blob: 4e5259810f9e5bae592ea66a93f26680ec587b38 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Export command
__copyright__ = """
Copyright (C) 2005, Catalin Marinas <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import sys, os
from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
from stgit.commands.common import *
from stgit.utils import *
from stgit.out import *
from stgit import stack, git, templates
help = 'exports patches to a directory'
usage = """%prog [options] [<patch1>] [<patch2>] [<patch3>..<patch4>]
Export a range of applied patches to a given directory (defaults to
'patches-<branch>') in a standard unified GNU diff format. A template
file (defaulting to '.git/patchexport.tmpl' or
'~/.stgit/templates/patchexport.tmpl' or
'/usr/share/stgit/templates/patchexport.tmpl') can be used for the
patch format. The following variables are supported in the template
%(description)s - patch description
%(shortdescr)s - the first line of the patch description
%(longdescr)s - the rest of the patch description, after the first line
%(diffstat)s - the diff statistics
%(authname)s - author's name
%(authemail)s - author's e-mail
%(authdate)s - patch creation date
%(commname)s - committer's name
%(commemail)s - committer's e-mail
directory = DirectoryHasRepository()
options = [make_option('-d', '--dir',
help = 'export patches to DIR instead of the default'),
make_option('-p', '--patch',
help = 'append .patch to the patch names',
action = 'store_true'),
make_option('-e', '--extension',
help = 'append .EXTENSION to the patch names'),
make_option('-n', '--numbered',
help = 'prefix the patch names with order numbers',
action = 'store_true'),
make_option('-t', '--template', metavar = 'FILE',
help = 'Use FILE as a template'),
make_option('-b', '--branch',
help = 'use BRANCH instead of the default one'),
make_option('-O', '--diff-opts',
help = 'options to pass to git-diff'),
make_option('-s', '--stdout',
help = 'dump the patches to the standard output',
action = 'store_true')]
def func(parser, options, args):
"""Export a range of patches.
if options.dir:
dirname = options.dir
dirname = 'patches-%s' % crt_series.get_name()
if not options.branch and git.local_changes():
out.warn('Local changes in the tree;'
' you might want to commit them first')
if not options.stdout:
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
series = file(os.path.join(dirname, 'series'), 'w+')
if options.diff_opts:
diff_flags = options.diff_opts.split()
diff_flags = []
applied = crt_series.get_applied()
unapplied = crt_series.get_unapplied()
if len(args) != 0:
patches = parse_patches(args, applied + unapplied, len(applied))
patches = applied
num = len(patches)
if num == 0:
raise CmdException, 'No patches applied'
zpadding = len(str(num))
if zpadding < 2:
zpadding = 2
# get the template
if options.template:
tmpl = file(options.template).read()
tmpl = templates.get_template('patchexport.tmpl')
if not tmpl:
tmpl = ''
# note the base commit for this series
if not options.stdout:
base_commit = crt_series.get_patch(patches[0]).get_bottom()
print >> series, '# This series applies on GIT commit %s' % base_commit
patch_no = 1;
for p in patches:
pname = p
if options.patch:
pname = '%s.patch' % pname
elif options.extension:
pname = '%s.%s' % (pname, options.extension)
if options.numbered:
pname = '%s-%s' % (str(patch_no).zfill(zpadding), pname)
pfile = os.path.join(dirname, pname)
if not options.stdout:
print >> series, pname
# get the patch description
patch = crt_series.get_patch(p)
descr = patch.get_description().strip()
descr_lines = descr.split('\n')
short_descr = descr_lines[0].rstrip()
long_descr = reduce(lambda x, y: x + '\n' + y,
descr_lines[1:], '').strip()
tmpl_dict = {'description': patch.get_description().rstrip(),
'shortdescr': short_descr,
'longdescr': long_descr,
'diffstat': git.diffstat(rev1 = patch.get_bottom(),
rev2 = patch.get_top()),
'authname': patch.get_authname(),
'authemail': patch.get_authemail(),
'authdate': patch.get_authdate(),
'commname': patch.get_commname(),
'commemail': patch.get_commemail()}
for key in tmpl_dict:
if not tmpl_dict[key]:
tmpl_dict[key] = ''
descr = tmpl % tmpl_dict
except KeyError, err:
raise CmdException, 'Unknown patch template variable: %s' \
% err
except TypeError:
raise CmdException, 'Only "%(name)s" variables are ' \
'supported in the patch template'
if options.stdout:
f = sys.stdout
f = open(pfile, 'w+')
if options.stdout and num > 1:
print '-'*79
print patch.get_name()
print '-'*79
f.write(git.diff(rev1 = patch.get_bottom(),
rev2 = patch.get_top(),
diff_flags = diff_flags))
if not options.stdout:
patch_no += 1
if not options.stdout: