Changes from version v2.5.2: (where 2.6 was forked)

Difference in output:

 o  Show actual event paths instead of glob when starting

 o  Simplify status output at end of trace

 o  Sort events in trace-cmd profile

 o  Show instance names in trace-cmd stat

Options added:

 o  Implented the -g option for trace-cmd profile on custom events

 o  Add -G option to make irqs global events in trace-cmd profile

 o  Add -B and -t options to trace-cmd extract to handle instances

 o  Add -a option for all instances in trace-cmd extract

 o  Add -a option for all instances for trace-cmd stop, reset, and restart

 o  Add --debug to trace-cmd report that shows markup of the trace.dat file.

 o  Add --by-comm to group tasks together by their names in trace-cmd profile.


 o  Added plugin for tlb_flush event

 o  Plugins are now allowed to have options


 o  Have trace-cmd hist work with instances

And other various fixes that are not user visible unless they hit the bug
that was fixed.
trace-cmd: Version 2.6
1 file changed