does not match "%s"' % (f, re_string)
newname = target+target2+'/'
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(newname)):
copyfile(f, newname)
else: # files, symlinks, ...
newname = target+target2
copyfile(source, newname)
def copy(filespecs, target):
if os.path.isdir(target):
# target is a directory: copy each entry on the command line,
# with the same name, into the target
target = target.rstrip('/')
# first, check that none of the children of the target
# matching the command line aleady exist
for filespec in filespecs:
entry = target+ '/' + os.path.basename(filespec.rstrip('/'))
if os.path.exists(entry):
raise GitException, 'Target "%s" already exists' % entry
for filespec in filespecs:
filespec = filespec.rstrip('/')
basename = '/' + os.path.basename(filespec)
__copy_single(filespec, target, basename)
elif os.path.exists(target):
raise GitException, 'Target "%s" exists but is not a directory' % target
elif len(filespecs) != 1:
raise GitException, 'Cannot copy more than one file to non-directory'
# at this point: len(filespecs)==1 and target does not exist
# check target directory
targetdir = os.path.dirname(target)
if targetdir != '' and not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
raise GitException, 'Target directory "%s" does not exist' % targetdir
__copy_single(filespecs[0].rstrip('/'), target)
def rm(files, force = False):
"""Remove a file from the repository
if not force:
for f in files:
if os.path.exists(f):
raise GitException, '%s exists. Remove it first' %f
if files:
GRun('update-index', '--remove', '--').xargs(files)
if files:
GRun('update-index', '--force-remove', '--').xargs(files)
# Persons caching
__user = None
__author = None
__committer = None
def user():
"""Return the user information.
global __user
if not __user:
__user = Person(name, email)
return __user;
def author():
"""Return the author information.
global __author
if not __author:
# the environment variables take priority over config
date = os.environ['GIT_AUTHOR_DATE']
except KeyError:
date = ''
__author = Person(os.environ['GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'],
except KeyError:
__author = user()
return __author
def committer():
"""Return the author information.
global __committer
if not __committer:
# the environment variables take priority over config
date = os.environ['GIT_COMMITTER_DATE']
except KeyError:
date = ''
__committer = Person(os.environ['GIT_COMMITTER_NAME'],
except KeyError:
__committer = user()
return __committer
def update_cache(files = None, force = False):
"""Update the cache information for the given files
cache_files = tree_status(files, verbose = False)
# everything is up-to-date
if len(cache_files) == 0:
return False
# check for unresolved conflicts
if not force and [x for x in cache_files
if x[0] not in ['M', 'N', 'A', 'D']]:
raise GitException, 'Updating cache failed: unresolved conflicts'
# update the cache
add_files = [x[1] for x in cache_files if x[0] in ['N', 'A']]
rm_files = [x[1] for x in cache_files if x[0] in ['D']]
m_files = [x[1] for x in cache_files if x[0] in ['M']]
GRun('update-index', '--add', '--').xargs(add_files)
GRun('update-index', '--force-remove', '--').xargs(rm_files)
GRun('update-index', '--').xargs(m_files)
return True
def commit(message, files = None, parents = None, allowempty = False,
cache_update = True, tree_id = None, set_head = False,
author_name = None, author_email = None, author_date = None,
committer_name = None, committer_email = None):
"""Commit the current tree to repository
if not parents:
parents = []
# Get the tree status
if cache_update and parents != []:
changes = update_cache(files)
if not changes and not allowempty:
raise GitException, 'No changes to commit'
# get the commit message
if not message:
message = '\n'
elif message[-1:] != '\n':
message += '\n'
# write the index to repository
if tree_id == None:
tree_id = GRun('write-tree').output_one_line()
set_head = True
# the commit
env = {}
if author_name:
env['GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'] = author_name
if author_email:
env['GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'] = author_email
if author_date:
env['GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'] = author_date
if committer_name:
env['GIT_COMMITTER_NAME'] = committer_name
if committer_email:
env['GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL'] = committer_email
commit_id = GRun('commit-tree', tree_id,
*sum([['-p', p] for p in parents], [])
if set_head:
return commit_id
def apply_diff(rev1, rev2, check_index = True, files = None):
"""Apply the diff between rev1 and rev2 onto the current
index. This function doesn't need to raise an exception since it
is only used for fast-pushing a patch. If this operation fails,
the pushing would fall back to the three-way merge.
if check_index:
index_opt = ['--index']
index_opt = []
if not files:
files = []
diff_str = diff(files, rev1, rev2)
if diff_str:
GRun('apply', *index_opt).raw_input(
except GitRunException:
return False
return True
def merge(base, head1, head2, recursive = False):
"""Perform a 3-way merge between base, head1 and head2 into the
local tree
err_output = None
if recursive:
# this operation tracks renames but it is slower (used in
# general when pushing or picking patches)
# discard output to mask the verbose prints of the tool
GRun('merge-recursive', base, '--', head1, head2
except GitRunException, ex:
err_output = str(ex)
# the fast case where we don't track renames (used when the
# distance between base and heads is small, i.e. folding or
# synchronising patches)
GRun('read-tree', '-u', '-m', '--aggressive',
base, head1, head2).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'read-tree failed (local changes maybe?)'
# check the index for unmerged entries
files = {}
stages_re = re.compile('^([0-7]+) ([0-9a-f]{40}) ([1-3])\t(.*)$', re.S)
for line in GRun('ls-files', '--unmerged', '--stage', '-z'
if not line:
mode, hash, stage, path = stages_re.findall(line)[0]
if not path in files:
files[path] = {}
files[path]['1'] = ('', '')
files[path]['2'] = ('', '')
files[path]['3'] = ('', '')
files[path][stage] = (mode, hash)
if err_output and not files:
# if no unmerged files, there was probably a different type of
# error and we have to abort the merge
raise GitException, err_output
# merge the unmerged files
errors = False
for path in files:
# remove additional files that might be generated for some
# newer versions of GIT
for suffix in [base, head1, head2]:
if not suffix:
fname = path + '~' + suffix
if os.path.exists(fname):
stages = files[path]
if gitmergeonefile.merge(stages['1'][1], stages['2'][1],
stages['3'][1], path, stages['1'][0],
stages['2'][0], stages['3'][0]) != 0:
errors = True
if errors:
raise GitException, 'GIT index merging failed (possible conflicts)'
def diff(files = None, rev1 = 'HEAD', rev2 = None, diff_flags = [],
binary = True):
"""Show the diff between rev1 and rev2
if not files:
files = []
if binary and '--binary' not in diff_flags:
diff_flags = diff_flags + ['--binary']
if rev1 and rev2:
return GRun('diff-tree', '-p',
*(diff_flags + [rev1, rev2, '--'] + files)).raw_output()
elif rev1 or rev2:
if rev2:
return GRun('diff-index', '-p', '-R',
*(diff_flags + [rev2, '--'] + files)).raw_output()
return GRun('diff-index', '-p',
*(diff_flags + [rev1, '--'] + files)).raw_output()
return ''
# TODO: take another parameter representing a diff string as we
# usually invoke git.diff() form the calling functions
def diffstat(files = None, rev1 = 'HEAD', rev2 = None):
"""Return the diffstat between rev1 and rev2."""
return GRun('apply', '--stat', '--summary'
).raw_input(diff(files, rev1, rev2)).raw_output()
def files(rev1, rev2, diff_flags = []):
"""Return the files modified between rev1 and rev2
result = []
for line in GRun('diff-tree', *(diff_flags + ['-r', rev1, rev2])
result.append('%s %s' % tuple(line.split(' ', 4)[-1].split('\t', 1)))
return '\n'.join(result)
def barefiles(rev1, rev2):
"""Return the files modified between rev1 and rev2, without status info
result = []
for line in GRun('diff-tree', '-r', rev1, rev2).output_lines():
result.append(line.split(' ', 4)[-1].split('\t', 1)[-1])
return '\n'.join(result)
def pretty_commit(commit_id = 'HEAD', flags = []):
"""Return a given commit (log + diff)
return GRun('show', *(flags + [commit_id])).raw_output()
def checkout(files = None, tree_id = None, force = False):
"""Check out the given or all files
if tree_id:
GRun('read-tree', '--reset', tree_id).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'Failed "git read-tree" --reset %s' % tree_id
cmd = ['checkout-index', '-q', '-u']
if force:
if files:
GRun(*(cmd + ['--'])).xargs(files)
GRun(*(cmd + ['-a'])).run()
def switch(tree_id, keep = False):
"""Switch the tree to the given id
if keep:
# only update the index while keeping the local changes
GRun('read-tree', tree_id).run()
GRun('read-tree', '-u', '-m', get_head(), tree_id).run()
except GitRunException:
raise GitException, 'read-tree failed (local changes maybe?)'
def reset(files = None, tree_id = None, check_out = True):
"""Revert the tree changes relative to the given tree_id. It removes
any local changes
if not tree_id:
tree_id = get_head()
if check_out:
cache_files = tree_status(files, tree_id)
# files which were added but need to be removed
rm_files = [x[1] for x in cache_files if x[0] in ['A']]
checkout(files, tree_id, True)
# checkout doesn't remove files
map(os.remove, rm_files)
# if the reset refers to the whole tree, switch the HEAD as well
if not files:
def fetch(repository = 'origin', refspec = None):
"""Fetches changes from the remote repository, using 'git fetch'
by default.
# we update the HEAD
args = [repository]
if refspec:
command = config.get('branch.%s.stgit.fetchcmd' % get_head_file()) or \
Run(*(command.split() + args)).run()
def pull(repository = 'origin', refspec = None):
"""Fetches changes from the remote repository, using 'git pull'
by default.
# we update the HEAD
args = [repository]
if refspec:
command = config.get('branch.%s.stgit.pullcmd' % get_head_file()) or \
Run(*(command.split() + args)).run()
def rebase(tree_id = None):
"""Rebase the current tree to the give tree_id. The tree_id
argument may be something other than a GIT id if an external
command is invoked.
command = config.get('branch.%s.stgit.rebasecmd' % get_head_file()) \
or config.get('stgit.rebasecmd')
if tree_id:
args = [tree_id]
elif command:
args = []
raise GitException, 'Default rebasing requires a commit id'
if command:
# clear the HEAD cache as the custom rebase command will update it
Run(*(command.split() + args)).run()
# default rebasing
reset(tree_id = tree_id)
def repack():
"""Repack all objects into a single pack
GRun('repack', '-a', '-d', '-f').run()
def apply_patch(filename = None, diff = None, base = None,
fail_dump = True):
"""Apply a patch onto the current or given index. There must not
be any local changes in the tree, otherwise the command fails
if diff is None:
if filename:
f = file(filename)
f = sys.stdin
diff =
if filename:
if base:
orig_head = get_head()
GRun('apply', '--index').raw_input(diff).no_output()
except GitRunException:
if base:
if fail_dump:
# write the failed diff to a file
f = file('.stgit-failed.patch', 'w+')
out.warn('Diff written to the .stgit-failed.patch file')
if base:
top = commit(message = 'temporary commit used for applying a patch',
parents = [base])
merge(base, orig_head, top)
def clone(repository, local_dir):
"""Clone a remote repository. At the moment, just use the
'git clone' script
GRun('clone', repository, local_dir).run()
def modifying_revs(files, base_rev, head_rev):
"""Return the revisions from the list modifying the given files."""
return GRun('rev-list', '%s..%s' % (base_rev, head_rev), '--', *files
def refspec_localpart(refspec):
m = re.match('^[^:]*:([^:]*)$', refspec)
if m:
raise GitException, 'Cannot parse refspec "%s"' % line
def refspec_remotepart(refspec):
m = re.match('^([^:]*):[^:]*$', refspec)
if m:
raise GitException, 'Cannot parse refspec "%s"' % line
def __remotes_from_config():
return config.sections_matching(r'remote\.(.*)\.url')
def __remotes_from_dir(dir):
d = os.path.join(basedir.get(), dir)
if os.path.exists(d):
return os.listdir(d)
return []
def remotes_list():
"""Return the list of remotes in the repository
return (set(__remotes_from_config())
| set(__remotes_from_dir('remotes'))
| set(__remotes_from_dir('branches')))
def remotes_local_branches(remote):
"""Returns the list of local branches fetched from given remote
branches = []
if remote in __remotes_from_config():
for line in config.getall('remote.%s.fetch' % remote):
elif remote in __remotes_from_dir('remotes'):
stream = open(os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'remotes', remote), 'r')
for line in stream:
# Only consider Pull lines
m = re.match('^Pull: (.*)\n$', line)
if m:
elif remote in __remotes_from_dir('branches'):
# old-style branches only declare one branch
raise GitException, 'Unknown remote "%s"' % remote
return branches
def identify_remote(branchname):
"""Return the name for the remote to pull the given branchname
from, or None if we believe it is a local branch.
for remote in remotes_list():
if branchname in remotes_local_branches(remote):
return remote
# if we get here we've found nothing, the branch is a local one
return None
def fetch_head():
"""Return the git id for the tip of the parent branch as left by
'git fetch'.
stream = open(os.path.join(basedir.get(), 'FETCH_HEAD'), "r")
for line in stream:
# Only consider lines not tagged not-for-merge
m = re.match('^([^\t]*)\t\t', line)
if m:
if fetch_head:
raise GitException, 'StGit does not support multiple FETCH_HEAD'
if not fetch_head:
out.warn('No for-merge remote head found in FETCH_HEAD')
# here we are sure to have a single fetch_head
return fetch_head
def all_refs():
"""Return a list of all refs in the current repository.
return [line.split()[1] for line in GRun('show-ref').output_lines()]